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Ketevan Kupatadze presents at ISSoTL 2018

November 1, 2018

Kupatadze, senior lecturer in Spanish, in collaboration with a colleague from Aarhus University in Denmark, delivered a presentation at ISSoTL in Norway titled “Inclusivity in Academia: Perspectives, Experiences and Roles of International Teaching Faculty”

Windham gives invited talk at Notre Dame on grammar and literacy

October 16, 2018

The title of the Oct. 10 talk by Scott Windham, associate professor of German in the Department of World Languages and Cultures, was “Why we (still) need grammar instruction but (still) need to do it better: Grammar instruction and literacy in the L2 classroom.”

VanKrevelen presents at largest North American statistics conference

August 13, 2018

Ryne VanKrevelen, lecturer in statistics, presented joint research on "Efficacy of 'The Islands'-based Projects Compared to Student-Collected Data Projects in Introductory Statistics Courses" at the 2018 Joint Statistical Meetings in Vancouver, BC, Canada.