Fostering a Supportive Course Community

Creating a supportive course environment is more essential than ever during disruptions. Students who experience themselves as part of a cohesive community exchange support and camaraderie, motivating each other to stay engaged regardless of where they may be or how conditions may change.

CATL’s handout on Fostering Community and Belonging can be helpful in thinking about the arc of community development across the semester. The Community of Inquiry Framework (Garrison, 2006), described on the Building Virtual Community page, provides a useful structure for thinking about ways to foster social, teaching, and cognitive presence that come together to build community, especially in online or hybrid courses. The Maintaining Course Community page includes additional concrete suggestions for building and maintaining a sense of camaraderie and mutual support, which can help to sustain motivation and engagement during disruptions. Finally, the Collaborative Learning page details specific considerations for helping collaborative assignments and projects continue moving forward effectively.