Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Geraldo Franco

Bio: Over-educated, super-unemployed, healthy, happy, etc. etc.

Area of Expertise: Author/Editor/Journalist

Topic: Information Infrastructure

Headline: Remember the future… perhaps…

Nutshell: Past-to-future of discilinary research is mapped graphically and turned into a large hyper-media show case.


All general or specific areas of human interest and research will be fully hyper-media mapped, so that one would have strings that may lead way back to the past, actually documented, as it will show paths from the past to the future of each discipline, area or subject, which by their turn, will be updated frequently.

This could appear as a documentary film show, or as in different layered maps, like in GIS. Or both.

One would further quest-re-search by placing questions or by punching keys.

Individual archives and museums would be asked to participate, in a way as such that their main holdings could/would become explicit, so that people, in time, would go after them.

Date Submitted: October 7, 2006