Responses to this 2020 scenario were assembled from Internet stakeholders in the2010 Pew Internet & American Life/Elon University Future of the Internet Survey. Some respondents chose to identify themselves; many did not. We share some—not all—of the responses here. Workplaces of respondents who shared their identity are attributed only for the purpose of indicating a level of expertise; statements reflect personal views. If you would like to participate in the next survey, mail andersj [at] elon dotedu; include information on your expertise.
This page includes anonymous responses to a question about people’s perceptions of the likely future in regard to the future of institutions. This was one of 10 questions raised by the 2010 Elon University-Pew Internet survey of technology experts and social analysts. A report outlining results on this question was unveiled at a Washington, D.C., talk by Pew Internet Director Lee Rainie March 31, 2010.
One of the long-running hopes of technology supporters is that networked digital communications will bring positive change to institutions of all kinds. This tension pair was designed to assess those hopes. While the largely pro-technology group of respondents expressed overall enthusiasm for the change they hope will come to all kinds of organizations, they almost universally wrote narrative answers that hedged their hopes with laments over how far and fast the changes might come. Many respondents noted that government agencies are conservative and protective of their prerogatives; and they noted that the changes that are driving commercial firms to upend traditional business models and practices are not necessarily being felt in the public sector with the same urgency.
Following is a selection of statements made by survey participants who preferred to remain anonymous. Much more content will be added to this section in the coming weeks, once it has been prepared for use online. To read the responses of participants who took credit for their responses to this question, click here.
“PLEASE! I assume close-to-worst-case behavior by bureaucrats and, worse, corporate entities. In my estimation, we’re entering an unprecedented era of runaway planet-scale corporate amassing of power and control that will be more parasitical and harmful than all but the worst government oppressions. Things don’t have to be overtly violent to be withering, oppressive and harmful.”“I have little faith in the will of entrenched institutions to change, but I hope I’m wrong!”
“I’m hopeful. I don’t think all forms of organizations will greatly benefit, but I think there will be some dramatic examples.”
“This one is a definitive positive in the democratic countries of the world. The benefits arrive much more slowly than anyone would like, but they keep arriving.”
“I am not entirely sanguine. For the more repressive governments of the world the Internet is another tool for furthering repression of individualism.”
“I hope this is true. Bureaucracies tend to resist efficiency, and this may be the strongest factor.”
“The Internet will enable new ways of communication with governments, etc., but the governments won’t change to be fundamentally more responsive unless we change a lot more than just adding the Internet.”
“The downside will be loss of choice for the consumer looking for a product outside what the mainstream seeks.”
“The real answer will be somewhere in between.”
“Not enough people currently in charge of these organisations will have died by 2020 for it to make much difference.”
“’You can’t fax a handshake’ is a banking industry axiom, but efficiency will obviously increase – uncertain about effectiveness.”
“Just like the ‘paperless office’ didn’t happen in the 1990s, the basic traits of humans and organizations won’t be greatly changed by online communications.”
“At some point, the impact of population growth and effects on natural resources are going to be real drivers for operating most institutions in a more cooperative form.”
“Unfortunately, governments are very slow to evolve. Larger institutions will change very slowly.”
“Old and new relationships with users and customers will coexist, probably forever. Consequently, the new online cooperative forms will not be abandoned and will continue to win adopters.“
“I wish I could believe that it would change, but government is still primarily a bureaucracy. Like Weber says, that’s all about following rules. They may follow them a bit quicker via e-mail. But until there’s another ethos, and it’s accepted as fair and effective, they won’t follow them differently.”
“Institutions will get bigger and build even more layers of defense. Individuals may not care, may hunker in, work around, ignore.”
“Government doesn’t evolve very fast.”
“Not sure they’ll be efficient, exactly, since they’ll be taking advantage of social media, and the value of that media isn’t efficiency but effectiveness (i.e. more circuitous and less predictable, but also lower cost, and often more satisfying to the participants.)”
“Institutional change is slow, but networked communication media have already permeated government and business. As more people who are accustomed to using these media collaboratively begin to assume positions of power in institutions, change in the way institutions operate will begin to take place – just as we saw with the entrance of the PC and the Internet in the 1980s and 1990s.”
