Friends of the Elon Academy

Support from Elon donors makes an impact on every student within Elon Academy.

This honor roll recognizes every member of the Elon community – including alumni, parents and grandparents, friends, and others – who have made a contribution to create opportunity for the next generation of Elon Academy students.

Thank you for your commitment and support to all who are making the Elon Academy a reality:

Endowment Gifts

  • Howard and Betty Adams
  • The Riversville Foundation
  • Pam and Liam Duffy
  • Tony and Clara Foriest
  • Blairton and Brenda Hampton
  • ING Foundation – Personal Finance & Economic Competency Class
  • LabCorp Endowment for Opportunity
  • Frank and Natalie Lyon
  • John and Emily McDonald
  • Scott and Kristen Moffitt
  • Doug and Edna Noiles, Noiles Family Foundation
  • W.D. and Jane Sellers
  • Michael and Cynthia Touloupas
  • Edward K. Walker
  • W.H. and Julia Ward
  • Russell and Rosella Wilson


2023-2024 Donors

2022-2023 Donors

2021-2022 Donors

2020-2021 Donors

2019-2020 Donors