Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

Besides the garbage build-up, there are the oft-heard criticisms that the Internet has become the repository for pornography, hate literature and even advice on how to build a bomb. Censorship of the ‘Net has become a growing rallying cry.

Predictor: Mandel, Michele

Prediction, in context:

In a 1995 article for The Toronto Sun, Michele Mandel writes: ”Unlike online services that may bring you a specific menu of databases, the Internet is a vast, untamed frontier. In this virtual, democratic community that ties together the world’s computers, it is true that every voice can now be heard. But without gatekeepers, without editors, the information highway has become a frustrating traffic jam. The Internet is akin to a noisy party line, cluttered with a cacophony of voices, many of them spewing endless reams of mindless, useless gibberish that ties up lines, slows down the system and makes finding a kernel of important discourse like locating that elusive needle in the haystack. Besides the garbage build-up, there are the oft-heard criticisms that the Internet has become the repository for pornography, hate literature and even advice on how to build a bomb. Censorship of the ‘Net has become a growing rallying cry.”

Date of prediction: January 1, 1995

Topic of prediction: Controversial Issues

Subtopic: Censorship/Free Speech

Name of publication: Toronto Sun

Title, headline, chapter name: Net Takes Wrong Turn

Quote Type: Partial quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney