Budget to Actuals Reporting in OnTrack

Budget to Actuals is Elon’s budget management tool available through OnTrack.  Budget to Actuals reports budget status, cumulative transaction activity, available balances, and invoice detail. Notable features include exporting budget reports to CSV files, accessing 5 years of budget history, color coding for budget health and specifying filters for multiple accounts or a range of accounts.

For access to Budgets to Actuals, please email Courtney Saul (csaul@elon.edu) or Robin Brown (rbrown43@elon.edu).

Accessing My Budgets

To access Budget to Actuals, log in to OnTrack for Staff and select the Daily Work icon on the left side of the page. Under Daily Work, Budget to Actuals can be found under Financial Management. When you first access Budget to Actuals, you will have several options to filter results. Please refer to the Knowledge Base article for more information on filtering account views and capabilities of Budget to Actuals. If you need further assistance, contact Courtney Saul at x5263 or (csaul@elon.edu).