Elon University

The 2008 Survey: Select biographies of survey participants

Survey Internet Art This collection of hundreds of brief biographies of 2008 survey respondents includes the names of a large sample of the many survey respondents who were willing to be quoted on the record for one or more of their statements in answer to the survey. Hundreds of additional well-connected internet leaders/stakeholders preferred to remain anonymous, keeping their comments off the record; you will not see their names here although they did participate in the survey. Information here is based on biographical details submitted; some information is sketchy because additional detail could not be clearly determined and verified with a data search. If you know of a specific person you would like to look up, click below on the beginning letter of the person’s last name in order to take a shortcut to his or her biography.

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Olav Anders Övrebö, media blogger and former Netzeitung journalist, University of Bergen

John C. Abell, new media project director, Committee of Concerned Journalists

Stephen Abram, vice president for innovation and chief strategist, SirsiDynix, Special Libraries Association

Stephen Aguilar-Millan, director of research, European Futures Observatory, Ipswich, UK

Mikko Ahonen, researcher of management and information systems and ethics and leadership, University of Tampere, Finland; blogger

Shakib Ahsan, MBA and MA in educational technology, now at Concordia University, Canada

Itir Akdogan, Ph.D. candidate and lecturer, University of Helsinki, expertise in ICT in empowering women and girls

Md. Tazin Alam, managing director and CEO, The ICT Associates Ltd (MKR Group), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Bryan Alexander, director of research National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education, blogger, expert on computer-mediated pedagogy, Ripton, Vermont

Abubakar Alhassan, researcher in communication law, policy, regulation and the digital divide at the University of Florida, originally from Nigeria

Mary Ann Allison, principal, The Allison Group, has worked with Microsoft, Glasgow’s Urban Learning Space, and other businesses, governments and NGOs

Mariana Almeida, product manager of web products for healthcare, Kaiser Permanente

David Alsmeyer, information services manager for British Telecom, and an expert on semantically enabled knowledge technologies

Jacobo Alvarez, chief executive officer, Multiplica, Barcelona, Spain

Ken Anderson, senior researcher and anthropologist, Intel Research; specialties are globalization, identity, and urban studies

Shawn Kelly Apochromantic, configurations manager, designer, technologist, futurist, General Atomics, and volunteer builder in Second Life

Aaron Archer, Ph.D., a research scientist in the Algorithms and Optimization Group AT&T Labs Research, New Jersey

Geoff Arnold, senior principal, software development engineer, Amazon.com; formerly worked at Sun Microsystems in distributed computing at large scale; expert in engineering communities

Sudip Aryal, president, Nepal Rural Information Technology Development Society

Earl Babbie, professor emeritus and writer, BEinc, prolific author of books on social research

Alan Bachers, Ph.D. and director of the Neurofeedback Foundation

Sebastien Bachollet, president of the Internet Society of France, operates the European Global Event on DNS, known as EGENI, active participant in ICANN

Fred Baker, fellow, Cisco Systems, former Internet Society (ISOC) chairman of the board; Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) leader; an architect of the Internet

Troy Barker, principal, ICF International, a management, technology, and policy consulting firm

Dennis Baron, professor of English and linguistics, University of Illinois, runs the Web of Language site and researches the technologies of communication

Fernando Barrio, senior lecturer in business law and programme leader for the MA in E-business regulation, London Metropolitan University

Richard Bartle, Ph.D. in artificial intelligence and a pioneer of massively multiplayer online games; a contributing editor for Terra Nova, the blog that covers virtual-world issues

Reva Basch, consultant for Aubergine Information Systems (online research expert); active longtime member of The WELL, one of the earliest cyberspace communities

Nancy W. Bauer, chief executive officer and editor-in-chief, WomenMatter Inc.

Zori Bayriamova, research manager, Time Inc., previously supervisor for global brand analysis at Young&Rubicam and an associate analyst at Jupiter Research

Chris Bell, vice president and director of worldwide marketing for iTunes, Apple

Mark Bell, Ph.D. student at Ball State University; manager of the SL Researchers mailing list; co-author of “Second Life for Dummies”; a veteran of 15 years in software development

David Belman, founding partner, Threespot Media, an interactive media consultancy, previously with Magnet Interactive

Benjamin M. Ben-Baruch, senior market intelligence consultant and applied sociologist for Aquent, working at General Motors Corporation

Robert J. Berger, CTO for Cinch; expert on backbone networks, access networks, wireless networks, and innovative web applications, a frequent speaker on Next-Generation Networks

Susan Bergman, director, Knowledge Center, working with non-profit organization management in the Washington, D.C., area

David Berkowitz, director of emerging media, interactive industry strategist for 360i, writes Search Insider for MediaPost and the blog Inside the Marketer’s Studio

Esha Bhatia, senior client solutions IT consultant, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Peter Bihr, freelance consultant on web strategies, communities, blogging and social media based in Berlin, Germany

Rebecca Blood, author of Rebecca’s Pocket blog and “The Weblog Handbook: Practical Advice on Creating and Maintaining Your Blog”

Lynn Blumenstein, senior editor, Library Hotline, Reed Business Information

Christine Boese, researcher and analyst for Avenue A-Razorfish and Microsoft

Michelle J. Boese, graduate research assistant studying human-computer interfaces at the University of Missouri-Rolla

Michael Botein, professor of law and founding director of the Media Center at New York University Law School; consultant to the FCC

Nathan Botts, community informatics research associate at the Kay Center for E-Health Research; working on the national health information network (NHIN) and outreach

Hanane Boujemi, ICT researcher for DiploFoundation, working on educating people about Internet policy and Internet governance, Malta

Jak Boumans, principal director, Electronic Media Reporting; formerly editor in chief at Broadcast; general secretary of the European Academy of Digital Media

danah boyd, expert social media researcher, Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society

Michael Boyd, futurist and independent consultant

Martin Boyle, head of international ICT Policy, U.S. government department for business, enterprise, and regulatory reform; a Governmental Advisory Committee representative for ICANN

Judy Breck, blogger at GoldenSwamp.com – aimed at “watching the global golden age of learning emerge from the open Internet”

Scott Brenner, technologist, web developer, consultant for clients ranging from Fortune 100 companies to small non-profits

Doug Brent, COO, ICANN, with a 25-year record of management and leadership in technology companies; responsible for Internet Assigned Numbers Authority administration and for policy