“This is a tough question. Governments and other mainstream institutions are big, slow, and do not adapt well. Ten years is not enough time to see innovative cooperation from them. They will be catching up with what’s innovative now in that time frame. For some non-profits and some businesses, part of their credibility derives from how they conduct themselves. Being innovative is different for them than being cutting edge. So, adopting and leveraging today’s innovations in the next years could very well be innovative for them.”
“Wow, where to start. The first institutions to get a major overhaul will be colleges and universities. Why pay $40,000 a year for some middling professor when you can take a course from the world’s best online? Distance learning will enter a more mature phase with serious authenticity and accreditation. As for government, for better or worse (think California) we are very close to being able to eliminate the middleman (Senate and Congress) and vote quickly and accurately on major issues. We’ve already seen main street rebuilt for an Internet age – eating, dry cleaning, hair cutting and pharmacies – the stuff the Web can’t do all that well. Years ago I was very much against the idea of not taxing the Internet because I felt that brick and mortar stores were going to be unable to compete. I still believe that there should be a flat 3% Internet sales tax that goes into things like Internet literacy education and broadband access. Of course the biggest effect will be jobs for the 21st century. It’s either hands-on (plumbers and carpenters still can’t be outsourced very well) or high-tech (regardless of what field your in if you don’t speak tech you don’t get the job).”
“The Internet is already changing government for the better. Websites, even before Web 2.0 enhancements, have made it easier to access government services and representatives. And as social technologies continue to mature, it will only get easier for disparate parties and constituents around the world to work together.”
“By 2020 we will have a better understanding of online cooperation and the rules that work, when and how. These will become standards and people will be able to innovate and take this for granted.“
“I’d like to believe the former is true, but I don’t think we’re at a point yet where transparency and cooperation is the norm, nor do I think we’ll get there in 10 years.”
“Innovative collaboration technologies will not fundamentally change the relationship of government to its citizens, although it may make some activities more efficient.“
“We’re now seeing significant shifts in these relationships as business and government take advantage of the new media to conduct ‘business.’ I see this intensifying; the costs are lower, and personalization is increasingly possible and powerful. Existing ways of customer/citizen contact will remain, but will be less exercised.”
“Online is more efficient and it will replace offline.”
“eGov already proving the increased value of public-private partnership in which the citizen has a shared place.”
“Governments, businesses, non-profits and other mainstream institutions are already changing!”
“We cannot realistically such institutional relationships to change so rapidly over a 10-year period.”
“Yes, it is an extrapolation of what is happening.”
“Internet improvements can enhance communications, but not replace the actual models by which the businesses are run.”
“By using online networks to enhance rather than replace human communication, the impact on organizations can be positive.”
“The development will be very uneven and relatively slow across the globe, but we will see both more efficient and more responsive governments, business, non-profits, etc., but the two (responsiveness and efficiency) do not necessarily come together.”
“Errors are introduced by humans, and by 2020 mainstream institutions will have mastered conduct of relationships with much fewer errors than exist in familiar 20th century models.”
“Over the past 10 years there has been a huge change in business and government, including the rise of online business and global coordination of non-governmental organizations. This will continue and grow.”
“The financial crash is going to force a lot of institutions to get much more efficient and effective. This, more than anything, will prompt the development of technology that optimizes dynamics. As for being responsive, I doubt it. It is the government after all.”
“Financial pressures and demands for more transparent decision-making and accounting will increase the need for more efficient forms of online cooperation.”
“The change will not be transformational, but we will see significant changes in how online cooperation will affect institutions in all sectors.”
“It seems every Web page now that wants to stay connected has links to Facebook and Twitter. They will continue to stay engaged in new media – particularly if they can hire young people.”
“It depends on the resources they have; there will be change, but the level of change will vary significantly.”
“Government 2.0 is inevitable.”
“The Internet’s influence will test the trust and reliability of institutional relationships. Customer loyalty will change rapidly based on greater knowledge or information provided by people outside of the institutions.”
“Yes. It will be driven by public demand, efficiency and costs. No doubt all service institutions are in the midst of evolving new ways to use the Internet and digital tools.”
“Internet will remove the cumbersome intermediaries, in addition the regulation will require greater transparency.”
“My understanding is that it is not that business and government don’t have enough information on their clients, but that they don’t know what to do with the huge amounts of information they already have.”
“I don’t see the Web or Internet creating that much change within the next 10 years.”
“Powerful institutions can use the net to retain power.”
“Not sure that every single institution in every country will evolve quick enough.”
