Accurate Technology Predictions
Ultra-intelligent electronic agents will be mainstream by 2005.
Ultra-intelligent electronic agents will be mainstream by 2005.
[We expect] the growth of data warehouses using data mining throughout the 1990s.
[We predict] the growth of electronic agents by the late 1990s.
Don’t worry that there may not be enough advertising opportunities on the Internet itself to get people to come to your site, though even this is changing rapidly, just look out to all the other medias that are available and use those to drive people to your site.
Is the programming that’s going to be on the Internet interesting enough, motivating enough, enlightening enough that people are going to want to tune in and use it? That’s purely a content issue.
The thousands of volumes that are contained today on the shelves of libraries could be trasfered into digital form and … be made available to any place in the country electronically.
A new industry is being created in America. We are beginning to create massive Data Libraries …. No one place will contain the information. Rather all information sources are being made available in electronic form through the Internet.
Educators and policy makers currently see technology as a replacement for people. This is not true. Rather, as John Naisbett said, we can and must have High-Tech and High-Touch at the same time.
We should have learning centers, neighborhood electronic cottages.
A telecommunications network that links students together and that supports everything from data to video exchange would take education out of isolated classrooms, allowing computer-based systems to be set up at home, in local businesses, and at new community-based learning centers around Colorado.