David Brin, futurist and author whose 1998 book “The Transparent Society: Will Technology Force Us to Choose Between Privacy and Freedom?” identified key issues of concern

Christine Brown, president, Marketing Resources and Results Inc., a blogger on branding and marketing

Erica Brown, British Broadcasting Corporation World Service News and Current Affairs

Lorelei Brown, director of user experience, expert on information architecture, interface and design, Matrix Group International

Richard Bruesehoff, director for lifelong learning, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Jean Burgess, Ph.D., Queensland University of Technology, Australia, researcher of user-generated content

Andrew Burnette, web manager, Worldwatch Institute, and consultant on user experience, usability, strategy, and development

Jade Burnside, CEO, Ahead of the Web Marketing Services, New Westminster, British Columbia

Jay Buys, vice president for digital development, Fleishman Hillard, an international marketing and communications company

Robert Cannon, senior counsel for Internet law at the Federal Communications Commission’s Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis and founder and director of Cybertelecom

Lisa Carr, director of strategy, Targetbase Interactive, healthcare strategist and writer

Nicholas Carr, former editor of Harvard Business Review; author of “The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google” and “Does IT Matter?” and the Rough Type blog

Juan Carreón, professor at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and a columnist at CompuChannel

Tiago Casagrande, works with social communications and new technologies for verbeat

Jamais Cascio, originator of Open the Future, also works with the Institute for the Future, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, and Worldchanging

Michael Castengera, senior lecturer at the University of Georgia’s Grady College and president of Media Strategies and Tactics Inc., a media consulting firm

Edward A. Cavazos, principal, Fish & Richardson, PC, a technology firm; expert on e-commerce and IP law, author of “Cyberspace and the Law”; formerly director at Bridges.org

Martha Chaconas, director for web management, U.S. Department of State, responsible for management of operations of more than 200 sites delivering U.S. diplomacy information

Clement Chau, research manager for the Developmental Technologies Research Group at Tufts University

Edward Cherlin, activist and founder of Earth Treasury—a program following on One Laptop Per Child to link schools around the world; formerly a board member at WIRE AFRICA

James W. Chesebro, director of digital storytelling master’s at Ball State University, former editor of Communication Quarterly, Review of Communication, and Critical Studies in Media

Lloyd Chesney, chief technology officer, MDVIP, a health, wellness, and fitness company

Barry K. Chudakov, principal, the Chudakov Company, a marketing strategies creative consultant who has worked with many major corporations, including Microsoft and Disney

M. Ford Cochran, director of education and mission programs online, National Geographic, and an environmental scientist, writer, and web producer

Janet D. Cohen, blogger, futurist, and trend analyst

Rollie Cole, director of technology policy, Sagamore Institute for Policy Research, a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank headquartered in Indianapolis, IN

Jonathon D. Colman, associate director for digital marketing at The Nature Conservancy

Joan Connell, online editor, The Nation magazine, formerly an executive producer for MSNBC.com, senior editor for MSN, and a Pulitzer finalist for her reporting

Luca Conti, conversational-media consultant, BuzzParadise, and a professor at Urbino University and the University of Malta in Rome; author of books on Skype, search engines

Tamara Coombs, senior web and strategy specialist, American Chemical Society

Ted M. Coopman, lecturer, San Jose State University

Dave Coustan, author of the Extraface blog and an independent consultant who formerly wrote EarthLink’s official blog, Earthling, and Stuffo, a sub-brand of HowStuffWorks.com

Bruce Craig, program specialist, U.S. Administration on Aging

Susan Crawford, founder of OneWebDay, celebrated each Sept. 22; ICANN board member; associate professor, Cardozo Law School; visiting professor, Yale Law School

Trisha Creekmore, interactive executive producer, Discovery Channel Interactive

Jutta Croll, managing director, Stiftung Digitale Chancen—Digital Opportunities Foundation, Berlin, Germany, promoting and supporting access and equal opportunities for all online

Basil Crozier, senior strategist for cyber security, Public Safety Canada; participated in UN ICT Task Force, the preparatory phase for the World Summits on the Information Society

Martin Curley, senior principal engineer and global director of IT people, intellectual capital and solutions at Intel; formerly of General Electric in Ireland and Phillips in the Netherlands

Lisa Cutter, chief information officer, Central Electric Cooperative (a U.S. rural electric cooperative)

Michael Dahan, professor, Sapir Academic College, Israel; Digital Jerusalem; his works include the paper “National Security and Democracy on the Internet in Israel”

Hussein Dajani, knowledge director and strategic planner, JWT, a global communication and advertising company, based in Kuwait City, Kuwait

Rafik Dammak, software engineer, STMicroelectronics, Tunisia; DiploFoundation participant in the study of Internet

Dick Davies, partner, Project Management and Control Inc.; past president of the Association of Information Technology Professionals

Alex de Soto, creative director and senior strategist, Davis Advertising Inc.; blogger

Hank Dearden, director of business development, Digital Industry Inc., a provider of technology services in the Washington, D.C., area

Nick Dearden, campaigns manager, Amnesty International, the human-rights organization

Woody Degan, chief executive officer and operations director, Memphis Sound Entertainment; Consumer First Consulting, IT Consulting

Duane Degler, user-centered designer and strategist for Design for Context, writer and editor for IPGems, focused on semantic integration and performance improvement

Susan Dellinger, Web developer, CSC, US Environmental Protection Agency

Walt Dickie, executive vice president and chief technology officer, C&R Research, one of the principal developers of CheckMetrix in the early ’90s.

