Elon University

A vision for the future

This is one of nearly a thousand foresight statements shared by people from around the world. To return to the Voices of the People home page or to refine your search, click here.

Name: Colin, Drew, Olivia, Sam and Steve

From: North Carolina

Bio: Participant in Imagining the Internet Seminar

Area of Expertise: Futurist/Consultant

Topic: Communication

Headline: Always and everywhere

Nutshell: Through PDA's, Smartphones and other small electronics information will be everywhere and always accessible, however, this is a threat to security, sanity and creativity.


We are most worried about the negative impacts that the expansion of the network and electronic capability will bring to the human race. Specifically we are concerned about personal security, the sanity of individuals in society, the creativity and ingenuity of all people, the future of jobs, the economy, the market, and really … everything.

Date Submitted: October 11, 2008

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