Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Ron McFadden

From: Connecticut

Bio: Network Technician

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Getting, Sharing Information

Headline: Just like the Jetsons

Nutshell: We'll be connected together but at risk for failure after you totally reley on it for your everyday life.


I believe we will all be so dependant on the networked world that if the network were to fail the future people of this world would not know how to function. A simple networked home would be eerily silent as most of your appliances would cease to funtion. You could be locked out of your home enviroment. A simple book would be hard to come by as everything you read is on line or on some kind of electronic book or tablet. No lights, no heat, would need to start a fire to cook as well as to heat your home in this situation.

Date Submitted: November 10, 2004