Ed Dieterle, Harvard Graduate School of Education; research tied to handheld devices for ubiquitous learning

Fred Dillon, director of product development, HopeLab, working to improve the quality of life of young people with chronic illness

Drew Diskin, director of e-strategy, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Douglas Doe, web content manager, Oklahoma Department of Human Services

Alex Don, linguist and educator

Xin Dong, researcher concentrating on effective search techniques, data integration, record linkage, XML query optimization, AT&T Research; originally from China

Patricia Dowling, trend manager, Commission for Communications Regulation, Ireland

Diane M. Drew, health education and communication specialist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Mike Driehorst, messaging strategist; leads social media for Hanson Inc., an interactive communications and video production company in Ohio

Jonathan Dube, president of Online News Association, director of digital media at CBC News, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, publisher of CyberJournalist.net

Emma Duke-Williams, lecturer in the School of Computing and researcher, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom; education blogger

Brian Dunbar, internet services manager, NASA office of public affairs

Katie Dunneback, novelist and blogger; founder of the Young Librarian Web site and Weblog

Jeska Dzwigalski, director of community and product development, Linden Labs, the company behind Second Life

Peter Eckart, director of health information technology, Illinois Public Health Institute

John Eckman, practice director, Next Generation Internet, Optaros Inc., a professional services firm offering strategy, design, development and consulting tied to open-source software

Michael Edson, director for Web and new media strategy, Smithsonian Institution

Bruce Edwards, associate dean for distance education, Bowling Green State University, Ohio

Robert Eller, Concept Omega, a media marketing and communication company

Tyler Emerson, executive director, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

Mary Emery, associate director, North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, Iowa State University

Olivier Ertzscheid, lecturer in information science, Nantes University (France)

Charles Ess, a professor of philosophy and religion and researcher on online culture and ethics, Drury University (Springfield, MO), and active leader of the Association of Internet Researchers

Leigh Estabrook, professor emerita, University of Illinois; research includes a study of the impact of the USA Patriot Act

Glen Eustace, director at GodZone Internet Services, part of AGRE Enterprises Ltd.; infrastructure-development engineer, Massey University, New Zealand

Tim Evans, web analytics manager for the US Social Security Administration

David Farrar, public policy chair for InternetNZ, the nonprofit organization for Internet service providers, public information groups, and Internet users that represents New Zealand

Stan Felder, president and chief executive officer, Felder Communications, a marketing and advertising firm in Grand Rapids, MI

Mark Fennell, senior web engineer, Athens Regional Medical Center, Athens, GA

Cliff Figallo, social innovator and original member of the first online community—The WELL, now of AdaptLocal.org; expert in fitting and implementing social Web applications to groups

João Miguel Rocha Filho, director, DataOne, a provider of software for connecting to Linux; based in Brazil

Kate Finberg, retired research scientist, Digital Futurist Consultancy

Seth Finkelstein, anti-censorship activist and programmer, author of the Infothought blog and an EFF Pioneer Award winner

Catherine A. Fitzpatrick, Open Society Institute, Physicians for Human Rights; lecturer on humanitarian issues; formerly UN representative for International League of Human Rights

Fabrice Florin, executive director, NewsTrust.net, a nonprofit social news network that allows people to rate the news on quality

Micheál Ó Foghlú, Research Director, Telecommunications Software & Systems Group, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland advisory committee; member of W3C; blogger

Laura Forlano, NYCwireless board member with research interest in mobile and wireless technology; visiting fellow at the Information Society Project at Yale University

Marcus Foth, senior research fellow, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Vassilys Fourkas, professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, department of spatial planning and development

Mark Fowler, director and specialist on technology trends, research and strategy, Global Foresight Network, an international consultancy

Susan White Frazier, research manager, National Geographic

Susan Frede, vice president for research and panel management, TNS, a global market-research company

Amy Friedlander, director of programs for the Council on Library and Information Resources, a non-profit that services research and higher education

Yves Froidevaux, Swiss Federal Statistical Office

Gerhard Fuchs, senior lecturer, Munich, Germany

Roberto Gaetano, ICANN board member; also responsible for SW development for International Atomic Energy Agency; an active participant in the ICANN policy making process

Beth Gallaway, Information Goddess Consulting, a Web 2.0 consultancy

Matt Gallivan, senior research analyst, National Public Radio

Oscar Gandy, author, activist, retired emeritus professor of communication, University of Pennsylvania

Iddo Genuth, founder and chief editor of The Future of Things, a science and technology e-magazine

Mitko Gerensky-Greene, manager of web and data services for Universal Service Administrative Company, providing e-rate telecommunications to schools and libraries

Stephanie Geyer, associate vice president e-communications and web strategy, Noel-Levitz, an operating division of Sallie Mae that consults on marketing of higher education

Heath Gibson, manager of research and market analysis, Big Pond, a competitive intelligence company and provider of broadband customer Web sites in Australia

Kathryn K. Goldfarb, president, KG Communications, an independent consultancy

Steve Goldstein, ICANN Board member, retired from National Science Foundation, where his job in the 1990s was to help diffuse the Internet globally

Seth Gordon, director, user experience, Infospace and Saltmine; popular speaker and lecturer at CNet Conferences, ASIS, Harvard Cyberposium

James Gorman, principal, Working Technology Partners, a company offering technology solutions to businesses

Tim Grafton, market research director for UMR Research Ltd., a market-research company based in New Zealand

Patricia Graham, chief marketing officer and executive vice president, Knowledge Networks, a consumer-information and trends-research company

Jeremy Swinfen Green, Telecom Express, an interactive marketing company

Hinda Feige Greenberg, Ph.D., director of the information center for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, dedicated to improving healthcare for Americans

Paul Greenberg, president, The 56 Group LLC; BPT Parters LLC; MyCRMCareer.com, social-media companies

Kathryn Greenhill, emerging technologies specialist, Murdoch University

Shane Greenstein, professor of management and strategy, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Robert Grenier, partner, Third Wave Systems, a consultancy on management information systems

Bruno Guglielminetti, producer for Radio-Canada, multimedia producer and blogger

Robin Gunston, consulting futurist for Mariri Consulting, a strategic and business planning company

David Hakken, Indiana University School of Informatics, professor of anthropology who studies social change and the use of automated information and communication technologies

Alexander Halavais, professor and social informatics researcher, Quinnipiac University; explores the ways in which social computing influences society

Richard Hall, professor of information science and technology and co-director of the Laboratory for Information Technology Evaluation, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Richard Hammond, knowledge-management team leader, United States Environmental Protection Agency; expert currently examining Semantic Web and RFID

June Hansen, Web data analyst and developer, Washington State Department of Information Services; formerly Internet consultant at state board for community and technical colleges

Fred Hapgood, tech author and consultant; freelance writer in technology and science; in the 1990s, he took on the role of moderator of the Nanosystems Interest Group at MIT

Maz Hardey, social analyst, blogger, “defender of new media” completing a doctorate funded by the Economic Social Research Council in the UK, based at the University of York

Paul Harwood, assistant professor and director of the Public Opinion Research Lab at the University of North Florida; his research has examined the Internet’s impact on civil society

Bertil Hatt, researcher of Internet and social services, innovation valuation; employed by France Telecom and Orange (info technology and services industry) while completing Ph.D.

Steven Hausman, president, HausmanTech Consulting

Don Heath, Internet pioneer; former president and CEO of the Internet Society; member of US State Department Advisory Committee on International Communication and Information Policy

Ellen Helsper, research fellow, Oxford Internet Institute; responsible for the design, analysis and coordination of the Oxford Internet Surveys and World Internet Project Surveys

Havi Hoffman, senior editor, product development, Yahoo; co-author of “The Tech Buzz Game,” and blogger

Yuri E. Hohlov, Ph.D., chairman of the board of the Institute of the Information Society, based in Moscow, Russia; also works with the World Bank’s Development Gateway

Megan Holbrook, partner, Kapow Inc., a site-design and development company; she has produced projects for Microsoft, Warner Bros., and Disney

Henry Holcombe, vice president IS, Universal Service Administrative Co.

Sarah Holyfield, editor and journalist, for Joint Information Systems Committee and the Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards

Julian Hopkins, social scientist and Ph.D. candidate at Monash University, Malaysia

James Jay Horning, chief scientist, information systems security, SPARTA, Inc.; a former fellow at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center; fellow of the ACM

Sarah Houghton-Jan, consultant for the Infopeople Project; digital futures manager, San Jose Public Library; author of the Librarian in Black technology blog

Louis Houle, president of the Internet Society’s Quebec, Canada, chapter

Bernardo Huberman, senior fellow and director of Social Computing Lab, HP Laboratories; consulting professor in the Department of Applied Physics at Stanford University

Tom Hughes, chief operating officer at The Connors Group, a financial markets information company; formerly senior vice president for technology strategy at Moody’s Investors Service

Christian Huitema, distinguished engineer, Microsoft Corporation; pioneering Internet engineer (on the Internet Architecture Board 1991-96; Internet Society leader 1995-2001).

J.W. Huston, president of Huston Consultancy and futurist

Paul Hyland, executive producer, edweek.org; formerly a member of the board of directors for Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility and director at Media Matters for America

Jeremy Isett, freelance Web developer, Web applications engineer, Columbia, MD

Christopher Jacobs, chief operating officer, Solutions for Progress Inc.; formerly with KnowledgeFlow Inc. and Unisys Corp.

Eliza Jacobs, associate director, research, US Public Broadcasting System

Ken Jarboe, president, Athena Alliance, a nonprofit exploring the potential of a global information economy; author of the research study “Inclusion in the Information Age”

Jennifer Jarratt, principal, Leading Futurists LLC; works with formalized methodologies to assess and interpret potential futures

Jeff Jarvis, top blogger at Buzzmachine.com; professor at City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism; contributor and consultant to the Guardian; adviser to start-ups

Claudia Jellett, Web managing editor for Booz Allen Hamilton, a global strategy and technology consulting firm

Tom Jennings, University of California-Irvine, creator of FidoNet, the first message and file-networking system online; builder of Wired magazine’s first online presence

Bob Johnson, president, Bob Johnson Consulting, LLC; author of the Higher Education Marketing Newsletter and an expert on building Websites for brand engagement

Rick Johnston, senior Web strategist, Ironworks Consulting, working with clients including the American Cancer Society, The Nature Conservancy, Discovery Education

Paul Jones, director of ibiblio.org at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; the original manager of SunSITE, one of the first Web sites in North America

Steve Jones, professor of communication and associate dean of liberal arts and sciences, University of Illinois-Chicago, co-founder of Association of Internet Researchers

John Jordan, associate professor of communications, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Rachel Kachur, behavioral researcher, US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Yoram Kalman, a researcher and author of “Silence in Text-based Computer-Mediated Communication” based at the University of Haifa’s Center for the Study of the Information Society

Ilima Kane, program manager, Klein Buendel Inc., a Colorado-based health-education firm

Don Kasprzak, chief executive officer of Panaround.com, a Web-solutions design company; former system engineer at Apple Computer

Helen Keegan, founder of Beep Marketing, a self-employed consultant and a judge for the Webby Awards

Amit Kelkar, consultant and sociology researcher, Postmodern

Tom Keller, business development, 1&1 Internet AG, (one of the largest ICANN registrars in Europe); member of the Registrar Constituency and the GNSO Council

Charles Kenny, senior economist for the World Bank; expert on technology and economics and author of many reports, including “ICT: Promises, Opportunities and Dangers for the Rural Future”

Peter Kim, senior analyst, Forrester Research, Boston; specializes in e-strategy and management, social marketing, blogs; recent reports include “Microblogging for Marketers”

Kent Kirschner, media specialist, Neighborhood America, inviting companies to understand the power of community-building online

Helen Klaebe, senior research fellow, Queensland University of Technology (Australia)

Norbert Klein, member of ICANN’s GNSO Council and Internet Society leader who works with Open Institute Cambodia, a company whose primary focus is on information

Jim Kohlenberger, director of Voice on the Net Coalition; a senior fellow at the Benton Foundation; former White House senior domestic policy adviser and specialist on telecom policy

Jacob Kramer-Duffield, blogger and student, UNC School of Information and Library Science

Gary Kreps, chair of the department of communication, George Mason University; founding chief of health informatics branch of the National Cancer Institute

Matteo La Rosa, owner and chief executive officer of Koinema sri, a new-media agency in Bologna, Italy

David Laflamme, research assistant and professor at the University of New Hampshire, a child-health epidemiologist at the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services

Gerard LaFond, founder and chief strategy officer, red TANGENT, and co-founder of Persuasive Games; works with leading brand companies such as Sony, Ubi Soft and Kraft

Maurice Lagasse, founder and chief executive officer, netXmedia, a company that specializes in vertical-search portals that connect people and businesses

Cheryl Langdon-Orr, a leader in the Internet Society, ICANN and ALAC (At-Large); a board member of AUDA, the group in charge of Australian Domain Name registration

Larry Lannom, a director for the Corporation for National Research Initiatives, a nonprofit organization that undertakes, fosters and promotes network research in the public interest

Dan Larson, president and CEO of PKD Foundation, a non-profit organization working for patient advocacy and education

Greg Laudeman, utilization catalyst and facilitator, community technology specialist, Georgia Tech Enterprise Innovation Institute

Peggy Lawless, director of market research, Webroot Software

Fred Ledley, founder and chairman of Mygenome, professor of natural and applied sciences at Bentley College, Waltham, MA

Thomas Lenzo, business and technology consultant, Thomas Lenzo Consulting

June Lester, professor in the school of library and information studies, University of Oklahoma

Alan Levin, a director and cofounder of the Future Perfect Corporation; former chair of the Internet Society of South Africa and worked with AfriNIC and the .za Domain Name Authority

Rich Levin, senior vice president and editor-in-chief, Gregory FCA Communications, a Pennsylvania-based PR firm

John Levine, founder of Taughannock Networks; a leader of the Internet Research Task Force’s Anti-Spam Research Group and the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail

Jeffrey Levy, director of Web communications, US Environmental Protection Agency; an original member of the Web Content Managers Group, now the Web Managers Advisory Council

David W. Lewis, dean of library, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis

Andy Linton, longtime network engineer, CityLink, Wellington, New Zealand

Fredric M. Litto, consultant for Pearson Education Global e-Learning, president, Brazil Distance Learning Association

Shuan Lo, interaction designer, Yahoo Taiwan; formerly of Damai Sciences, Kuala Lumpur

Dorothea A. Lorber, president, NetHead, LLC

Geert Lovink, professor, expert on culture and the Internet; based in Amsterdam; author of “Dark Fiber” and “Uncanny Networks”; responsible for the Institute of Network Cultures

Philip Lu, vice president and manager of research analysis, Wells Fargo Bank Internet Services Group; formerly a senior analyst at Gartner and a senior manager at Schwab

Bernie Lubran, sales manager, ForeSee Results, a provider of Web services, and DeVille Consulting

Jim Lucas, Web manager, CACI, a provider of national security, defense, and intelligence-related solutions in the interests of the United States

Edward Lundquist, senior science advisor, Alion Science and Technology; formerly of the Center for Security Strategies and Operations of Anteon Corp

Ed Lyell, professor of business and economics, Adams State College, Regis University, San Luis Valley Board of Educational Services; pioneer in issues regarding Internet and education

Clifford Lynch, long-time executive director, Coalition for Networked Information; past president of the American Society for Information Science; member of Internet2 Applications Council

Dan Lynch, founder of CyberCash Inc. and Interop Company and an Internet pioneer; board member of Santa Fe Institute; director of computing for SRI International in the late 1970s

Gordon MacDiarmid, general manager, Lobo Internet Services, an ISP based in New Mexico

Hamish MacEwan, consultant, Open ICT, New Zealand

Jill MacNeice, information architect, US Library of Congress

Theresa Maddix, satisfaction research analyst, ForeSee Results

David W. Maher, senior VP for law and policy, the Public Interest Registry, the Internet top-level domain registry; formerly vice president of public policy for the Internet Society

Katherine Mancuso, independent scholar and freelance Web designer, LiveJournal writer, technology coordinator, Alternate Roots; now studying creative collaboration in online worlds

Chris Marriott, vice president and general manager for Acxiom Digital, a marketing company

Ruth Martin, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Richard Martina, GoViral, a viral-marketing agency

Craig J. Mathias, principal of the Farpoint Group, an advisory firm specializing in wireless networking and mobile computing based in Massachusetts

Bob May, founder and chief creative officer, Lucid Media, a Georgia-based company that provides Internet content as a driver in consumer branding

Sam McAfee, CTO and owner, RadicalFusion, a company that offers consulting on Web design and development, server-side programming and database development

Jerry McCann, vice president and director of the social marketing group at Carton Donofrio Parners Inc.,  marketing and advertising firm in the Washington, D.C., area

Joe McCarthy, principal instigator, MyStrands; formerly principal scientist at Nokia Research Center Palo Alto; he also has worked at Intel, Accenture Technology Labs, and Nokia

Jim McConnaughey, public policymaker, National Telecommunications and Information Administration; a senior economic adviser in US policy on access and the digital divide

Garland T. McCoy, founder, Technology Policy Institute, a think tank focused on the economics of innovation; formerly senior vice president at the Progress and Freedom Foundation

Sean McGinnis, manager of search marketing, Findlaw, Thomson-Findlaw, Thomson-West; earlier built and developed DVD Verdict, a movie review site still among the top ten

Andy McGregor, program manager for the Joint Information Systems Committee, a UK provider of innovative ICT solutions for education and research

Neil McIntosh, director of editorial development for guardian.co.uk; one of the first to report on the commercial possibilities of Weblogs; one of the first blogging journalists

Timothy J. McManus, vice president of healthcare product management for Nuance Communications Inc., a software-technology company known for speech-recognition work

Patricia Mejia, vice president of marketing, Siteworx Inc., a full-service Web strategy consultancy

David Melamed, director of online marketing at MNO Advertising; formerly business strategist, Rock Island Group

Joe Melloy, president of Technology Planning Group Inc.

Michel Menou, professor and ICT consultant; information policy and development researcher since 1966 and prolific author of reports and journal articles

Susan Mernit, independent consultant and former senior director for product development, Yahoo; blogger; previously a vice president at America Online

Jerry Michalski, founder and president, Sociate, a technology consulting firm; formerly managing editor of the Release 1.0 newsletter and co-host for the annual PC Forum

Chris Miller, senior vice president, digital operations and new business for Element 79, an advertising agency

Paul Miller, technology evangelist on the senior management team at Talis, a company delivering human-centric Web applications, based in Birmingham, UK; a blogger for ZDNet

Rich Miller, chief executive officer, Replicate Technologies Inc.; an Internet pioneer with ARPAnet who implemented some of the first computer messaging and conferencing systems

Ken Mitnick, Down to Earth Software USA Inc., providing software for Real Estate professionals

Mario Morino, author and chairman of Morino Ventures LLC; a trustee of The Brookings Institution

David Moschella, global research director for the Computer Sciences Corporation’s Leading Edge Forum; Computerworld columnist

Milton Mueller, professor, Syracuse University and Technology University of Delft; expert on Internet governance; active in ICANN’s Non-Commercial User’s Constituency

Kirk Munsell, Webmaster and science writer for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

John Murphy, director USA.gov technologies, General Services Administration of the US government

Mary Murrell, anthropologist specializing in participatory media, University of California-Berkeley

Brian T. Nakamoto, co-founder of MrJoy Inc. and product-line manager for Everyone.net, (a leading provider of outsourced email solutions for individuals and companies around the world)

Victoria Nash, Ph.D., Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom; formerly a research fellow at the Institute of Public Policy Research

Louis Naugès, president, Revevol, an enterprise 2.0 company with offices in France, Spain, the UK and US; a founder of Microcost, an IT services and hardware company based in France

Jay Neely, social strategist for News Armada, a Boston-based company working to advance Internet-based news and commentary and community online

Scott D. Nelson, senior engineer, Honda Research & Development Americas; president of mObridge Inc.

Chris Nodder, user-experience specialist, Nielsen Norman Group; formerly a senior user researcher at Microsoft Corp.

Cameron Norman, assistant professor in the department of public health sciences, the University of Toronto; actively engaged in use of the Internet to help tackle tough health issues

Jill O’Neill, director of planning and communication, National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services; author of the Infotoday blog; based in the Philadelphia area

Sooyoung Oh, Ph.D. candidate, department of computer science and engineering, Penn State University; researches cognitive-inspired intelligent agents

Gilda Olinto, researcher, Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology

Francis J.L. Osborn, futurist and activist, philosophy department, University of Wales Lampeter (formerly St. David’s University College)

Richard Osborne, Web manager for the School of Education & Lifelong Learning, University of Exeter; research focus is e-learning

Sam Ozay, e-learning and e-communication specialist and solutions architect at Postmodern (Asia/Pacific); formerly general manager at European Language Centre

Han Woo Park, assistant professor, YeungNam University, South Korea; research interests include social networks

Rich Parker, managing partner, the BigMind Group LLC, an Internet communications and software company specializing in online collaborative workspaces based in Langley, WA

Craig Partridge, chief scientist, BBN Technologies; Internet pioneer and early leader in the IETF; active member of the ACM’s SIGCOMM and the IEEE Communications Society

Joel Wiramu Pauling, cross-cultural technologist, owner of Ænertia.net Consulting in New Zealand; research focus on intellectual property, society and technology

Adam Peake, executive research fellow and telecommunications policy analyst, the Center for Global Communications; studies public policy and the Internet

Gabriel Peréz, student at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Michele Perras, artist, consultant, researcher and futurist with Interactive Ontario

Ian Peter, Ian Peter and Associates, Internet Mark 2 Project; Internet pioneer, helped develop the Internet in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region in the 1980s; maintains www.nethistory.info

Brian Peters, director of government relations, Information Technology Industry Council, in charge of telecom, trade, and privacy issues for IT companies

Johanna Pimentel, an expert on communications law and information law and director of privacy for Europe, Middle East, Africa and South Asia at Western Union

Alejandro Pisanty, director of computer services at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; active in leadership with Internet Society, ICANN, and the Internet Governance Forum

Giulio Prisco, chief executive officer of Metafuturing Second Life; former department head at European Satellite Centre, analyst at European Space Agency, and IT specialist for CERN

Arthur Protin, researcher, AT&T Labs

Sam Punnett, president, FAD Research Inc.; has worked in the field of interactive digital media since the 1980s, for the last nine years on strategy, marketing, and e-business development

Aaron J. Quigley, Ph.D., directs a team of 21 faculty and students in research at University College Dublin, Ireland; research interests are pervasive computing and visualization

Thomas Quilty, president, BD Consulting and Investigations Inc., a firm that investigates and provides services tied to software piracy, trade-secret theft, and other high-tech concerns

Oliver Quiring, Ph.D. Institute for Communication Science and Media Research, LMU, Munich, Germany

Josh Quittner, executive editor, Fortune Magazine; formerly editor of Business 2.0, Time.com, and technology editor of Time magazine; also formerly at Newsday; freelancer for Wired magazine

Faraz Qureshi, Diamond Consulting, a company that brings together companies and IT professionals

Ross Rader, director of retail services, Tucows Inc.; works with ICANN in the Registrars Constituency, part of the GNSO (Generic Names Supporting Organization)

Hakikur Rahman, chairman, SchoolNet Foundation; coordinator of Sustainable Development Networking Programme in Bangladesh; active in Internet Society Board

Lutfor Rahman, chairman of the department of computer science, Stamford University, Bangladesh; leader of the Association for Advancement of Information Technology

Don Ranly, Ph.D., professor emeritus, University of Missouri School of Journalism

Cambria Ravenhill, manager of national channel planning at TELUS Communications, IT sales executive with expertise in the IT hardware, telecom, and wireless space

Marion Rawson, associate at ICF International, management consultancy; formerly energy analyst at Energetics and senior energy analyst at McNeil Technologies

Elena Razlogova, assistant professor of history, Concordia University Digital History Lab, Montréal, Quebec; research interests include digital cultures and history of media

Howard Rheingold, Internet sociologist and author; one of the first to illuminate virtual communities; author of “Virtual Reality,” “Smart Mobs,” and “Virtual Community”

Sebastian Ricciardi, associate with Jauregui & Associates, a law firm in Buenos Aires; leader in the Internet Society-Argentina, formerly of ICANN’s At-Large Advisory Committee

Ronald E. Rice, professor, University of California-Santa Barbara; past president of the International Communication Association; author, “The Internet and Health Communication”

Robert H. Rich, Ph.D., strategic planning and evaluation, American Chemical Society

Marco Rivera, Internet specialist, Vistronix Inc., an information management, technological solutions and managed services firm serving federal, state, and local agencies

Sarah Robbins, director of emerging technologies, Media Sauce; Web 2.0 expert and co-author of “Second Life for Dummies”

C.R. Roberts, Internet journalist based in Vancouver

Dennis Rodrigues, chief of the online information branch, US National Institutes of Health

Alex Rodriguez, senior electrical engineer, Telefonica Colombia; formerly interconnect engineer at Avantel

Paul Rodriguez, director of online content, National Cable & Telecommunications Association; crafts online strategies; expert on broadband technology and its influence on society

Shelley Rose, senior program adviser, Canada Revenue Agency

Paolo Rossi, electrical engineer and computer scientist, University of Pavia, Italy

Anni Rowland-Campbell, working in innovation and research at Fuji Xerox Australia and as a director at Intersticia Pty Ltd; formerly executive director at GAMAA

Anthony M. Rutkowski, co-founder of the Internet Society and a founding trustee; longtime leader in International Telecommunication Union; vice president for regulatory affairs, VeriSign

D.K. Sachdev, founder and president of SpaceTel Consultancy LLC; early developer of XM Radio

Erkan Saka, lecturer in media and communications systems at Istanbul Bilgi University

Fadi Salem, research associate, Dubai School of Government; research focuses on e-government and development in the Middle East and North Africa

David F. Salisbury, science and research communications, Vanderbilt University; formerly  science and technology reporter for The Christian Science Monitor

Scott Salyer, Internet services and strategy manager, Resources for the Future, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington, D.C.

Syamant Sandhir, director, Futurescape Netcom Pvt. Ltd., an experience-design and implementation company

Jasmine Sante, Sante Strategies, independent Web strategy consultant in the Washington, D.C., area

Luis Santos, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

Christine Satchell, Ph.D., senior researcher, Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology

Michael Satterwhite, managing consultant, IBM

Steve Sawyer, associate professor, college of information sciences and technology, Penn State University; research interests include take-up and uses of computing by knowledge workers

Buddy Scalera, vice president for interactive content and market research for CommonHealth Qi, in charge of interactive online strategies, including social and viral marketing

Jan Schaffer, executive director of J-Lab, the Institute for Interactive Journalism; former business editor and a Pulitzer Prize winner for the Philadelphia Inquirer

Dian Schaffhauser, writer and editor for CampusTechnology.com, THEJournal.com, Redmond Magazine, Computerworld, and Web Worker Daily

Aaron Schmidt, Walking Paper Consulting, a blogger who writes about libraries, technology, and usability

Karen G. Schneider, research and development College Center for Library Automation, Tallahassee, Florida; expert and thought-leader in the library and technology community

Adrian Schofield, manager of the applied research unit, Johannesburg Centre for Software Engineering, South Africa; World Information Technology and Services Alliance

Robert Schrott, market and industry intelligence, LexisNexis

Douglas Schulz, managing editor for online publishing, America’s Health Insurance Plans; formerly a Web team director for a biotech industry organization

Mihai Seceleanu, chief executive officer, Internet Corp SRL, Romania, a managing partner of the online publishing group that developed Wall-Street.ro, 9AM.ro, Kudika.ro, Yuppy.ro

Denise Senecal, research manager, Callahan and Associates, an Internet strategy consortium in the Washington, D.C., area; expert on Internet and mobile banking strategies

Gbenga Sesan, Internet-for-development consultant, Paradigm Initiative, Nigeria; works with ICT’s in socioeconomic transformation, focusing on underserved groups

Tiffany Shackelford, consultant who works with clients such as Phase 2 Technology, Stateline.org, Foneshow, WebbMedia, and Daily Me

Peter Shane, Jacob E. Davis and Jacob E. Davis II Chair in Law, Ohio State University; author of “Democracy Online: The Prospects for Political Renewal Through the Internet”

Jeremy J. Shapiro, a professor of critical social theory at Fielding Graduate University with a research emphasis on the social and cultural effects of information technology and systems

Joanna Sharpe, senior marketing manager, Microsoft

Lea Shaver, A2K (Access to Knowledge) Program Coordinator, The Information Society Project at Yale Law School; developing a cross-national access-to-knowledge index

Heather Shelsta, manager, ICF International, a global professional services firm that offers technology solutions for government and commercial clients; based in Fairfax, Virginia

Glenna Shields, information-management specialist for the US Environmental Protection Agency

Clay Shirky, consultant and professor in the interactive program at New York University; author of “Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations”

Tiffany Shlain, founder of the Webby Awards, co-founder of the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences; named one of Newsweek’s “Women Shaping the 21st Century”

Judith Siess, president of Information Bridges International Inc. and publisher and editor of the One-Person Library newsletter, author and blogger

Kelly Sims, group research manager, consumer business unit, Symantec Corporation

Michael Skarzynski, managing director, Red Lion Technologies Inc.

Scott Smith, principal, Changeist LLC; consultant, writer, and futurist; formerly with Yankee Group, and Jupiter Communications; expert on global influence of technology

Jonne Soininen, manager of Internet affairs for Nokia Siemens Networks; formerly system engineering manager for Nokia; Internet Society and Internet Engineering Task Force

Juan B. Solana, director of new media for HispanicBusiness.com

Dan Sonnett, president, Sonnett Media Group, LLC, a company that explores ways to engage audiences through video and Web projects

Ulrich Spalthoff, director advanced technology, Alcatel-Lucent, Paris; expert in solid-state science, semiconductor materials, optical fiber communications

Stuart Spector, senior vice president, US National Council on Aging; career professional in technological resources for the insurance industry

Anthony Spina, Ph.D., founder and president of Knowledge Resources, a consultancy focused on assisting organizations meet challenges of complex environments

Todd Spraggins, strategic architect, Nortel Carrier Networks; president and chairman of the board of directors of the Communications Platforms Trade Association

Bill St. Arnaud, chief research officer, CANARIE Inc., an industry-government consortium that promotes and develops information-highway technologies in Canada; active in Internet2

Sean Steele, CEO and senior security consultant, infoLock Technologies; leads corporate business strategy for insider-threat management consulting services and solutions company

Sherwin Steffin, self-employed, formerly a senior data analyst at Earthlink and CEO at Brainpower

Ed Steinmueller, professor, science and technology policy research, University of Sussex; researches industrial structure of high technology industries, co-evolution of technology

Jason Stoddard, managing partner/strategy at Centric/Agency of Change, an interactive strategies company; he is also a popular speaker on social media and virtual worlds,

David Stott, director, Azimuth Limited, software developer and engineering firm for the Department of Defense and other US government and commercial entities

Joseph Straubhaar, professor, University of Texas-Austin; research interests include international communication and cultural theory and information sciences and the digital divide

Roger Strouse, vice president and lead analyst, Outsell Inc.; researches and writes about information professionals and corporate information best practices

Colby Stuart, creative director, Quantum Brands BV, and the Kids 2020 Foundation; member of the Club of Amsterdam, a futurists organization

