College Databases To Check Out If You…

This list is not a comprehensive list. It is meant only to help you get started in your college search. These schools are listed because other Elon Academy scholars have identified these schools as possibilities for them. We encourage you to investigate other colleges not on this list to ensure that you find the right college for you.

The ACT and SAT scores listed for each college are average scores for admitted students. We list them here to give you a sense of whether or not you would be likely to be considered for admission. However, test scores are only one part of the evaluation process. Colleges and universities accept students who have both lower and higher test scores. Additionally, “test optional” schools do not require you to submit test scores to be considered for admission. These schools may be a good choice for you if your test scores do not reflect your academic potential.

… Need Significant Financial Assistance to Attend College and/or Are a First Generation College Student

College for Every Student: CFES focuses on developing school-college partnerships to assist underserved students in going to college. They maintain a list of their college partners – colleges that are committed in particular to admitting and supporting first generation college students.

CollegePoint: Virtual advising for low-income, high-achieving students.

… Struggle with Standardized Testing or Maintaining a High GPA

Fair Test “Test Optional” Colleges Database: Some schools do not require SAT or ACT scores for admission. This database lists over 800 such colleges.

… Are an International Student

College Greenlight

SACAC: Post-secondary Policy for Undocumented Students