“Everything will be more efficient.”
“Things have changed permanently in terms of the utility of shared information. The Internet has been a force for accountability. I’m sure that institutions will find ways to avoid disclosure, if they’re intent on it.”
“There are too many islands of power that people are unwilling to give up.”
“I wish governments had been separated out from other entities. Governments don’t have to be efficient to survive, but businesses do. My gut feeling is that the federal government is getting less efficient. At least that seems true here (a federal government institution) where the amount of regulation and time spent responding to it keeps increasing.”
“A new collaborative model is now possible. Institutions will need to either adapt or die. I have hope for most institutions other than government. They are a monopoly and have no incentive to change. Business and non-profits will lead the way. We will become a nation of tribes.”
“These changes are already underway. I can apply for social security online…no standing in lines at the local office. Online I can buy products from companies located on the other-side of the world without having a local supplier. I can donate money to my charities of choice electronically without searching out a stamp and envelop to encase my check.”
“Already changing and will never go back. We are stronger in the sum of our parts than we are individually when we need to make changes.”
“They will change, but not all will be more responsive.”
“Well, they won’t retain the models of current practice, but they’ll decrease expenses in other areas in favor of cheaper ‘net models. The totality will be a wash.”
“Let’s hope.”
“Already in play on this, with many examples of collaboration.”
“Government especially does not want to be responsive. They want to rule, they will morph these features of the Internet to suit their purposes.”
“More likely that this change will be evident in 2040 than 2020.”
“There will be an emphasis on e-services, e-democracy, e-work, etc., but real influence will be little.”
“I’ve seen no convincing evidence that the sorts of things mentioned in the first response option has begun. To the contrary, we’ve seen lots of evidence that consumers don’t like dealing with computers (especially in the area of service, though not in the area of sales).”
“Governments and institutions will increase their use of people to maintain their own information and will also be interacting in broader and more efficient ways. It is simply cheaper to get information when people give it willingly online than to spend money on agencies to collect it. Opinions, services, etc., all will continue to evolve into more interactive forms online.”
“The Obama Administration’s enthusiastic embrace of the online and transparency will be an important test/proof of concept.”
“Since I expect identity, opinion, search for information and reactions to ideas to be modified by the Internet, I don’t think institutions will escape these changes. They seem to be more fundamental than the individual properties of institutions.”
“There is no doubt that transparency will improve governance in all spheres of life.”
“This could be a more radical form of participatory democracy.”
“A decade isn’t enough time for a sea-change in government, non-profits are evolving particularly quickly right now, and businesses are on multiple tracks based on sector and to some extent location.”
“Organizations will be more responsive because it will be easier for them to respond. In general, organizations have become more efficient over time and I don’ t think that is likely to abate. The question as to whether this will come about specifically because of ‘innovative forms of online cooperation’ is more difficult to know the answer to, but I don’t think that it will hurt and it is unlikely to remain the same.”
“Yes, it will change.”
“This has already occurred. My state and town allow me to conduct many transactions and search public records online. This lowers the cost of information and allows me to solve problems that would have been too expensive (in time) to address in the past. Today I looked up the town manager of Cambridge, MA, online and sent an e-mail complaining about a crosswalk that had not been shoveled after the last storm in about 5 minutes. An hour later the crosswalk was clear. I would not have done anything about this if I had had to look up the information in a library, write a letter, stamp and address it and mail it. In another 10 years I expect even more access to government at even lower cost.”
“Institutions will streamline some processes, data collection, but the ‘red tape’ and procedural hierarchies, unless radically streamlined and flattened (which is unlikely) means the relationships will be the same.”
“These institutions will be forced to change or they will be replaced by informal institutions created by people.”
“I believe there are great strides to be made here.”
“This is an area where I do expect major breakthroughs in the next ten years, just as we have seen significant progress in the last decade, and the decade before that.”
“I vote for the first, but don’t like the way it is defined. Innovative forms of online cooperation will change institutions, but not always for the better.”
“Because every institution is unique and evolves/changes itself uniquely, the future of institutional relationships will be just as much an unpredictable stew as it is today.”
“This does not mean the other option is right, because, as I said, we will have innovative forms of online cooperation.”
“We are growing in a scenario that requires transparency and governments act sometimes as irresponsible agents with a mandate. I believe civic engagement and civic participation tend to increase because the next generations should not abide by hierarchy only because they were told so.”