L. Suzanne Suggs, assistant professor of communication sciences, University of Lugano; research focuses on use of new media and messaging strategies to improve health status

Lawrence Swiader, chief information officer, US Holocaust Memorial Museum

Kevin Taglang, independent communications policy researcher and writer based in Evanston, Illinois; previously editor and senior policy analyst, the Benton Foundation

Elizabeth Talerman, chief operating officer, Talerman+Partners LLC, a marketing integration company; previously senior VP at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

Tze-Meng Tan, Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC), Malaysia, and director at OpenSOS; Internet pioneer as a member of the team that started Malaysia’s largest ISP, TMnet

Humphrey Taylor, chairman, the Harris Poll; founded Opinion Research Centre in England in 1966; was a close advisor to Prime Ministers Edward Heath and Margaret Thatcher

Brad Templeton, chairman of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, also of the Foresight Institute; an Internet pioneer active in the computer-networking community since 1979

Roy Tennant, senior program officer, OCLC (Online Computer Library Center); developer of the eScholarship Repository and eScholarship Editions publishing services

Sharon Tettegah, professor of human perception and performance at University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign; uses Second Life in her research and courses

Ivor Tossell, technology columnist/journalist for the Toronto Globe and Mail, known as “the blogging journalist” and a social observer

Anthony Townsend, research director for the Technology Horizons Program of the Institute for the Future; also a co-founder of NYCwireless

Mike Treder, director, Center for Responsible Nanotechnology; research fellow with the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies

Bryan Trogdon, president, First Semantic, working on providing a repository for news, research, ideas, and tools for implementing the Semantic Web

Michael Turk, vice president for National Cable & Telecommunications Association, an advocacy group for US telecommunications providers

Brough Turner, chief technology officer and co-founder of NMS Communications; oversees evolution of technology and product architectures

S. Derek Turner, research director, Free Press, a public-interest group that studies and reports on telecommunications issues; author of reports such as “Broadband Reality Check”

Joseph Turow, professor of communication, University of Pennsylvania; author of more than 60 articles and nine books and an expert on the online marketing industry

Wim van de Donk, professor of public administration and chairman of the Scientific Council for Government Policy in The Netherlands (WRR

Peter W. Van Ness, president, Van Ness Group, a Web-development company; founded Personal Computer Solutions in 1983; co-founded StockPlan, Inc. and MyStockOptions.com

Thomas Vander Wal, principal and senior consultant, InfoCloud Solutions Inc.; coined the term folksonomy; expert on tagging, the social Web, and social information use and reuse

Hal Varian, chief economist, Google, and on the faculty at the University of California-Berkeley; expert on the economics of information technology

Tapio Varis, expert in global learning environments, University of Tampere, Finland; UNESCO chair in global e-Learning; active leader of the Global University System

Cristos Velasco, director general of North American Consumer Project on E-Commerce; Mexico-based attorney and active in the Internet Governance Forum and Internet Society

Tom Vest, IP network architect, RIPE NCC Science Group, office of the Chief Scientist; consultant for the Internet Society, and for OECD Economics and Statistics Division

Cynthia Villareal, public affairs director of Foley & Lardner LLP, a Washington, D.C.-area law firm known for work with intellectual property and technology issues

Robert Visser, owner, PageRank-SEO, a search engine optimization, SEO, and Web marketing company in the Washington, D.C., area

Todd Wagner, health economist, Health Economics Resource Center, Palo Alto, part of the US Veterans Administration; also involved with the Center for Healthcare Evaluation

Jesse Ward, industry analyst, National Telecommunications Cooperative Association (US)

Bill Warren, vice president of government relations, Walt Disney World; founding editor of the Orlando Business Journal

Rainer Wasserfuhr, chief coder at MindBroker, a virtual, transparent enterprise based in Germany aimed at creating new concepts for virtual economies and social networks

Nikki Waters, product manager, Internet Services Group, Kaiser Permanente (medical HMO)

J.M. Watts, director, MTM London, works on strategic projects with broadcasters, mobile and fixed-line operators, US studios and international media companies

Alan Webber, senior analyst, Forrester Research, focused on business-to-business, eGovernment and public sector linkages

Philip Webre, senior analyst, microeconomic and financial studies division, Congressional Budget Office, US government

Dan Weingrod, vice president for digital operations, Cronin and Co.; oversees creative online initiatives for integrated marketing communications company

Roy Wetherbee, director of operations for interactive technology, PARTNERS+simons Inc.

Roderick White, editor, Admap magazine, World Advertising Research Center

Hal Widsten, general manager, KWED/Seguin Daily news, Guadalupe Media Ltd.

Michael Williams, associate professor of interactive media, University of Maryland-College Park; former director of Internet development for Kalmbach Publishing Company

Alick Wilson, ICT consultant, Xendra Limited, New Zealand; former member of At-Large Advisory Committee review team and councilor for GNSO at ICANN

Jamie Richard Wilson, journalist and freelance Web developer

Paul Wilson, director, Asia Pacific Network Information Centre, the IP address registry for the Asia Pacific region; active in World Summit on the Information Society, IGF, ICANN

Alexandre Winter, co-founder and chief executive officer, LTU Technologies, a global leader in image search and recognition technologies

Leonard Witt, associate professor in communication, Kennesaw State University, GA; researches citizen journalism and user-generated content; author of Weblog PJNet.org

Jim Witte, professor of sociology, Clemson University; research is focused on differences between online and offline society, including a special interest in activity in Second Life

Mark Youman, principal, ICF International, a Washington, DC, consulting-services company that works with government and commercial clients

Joshua Young, IMLP systems analyst for General Electric; previously director of quality teams at College of Information Sciences and Technology

Jeremy Yuille, digital media coordinator at RMIT Communication Design and program manager at ACID in Melbourne, Australia; previously director at IXDA, the Interaction Design Association

Jacqueline Zalewski, assistant professor of sociology, West Chester University; research includes distributed teams, change management, and the standardization of work

Xiang Zhou, Ph.D., Cheung Kong School of Journalism and Communication, Shantou University, China; research includes cultural dimensions and framing the Internet in China

Michael Zimmer, Ph.D. and resident fellow at the Information Society Project at Yale Law School; research includes social, cultural dimensions of information technologies