Chalking Approval:

An Elon student, student organization, faculty or staff member wishing to chalk sidewalks on campus must register the activity with the Moseley Center through a form on PhoenixCONNECT. An approval for the chalking activity must be received before chalking begins.

  • All general posting policies must be followed for chalking on campus.
  • The Chalking Request Form is available on the Moseley Center’s PhoenixCONNECT page or by clicking here.
  • Chalking is only allowed on concrete sidewalks where rain can wash off the chalk. Chalking is NOT allowed in other places (on bricks, stairs, walls, or under colonnades, etc.) as these require additional cleaning to remove.
  • Liquid chalk is strictly prohibited as it also requires significant work to remove.
  • Postings must abide by the Code of Conduct, the University’s non-discrimination policies, and all policies in the Student Handbook.
  • If University policies are violated, the Moseley Center Staff (or their designee) may remove the chalking and forward information to Student Conduct if appropriate. Repeat offenses may, at the minimum, result in the loss of chalking privileges.
  • The individual or group responsible must clean off all chalking areas within 24 hours after the event or activity.