Research/Creative Interests

My research blends microbiology (fungi/bacteria), ecology (communities, diversity, succession, disturbance), and molecular biology (PCR, qPCR, DNA sequencing and analysis, genes).

Research/Creative Needs

Prefer students who have have been successful in and are comfortable talking about topics in Bio1112 (Intro Molec and Cell), Bio1514 (Biodiversity) and Bio2970 (Sophomore Seminar) already. Having a strong current working understanding of that material is probably more important than any grade you received in those courses.

Mentoring Style

  • Typically one-on-one
  • I typically work with multiple students on the same project
  • I typically work with multiple students; some of them are working on the same project

Currently looking for a student to apply and work in these programs

  • Any program/opportunity

I can mentor a student enrolled in 4998/4999 hours during these semesters

  • My lab is probably full through 2022-2023 however feel free to email to confirm!

Student Qualifications

  • The background I prefer for these projects tends to lend best to Biology majors but I remain open to other majors with overlapping interests.

Interested? Please email me to request more information.