*Associate member, does not participate in IFC formal recruitment


Elon University’s Interfraternity Council governs the male fraternities that are members of the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC). The Interfraternity Council believes that true fraternity is nurtured in an atmosphere of social and moral responsibility, respect for duly constituted authority, and loyalty to the principles of higher education. There are currently 9 IFC chapters recognized at Elon University. Learn more about the Interfraternity Council.


Elon University’s National Pan-Hellenic Council governs the historically African-American fraternities and sororities. Its purpose is to create and maintain high standards in the life of fraternities and sororities; perpetuate constructive fraternity and sorority relationships; foster an understanding of the structure and method of operation among the affiliate organizations; address, coordinate, and develop action strategies of mutual concern to the affiliate organizations; and serve as the conduit for such action plans as may be developed. There are currently 7 NPHC chapters (4 fraternities and 3 sororities) recognized at Elon University. Learn more about the National Pan-Hellenic Council.

Unrecognized Organizations

  • Lambda Chi Alpha (IFC) – Nickname(s): Lambda, Lambda Chi
  • Pi Kappa Phi (IFC) – Nickname(s): Pi Kapp, “Old Pi Kapp” (OPK), or “New Pi Kapp” (NPK)
  • Kappa Sigma (IFC) – Nickname: Kappa Sig