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Teaching & Learning Suggestions
With appropriate accommodations, qualified students with all types of disabilities have been successful in post-secondary education. Disabilities Resources uses a case-by-case analysis to determine reasonable accommodations for a student with a disability, making each student’s accommodations individualized. However, there are some general pedagogical techniques which are effective for a wide variety of students with disabilities and are considered effective teaching strategies—for all students. Consider incorporating the following suggestions into your teaching repertoire:
- Select a text with a study guide when possible.
- Include a statement on your syllabus about disabilities. For example, “If you are a student with a documented disability who will require accommodations in this course, please register with Disabilities Resources in the Koenigsberger Learning Center of Belk Library, Room 226 (278-6568), for assistance in developing a plan to address your academic needs.” Encourage students to make a private appointment with you to discuss the need for accommodations and how they will be put into place.
- Make course expectations clear.
- Ask for volunteer note takers at the beginning of the course.
- With each class, briefly review the previous lecture.
- Write key words/technical terms/proper names on the board or provide a lecture handout.
- Begin each lecture with an outline of material to be covered during that class.
- Provide guided lecture questions.
- Face the class when speaking and speak directly to students.
- Use gestures and natural expressions to convey meaning.
- Briefly summarize material at the end of class.
- Give assignments orally and in writing.
- Provide frequent opportunities for questions and answers.
- Well in advance of an exam, provide study questions that illustrate the format as well as the content of the exam.
- Explain what constitutes a good answer and why.
- Be sure exam questions are clear and provide the appropriate amount of white space on the page for responses.
- Use a multi-sensory approach—visual aids, overheads, handouts along with lectures.
- Distribute samples of finished papers as examples, or post a model on your web page.
- Use captioned videos whenever possible. They have proven to be helpful not only students with disabilities, but to international students as well.
- Administer frequent quizzes to provide feedback.
- Provide PowerPoint slide copies before the lecture (may be uploaded to your webpage).
- Have students work in groups with hands-on activities or very specific group assignments.
- Think about seating arrangements and match student needs with location.