Support Resources

Student Conduct

Student Conduct addresses student behavior that may violate the university Code of Conduct.

Confidential Advocacy

Confidential Advocacy is a confidential resource for those who have experienced, are experiencing, or have questions about identity-based bias, discrimination, or harassment as well as sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking. Contact the Safeline, a 24/7 confidential phoneline, by calling 336-278-3333.

Title IX

Title IX addresses incidents of sexual misconduct, gender-based violence, or any behaviors that may violate the Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence Policy (including harassment and/or discrimination based on sex or gender).

Office of Human Resources

The Office of Human Resources is dedicated to supporting the goal of providing an educational community and workplace free of prohibited discrimination and harassment by delivering a wide array of programs and services to the university employees.

Faculty Ombudsperson

The Faculty Ombudsperson is a confidential resource for teaching faculty. The Faculty Ombudsperson receives complaints, concerns, or inquiries about alleged acts, omissions, improprieties and/or broader systemic problems within the ombudsperson’s defined jurisdiction. They listen, offer options, facilitate resolutions, informally investigate or otherwise examine these issues independently and impartially.

Staff Ombudsperson

The Staff Ombudsperson is a confidential resource for staff and administrators. The Staff ombudsperson helps analyze situations, and identify and evaluate options for resolving problems or conflicts in the workplace by providing individual consultations, referrals, mediation or group facilitation to reach mutually-created agreements.

Counseling Services

Counseling Services provides quality psychological interventions, outreach, and consultation services to address the emotional, social, and academic needs of Elon University students. They are dedicated to promoting an environment of respect and appreciation for the race, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, age, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, physical/mental ability, and socioeconomic status of all students.

Identity & Global Engagement Offices

Elon has numerous Identity and Global Engagement Offices dedicated to supporting equity and inclusive excellence, including the Center for Access and Success; Center for Race, Ethnicity, and Diversity Education; Disabilities Resources; Gender & LGBTQIA Center; Isabella Cannon Global Education Center; and Truitt Center for Religious and Spiritual Life.

Mediation Services

Mediation is a conflict resolution process which leads to win-win solutions. This service is confidential and free to all Elon students. Trained mediators are non-biased, non-judgmental, and do not give advice. Mediations can be scheduled according to your needs. Please fill out the Mediation Interest Form HERE or contact Linda Dunn ( or more information.

Educational Resources