“Here, we navigate between our hopes and fears. I have no question that there is going to be innovative restructuring at all levels as a result of technological and social changes we are discussing. But I don’t think you can ignore the reality of bureaucratic inertia and resistance to change. Institutions change slowly – through accretion not revolutions – and while we’ve seen some significant changes in the past decade, they have not been as profound as initially predicted. I would foresee this pattern continuing.”
“No doubt about it. Look how they have changed in the last 10 years! In 10 more years, there will be continued change.”
“I hope so.”
“Certainly, there is a growing number of nonprofits working in innovating ways, in new paradigms, etc. But until we shed the old-time nonprofit leaders, and even middle-age leaders who have a stake in the status quo, we will not have greater efficiency, etc. I think the government, for all of its problems, will embrace efficiency more than many nonprofits will – nonprofits may ultimately change, but they will change because they are forced to, not because they want to. For too many, nonprofits are a jobs program for those who cannot work anywhere else. And technology has absolutely nothing to do with this. (Do you think I am a little jaded?)”
“This is already happening. No reason to believe it won’t continue at a fast clip.”
“I hope so.”
“They had better do so. They need to react and keep pace with the society they serve. A two-week turnaround to issue a birth certificate for instance will not be allowed.”
“Familiar 20th century models are obsolete today.”
“Harvard Business Review (Jan-Feb 2010 issue) stated that relationships for doing business will be SO important. Listening to client/customer needs by a human ear and aided by technology, not the other way around, will separate the wheat from the chaff.”
“Institutions often take a longer time to change than the rest of society. While institutions will use innovative forms of online cooperation eventually, it will not happen on a widespread basis in the next decade. By 2020, some institutions will be getting on board, and some will still be using familiar 20th century models of communication.”
“Successful businesses and non-profits will cooperate with their constituencies online. Institutions that want to maintain formal relationships will see their bases of supporters grow older and older, and eventually diminish.”
“It will probably not be my generation (Baby Boomers) who advance more efficient and responsive governmental models, much as I would like to think otherwise. But it is evident that communications, competition, expectations of progress and on will create a surge in demand for changes in both the public and private spheres of human activity.”
“This is a poorly worded choice. The increased use will not lead to more efficient and responsive people performing their institutional tasks.”
“Increasingly institutions and organizations are making use of new technology in order to provide information, coordinate efforts, allow individuals access to government benefits (and to apply for them), keep users current with rapidly changing situations, etc. However, while this can be a great benefit to many, it can severely and negatively impact others. Many individuals do not have access to online resources and technology. Others may have access either individually or via a library or other free resource but lack the skills to use them effectively. As more and more institutions and agencies use online communication, an individual’s ability to communicate directly one on one with someone who could provide needed assistance in a timely manner may be limited or eliminated.”
“These institutions move and change very slowly.”
“We are already seeing these institutions and our relationships change. The fact that these interactions will be user controlled will change the social, political and commercial endeavors and grant more ‘power to the people.’”
“While I’m not so convinced that a dramatic difference will be noticeable as early as 2020, I do believe that society will move in that direction by virtue of the openness and transparency that the Internet enables.”
“Business has never been anxious to be open to the public and it never will be, except for a few rare examples. There may be a public relations-driven image of openness and concern but it will not be genuine. A major factor is the possibility of legal action or impact on competitive advantage resulting from disclosed information.”
“Big process changes. Smaller actual changes (that is, a quick machine generated e-mail from a company or agency feels like a response but actually does nothing).”
“The online environment will make it easier to work with business and government.”
“A lot of work to do, culture to change but the possibilities are infinite.”
“This is already happening a lot and will continue to grow. For example, see This is an international non-profit organization that has no physical head-office. People who work for WSI are all over the world and communicate through Skype, Go To Meetings, etc., and only meet face-to-face once or twice a year.”
“This sounds true for countries that are already mainly reliant on computer technology. For the billions in poverty and in impoverished countries, I am pessimistic about their ability to see much improvement in their lives.”
“Organizations change slowly in structure and culture though faster in communication. There is a reason why the Roman Catholic Church is still with us, why universities have been around for more than a millennium, why soldiers in armies around the globe relate quickly to one another, whatever their socio-political system.”
