Overview of the Professional Travel Approval and Reimbursement Process

Accepted or invited to present/show/perform at, or have decided to attend, a conference?

  • Review and follow the College’s Procedures and Policies for Travel Reimbursement.
  • Generate a rough estimate of likely expenses (e.g., registration, travel, and hotel).
  • If your presentation is scholarship of teaching and learning or teaching related, plan to request funding from CATL.

Complete the Travel Request Form

  • Fill out the online Travel Request form.
  • Note: If you are having trouble logging in, please use your full Elon email address as your username.
  • Note: If you receive a “critical error”, please use a different browser (Chrome and Safari are ideal).
  • Please submit the form at least 4 weeks prior to travel and before you incur expenses. Let us know if there are special circumstances related to the timing of your request.

Funding and Notification

  • You should hear about funding within 5-6 business days.

Submit Travel Reimbursement for prepaid expenses

  • Complete, print, and sign the Travel Reimbursement form.
  • Attach original receipts (clearly labeled as to what they are) and submit to Linda Hibbard (CB 2112; Lindner Hall – Arts & Sciences 200).
  • If the receipts are electronic and you have an electronic signature, you may submit the reimbursement form electronically to lhibbard@elon.edu.

At the conference

  • Please keep all of your original receipts and write a brief description on each.
  • Write down any expenses for which you did not receive a receipt.

Submit Travel Reimbursement for conference expenses

  • Complete, print, and sign the Travel Reimbursement form.
  • Attach original receipts and a mapquest print out if you are seeking reimbursement for mileage. Please keep a copy of each receipt for yourself.
  • Please submit for reimbursement no later than 2 weeks after the conference. Please notify us of any special circumstances that would make this impossible.
  • If your request or a portion of it was queued, please complete the reimbursement request and submit receipts so that we can expedite queue reimbursements if funds permit.


  • Questions about procedures, status of reimbursement requests, or funds available – Linda Hibbard (lhibbard@elon.edu; x6475; Campus Box 2112; Lindner 200).
  • Questions regarding travel policies and procedures – Kirby Wahl (kwahl@elon.edu; x5684).
