Elon in LA and WEEE host speed-networking event

The Elon in LA Program and the Women of the Elon Entertainment Empire (WEEE) partner together to host a speed-networking event for alumni and students in Los Angeles.

The Elon in Los Angeles Program partnered with the Women of the Elon Entertainment Empire (WEEE) on Nov. 8 to host a speed networking event for alumni and students in Los Angeles.

The goal of the event was to bring the WEEE together with our Elon in LA students, to encourage them to discuss topics of the professional world and to practice networking skills. The Women of the Elon Entertainment Empire is a networking and mentorship group of alumnae in Los Angeles.

Alumni panel Q&A with students

The speed-networking structure allowed for each student to have a one-on-one conversation with each alum, building a personal connection and relationship. Elon in LA has the unique opportunity this semester to have a cohort of all-female students, so it was wonderful to bring together the students and a successful professional group of women. The event was held at Second Home, a co-working space in Los Angeles, where the Elon in LA Program is based. The night was made possible through the generosity of Dean of the School of Communications Kenn Gaither, Administrative Assistant of the School of Communications Happy Kearns, and the School of Communications.

“The speed networking event was an intimate opportunity to connect with soon-to-be grads who stood in the shoes we were once in. It was exciting to connect with them, and encourage them to dream bigger and trust that every opportunity they are facing will bring them a learning experience they will one day reflect on and be grateful for,” Paige Hullett ‘16 said.

If you are interested in learning more about WEEE, please check out here. If you or someone you know is interested in applying to the Elon in Los Angeles program for the Summer or Fall of 2024, you can apply here!