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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the fringe benefit rates?
Faculty (academic year): 25.6%
Faculty (summer pay): 7.65%
Administrative Staff: 26.4%
What is the indirect cost rate?
58.01% of Salaries and Wages on campus
30.10% of Salaries and Wages off campus
Indirect Cost/F&A Rate Agreement
What are the Congressional and Senate districts' numbers for Elon University?
Congressional District: 4
NC State House District: 64
NC State Senate District: 25
What are the Congressional and Senate districts' numbers for Elon School of Law?
Congressional District: 6
NC State House District: 61
NC State Senate District: 28
How much should I pay my students?
The rate should be based on the level of responsibility and varies by discipline. Students must be paid the minimum rate established.
How much do I pay a consultant?
A consultant should be paid on the basis of their history of consultancy fees noting that there is a federal cap for some agencies.
Where can I get cost-sharing for my proposal?
If an agency requires cost share, work with Sponsored Programs to secure the required match.
What are the Federal ID (Tax Exempt) & UEI (formerly DUNS)?
Elon’s EIN – Employment Identification Number (Federal tax ID): 56-0532303
Elon’s UEI – Unique Entity Identifier (replaces DUNS Number): SNEKGT9DDUQ6
What items may be listed as match or cost share?
This can vary by agency/sponsor. Personnel time and travel are often used as match/cost share. Line items that can be used as match/cost share can vary with the sponsor. All cost sharing is subject to university approval.
How do I contact Sponsored Programs?
Elon University
Sponsored Programs
2620 Campus Box
Elon, NC 27244
Lindner Hall, Suite 200
Jenny Chapman: Phone- (336) 278-6614 E-mail- jchapman7@elon.edu
What are Elon's our Federal-Wide Assurance (FWA) and IRB number?
FWA #: 00003374
IRB #: 00002430
What if an agency limits the number of proposals submitted by an institution?
If you are planning to submit a proposal for a funding opportunity with limited submission, contact the Office Sponsored Programs (OSP) via email at jchapman7@elon.edu with “limited submission” in the subject line. To expedite the process of planning an internal competition, please notify the OSP of your intent as soon as you know you have an interest in the funding program. The email should contain the name of the Principal Investigator, any co-PI’s, and the subject or title of the proposed project.
If an agency limits the number of proposals submitted by an institution, an internal competition will be held to select the proposals that will be allowed to move forward. In this case, a brief pre-proposal will be required. Detailed instructions for preparing the pre-proposal will be sent via email by the OSP once the need for an internal competition has been established. Representatives from the Provost’s Office, Dean’s Office, and Sponsored Programs will meet to discuss the submissions to determine who will move forward.
Who do I contact to obtain financial information for my grant report?
Please contact Senior Grant Accountant, Post Award Administrator, Courtney Saul at ext. 5263.
I need to have a subcontract prepared for my grant. What steps are required?
In order to prepare a subcontract, the PI must provide the following information to the Sponsored Programs Office:
- PI and administrator’s name from collaborative institution
- Statement of Work and budget from collaborator
- Approval from the collaborative institution’s authorizing official
How do I become a Peer Reviewer for an external funding agency?
Participating as a Peer Reviewer for external funding agencies is excellent experience to grow and sustain your funded research profile. You will make contacts in your field and learn to identify what to do and what not to do on a grant application. Many federal agencies rely heavily on volunteers from the academic community to provide expertise and impartiality to their review process.
For more information about this process and for information about specific agencies, read the following: