What if I don’t know how to garden?

Come learn! Lack of experience should not prevent anyone from getting involved and trying something new. The best way to learn is to work with others and try it out. Most of the students in the Garden Studio class have never set foot in a garden for an extended period of time before and no mass die-offs have happened yet. Students, teachers and community members are always stopping by if you have a question or want to see how it’s done.

What happens to all of the vegetables and fruit grown and harvested at the garden?

The produce is primarily for volunteers, interns and students who work in the garden, as well as for our campus friends. Excess food production is given to Elon Campus Kitchen and to local organizations and food banks. Spend some time in the garden helping us out!

When can I visit the garden?

Whenever you like! The Garden Studio class meets at the garden every Tuesday and Thursday from 5-6, so if you show up around then, you’ll find a small army of people willing to help you get started! When the sun goes down, it gets a bit harder to garden than it is during the day, but bring a blanket and check out the stars. Night weeding is also super romantic.

Garden workdays are announced on the Community Garden Facebook group, so please feel free to join this, even if you’re not in the class. If you also want to be on a more specific e-mail list for the class, where Professor Strickland emails out tasks and workdays, e-mail the garden manager and let him/her know!

Can I bring personal compostable items to the garden to contribute to the composting process?

Absolutely. The black bins near the composting section are available for student use. Food waste can be composted here. Be sure to check the “Do’s” and “Don’ts” lists provided in the Compost 101 page before doing so.

Can I get involved with the community garden in any other way?

Yes! Sometimes we need help moving things from Loy Farm (down the road) to the garden. The student garden manager is in charge of running workdays both at the garden and Loy Farm, so if you don’t mind where you work, as long as you get some dirt under your finger nails, both are great locations to work and learn. The Garden also runs various events during the school year and summer that are posted on the website. So be on the lookout! The Garden and Farm are always in need of interns, and this is great experience and a looks great on a resume. Several garden alums and former interns are now employed on farms and with local food organizations.

How can I donate?

If you would like to donate new or used tools, seeds, plants, etc. please contact Michael Strickland at mstrickl@elon.edu.

What should I wear when I garden?

  • Clothes that can get dirty
  • Comfortable, close-toed shoes
  • Pants or shorts (weather appropriate)
  • Sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses on sunny days
  • Bugspray on days ending in “y”

Is there a bathroom onsite?

Yes, there is a bathroom located inside of Powell House, which is located next to the garden.

What do I need to bring when I garden?

It depends on what seasons it is, but we recommend that you bring a bottle of water. Make sure you are dressed appropriately for gardening and the weather conditions. Plenty of garden tools, gloves, etc. are provided in the tool shed.

How will I know what to do when I get there?

When you arrive at the garden, there will be a student leader there to direct and delegate any volunteers to necessary tasks.