Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Bryan

From: North Carolina

Bio: Internet Philosopher

Area of Expertise: Advocate/Voice of the People

Topic: General, Overarching Remarks

Headline: The Internet will enable man to know the mind of God.

Nutshell: Human and Internet will interface through biotechnological advances and upload themselves into cyberspace.


Human and Internet will interface through biotechnological advances and upload themselves into cyberspace. At first this will be largely isolated incidences done by the rich at the end of their lives in the hope of downloading into available alternatives ( perhaps other species as a last resort ).

However when it is known that upload gives such intellectual freedom the movement will gather apace until virtually the whole human race will be uploaded into the new reality apart from a few cleaners. Then we will truly know the mind of God as we will have discovered that is what we are when united as one in cyberspace.

This is not a prediction based on a fantasy but on solid experimentation taking place at various places in the U.S. and other allied countries in order to have agents infiltrate the internet globally in the war against terror.

Date Submitted: September 26, 2006

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