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Edmund Morris delivers Baird Pulitzer Prize Lecture
October 7, 2005
Presidential biographer Edmund Morris delivered the Baird Pulitzer Prize Lecture during Fall Convocation Oct. 6, noting the similarities between the two presidents he has written about, Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan. Details...
Fall Convocation, featuring Edmund Morris, Oct. 6
October 7, 2005
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Edmund Morris, whose biographies of Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan have earned critical acclaim, will deliver the Baird Pulitzer Prize Lecture during Fall Convocation at 6 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 6 in the Koury Center, located on campus. Details...
Digital art display open through Oct. 27
October 4, 2005
Gen. Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.), Ben Bradlee highlight 2005-06 speakers
August 4, 2005
Former U.S. Secretary of State General Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.) and Ben Bradlee, vice president and former executive editor of The Washington Post, are among the speakers who will visit the Elon University campus in 2005-06. Details...