Cost of an Elon MBA

One of the major benefits is the reasonable cost of an MBA at Elon. Elon offers payment plans and federal student financial aid. Some employers might assist with tuition benefits for an mba program. Find out what options work best for you.

The tuition rate for the 2024-2025 academic year is $1206 per credit hour. Other than tuition, there are very few expenses Elon MBA students will have to pay. Students will need to purchase books, but that cost varies per class. There is also a $10 parking permit fee. Additionally, if a student decides to study abroad, they will need to cover their portion of the trip.

Financing your Elon MBA

There are may ways to finance the cost of an MBA at Elon. Planning ahead and seeking out sources is important. Below are some ways to help plan for the cost of an MBA at Elon.

  1. Payment Plans

    Elon offers a deferred payment plan option to help with the cost of an MBA. For more information on payment options or to learn more about payment plans, visit the Bursar’s office website.

  2. Employer Tuition Benefits

    Some companies recognize that advanced education is an excellent investment and might pay all or part of an employee’s expenses toward the cost of an MBA. Check with your employer about any potential education tuition benefits to help with the cost of an MBA.

  3. Federal Student Financial Aid

    If you intend to apply for any federal financing, we encourage you to submit your FAFSA at the time you apply for admission. Below is more detailed information about the loan options available to Elon students to help with the cost of an MBA.

Federal Stafford Loan

Graduate students may borrow up to $20,500 through the Unsubsidized Stafford Loan program. The student will be charged interest from the time the loan is disbursed until it is paid in full. If the interest is capitalized (allowed to accumulate), it will be added to the principal amount of the loan and will increase the amount the borrower will have to repay. If the choice is made to pay the interest as it accumulates, the total interest charges paid during repayment will be considerably less. The maximum unsubsidized loan for graduate and professional study is $20,500 per year.

The total amount a graduate or professional student may borrow from all Stafford Loans (including undergraduate loans) combined is $138,500 (no more than $65,000 of this amount may be in subsidized loans). The graduate borrowing limit includes any Stafford Loans received for undergraduate study.

Under current law, the fixed interest rate charged on Federal Stafford Loans is set each year by the Department of Education at the beginning of July. There are also small origination and guarantee fees associated with each loan these fees are deducted up front and thus lower the actual amount of each disbursement.

Repayment of Stafford Loans begins six months after graduation or withdrawal from the MBA Program. This is called the grace period. During the grace period on a Stafford loan, no payment of any principal is due.

For more information, visit First-time borrowers are required to complete student loan entrance counseling and a Master Promissory Note, which are available at

Federal PLUS Loan for Graduate Students

This loan is based on credit worthiness. The application and disbursement process is similar to that described for Stafford Loans. Principal can be deferred while you are enrolled, however interest will accrue. Repayment begins immediately after graduation or when you are no longer enrolled.

Borrowers may borrow up to the cost of education less any other financial aid awarded. Under current law, the fixed interest rate charged on Graduate PLUS is set each year by the Department of Education at the beginning of July. There are also small origination and guarantee fees associated with each loan. These fees are deducted upfront and thus lower the actual amount of each disbursement. Federal regulations require loan proceeds be disbursed in two equal amounts. Proceeds are applied directly to your tuition account.

Information about the Graduate PLUS Loan may be obtained from the Office of Financial Aid website. First-time borrowers are required to complete student loan entrance counseling and a Master Promissory Note, which are available at

For more information, visit First-time borrowers are required to complete student loan entrance counseling and a Master Promissory Note, which are available at

How to Apply for Student Loans


  1. Complete and submit to the Office of Financial Aid the Graduate Financial Aid Application. For those enrolling in fall 2023, please complete the 2023-2024 Graduate Financial Aid Application. The application may be submitted by fax or mail only. Emailed applications will not be accepted.
  2. Complete and submit electronically the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). For those enrolling in fall 2024, please complete the 2024-2025 FAFSA.

Elon’s Federal Title IV School Code is 002927.

For additional information, please contact Lynette Lorenzetti in Elon’s Office of Financial Aid at, (336) 278-7640.