“The incentive structure for government will need a drastic overhaul before the core of government will be able to leverage the efficiencies of the Internet. Most government agencies and politicians aren’t measured on how well the serve the public. Until government and healthcare for that matter, are focused on the citizen/patient, significant improvement won’t be achieved.”
“There is a big but attached: new technology-driven models of government and business will emerge to replace entities unwilling or unable to change. Just as there are new tech-driven philanthropies that respond to the demand for immediacy and transparency, there will be new and perhaps even ‘transient’ businesses and government functions outside of, but aligned with, traditional entities.”
“While the Internet certainly permits greater citizen input into government decision-making, there is little evidence that governmental institutions are much interested in making use of these new communications tools. The exception will probably be the increasing importance of the Internet in national and local election campaigns.”
“Other institutions may be more amenable to change – particularly non-profits.”
“The challenge will be to foster a more inclusive relationship, rather than technology used only by those who are actually concerned about these things.”
“I don’t think 10 years is long enough for government to make this change.”
“The case is already solved.”
“I don’t foresee enormous changes in this area.”
“Democracy and commercial functions will continue to evolve, participatory venues will be a valid and normal part of business and government.”
“The issue will not be one of the technological interface between a polity and the government/business/institution. The polity will always want more information than the bureaucrats of government/business/institutions are willing to provide.”
“The human nature factors of bureaucracy will not change despite technology advances simply because they are representative of human nature.”
“More efficient and responsive? At what level? At minor levels there will probably be some token improvements but governments and business institutions have their own interests to maintain before considering the public whom they are intended to serve.”
“Government can’t move that fast.”
“Institutions and governments will have to move in this direction, although whether they will have achieved ‘significant’ strides is yet to be determined.”
“By 2020, NGOs will start to have a bigger role in the world governance, due to their wide online base, major funding through donations and global legitimacy. Governments will start to see the limits of the concept of nation and country to resolve global issues. Patriotism will start to be seen as selfishness in a flat world. Solidarity will become global and online, and networks like Kiva will manage bigger budgets than the G7.”
“You already can’t reach companies and government agencies by phone and physical locations are expensive maintain. I hope more than I trust that efficiency and responsiveness will improve.”
“Economics and competition drive IT and workflow automation. I would expect to see this accelerate relative to government and maintain current pace relative to businesses.”
“Government will not become more efficient due to online applications and outlets. This is because governments are not run like businesses, therefore they will always suffer until bureaucratic processes changes. Business and non-profits do have a chance of utilizing online techniques to become more responsive and most likely will be much more efficient by 2020.”
“I’m excited by the data sharing projects that are starting with government data. I hope this is the start of a more transparent and participatory culture.”
“Old habits die hard, and most institutions are greatly influenced by those with the money and power to affect actions or decisions in ways that yield the greatest benefits to them specifically. Those fundamental circumstances are unlikely to change radically.”
“There is potential for government to be more accessible and responsive as we’re already seeing with, etc. but … don’t hold your breath.”
“The opportunity exists for this change. However, much of it depends on the success and ability of government and institutions to listen, engage and make improvements based on online engagement.”
“By 2020, every institution, organization, government, and business will be online, providing detail and disseminating in manners not realized today. We will all benefit from the ease of access and provisioning of information.”
“This is already changing so quickly that is seems folly not to expect continued change in this direction. Just how it will change remains open.”
“God, I hope so.”
“2020 is perhaps too soon, but I would hope that by then we would have seen some significant steps towards utilising the tools we have available to effect various new efficiencies and responsiveness.”
“This will happen – I only hope that there are built-in protections for individuals.”
“This question is biased. I believe innovative forms of online cooperation will result in efficient and responsive businesses – but not governments. Suggest you reword this question.”
“They are going to have to change and we are seeing that already with transparent government documents, open entry into public institutions, and electronic medical records. For example, doctors who are not responsive and communicative will lose patients to those who are.”
“Only when all the organizations listed above can come up with coherent intrAnets for their employees to share info will they be able to use the external Web to be more efficient and responsive.”
“Unsure of this.”
“The same will happen at 2020, the whole structure will keep moving.”
“Structures will still exist and will be needed still, and the old habits will still be there, with only a minority using these new means.”
“This was a tough one – not sure it is one way or the other. It will really be dependent upon how efficient the transition is to 2020 with computers and what they are used for. I don’t think they will decrease and I think the dependency will be there regardless of the desire to use but for the need due to growth, etc.”
“Electronic automation of institutional infrastructures is critical to future survival.”
“Corporations and governments will continue to hold onto doing business as they have.”
“There’s already some change in responsiveness (witness the Obama campaign), or the changes in Ugandan politics regarding gays and the death penalty. But, the change won’t come too quickly, so 20th century models will still prevail for a while.”
“Those who seek what Whitman coined democratic vistas will have no choice.”
“Governments will continue to be people-heavy because their business isn’t about efficiency. On the other hand, organizations such as businesses, which are profit-driven, will see institutional changes that reflect the power of the media.”
“Institutional/bureaucratic conventions have left most organizations behind the curve, technologically speaking. There is little incentive for organizational imperatives to change; especially given the risk-averse environment of most institutions.”
“Yes, our relationships with institutions will change for the better. Government may become more responsive. Business certainly will rely on the Internet for business functions but it fell it will only be successful if there are better brick and mortar locations where customer service will be king. People want and need to physically interact with the products and services they need and want to consume. Knowledge will be gained from the Internet but people will still want to touch and feel the merchandise. Banking and personal financial management will most certainly be run on the Web.”
“Businesses will not have a choice. In order to compete, they will need to understand the social media movement and get away from interruption marketing tactics.”
“In the past couple of years I’ve seen trends such as Innocentive successfully set up crowd sourcing.”
“In 2020, more tools will be available to help make businesses and governments efficient and responsive over the next 10 years as well make it easier to connect. For the approval by FDA can be shorter with better connections, tools between this agency and pharmaceutical companies.”
“Imagine a world where information just flows. If you are in the emergency room all your medical information would simply follow you no matter where in the world you are. The medical claims can be processed faster and more efficiently.”
“Business and non-profits will change – government will remain corrupt.”
“It’s difficult to believe that anyone who has been or will be exposed to the advantages of the Internet for communicating with any variety of groups, businesses, etc., would not see continual potential for developing and strengthening lines of communication and exchange with them. There are so many ways that conducting business online has made our lives easier- banking, bill paying, buying, selling, e-mailing, etc., and competition will drive new ways to connect business with customers. Non-profits now have a means to stay in continual contact with people who have expressed an interest in their causes, and can conduct fund drives without the cost of postage, or intrusive telephone calls. Many people realize how accessible their government representatives are online, government departments have Web sites, and even unemployment claims can be filed online. Most computer literate people anticipate and expect those connections to become increasingly sophisticated.”
“It has already started.”
“See how Twitter empowered Iranians to share with the whole world the repressive actions of a dictatorial, murderous state. (BTW, I’m NOT Iranian, so I have no political agenda in mentioning this example.) E-government and all of the kinds of Websites promoting transparency and accountability from the public and private sector have empowered ‘the citizen’ in ways not imaginable without the power of the Internet.”
“This is my ‘hope so’ answer. I think representative democracy is at its weakest point ever (in the so-called western democracies) and citizens will increasingly demand for a more responsive and effective administration of public affairs. Politicians and the structures of government will have to adapt to more deliberative processes and to more ‘intervention’ of citizens in what was now their exclusive space. Representative democracy might no longer be the most efficient form of government and in some issues deliberative democracy might (willingly or by popular pressure) become predominant.”
“I cannot see archaic governmental institutions headed by the older generation dramatically changing their methods of ‘doing business’ in just 10 years.”
“The Internet is a powerful flashlight on incompetency and corruption.”
“Computer network-enabled cooperation will continue to reduce some real-world barriers to cooperation, but people will also have to recognize that some barriers to cooperation are not addressed merely by technologies, and only those who recognize the true sources of all of these barriers and address them will benefit from the technologies that make collaboration easier online. See Morten Hansen’s book ‘Collaboration.’”
“I pray and hope for this!”
“Unfortunately, the government is like a huge barge; very slow to recognize the need to change and therefore change will be minimal. It will only change if forced to because of severe economic constraints.”
Many more responses to the future of institutions question will be added to this page in coming weeks!
>> Click here to return to the 2010 Future of the Internet survey homepage
>> Click here to read credited survey-takers’ responses to this question
>> Click here to read the news release prepared to announce this report
>> Click here to read brief biographies of some of the survey participants
>> View Lee Rainie’s presentation of Future of Institutions data on Slideshare