Research/Creative Interests

Statistical methods for environmental and ecological science. Current areas/projects include marine ecology (specifically, deep-sea coral reefs), tree-ring processing, and spatial statistics.

Research/Creative Needs

Data analysis (formal and exploratory), data management/cleaning, statistical programming, data visualizations (including GIS)

Mentoring Style

  • One-on-one or in small groups, depending on the project

Currently looking for a student to apply and work in these programs

  • Any program/opportunity

I can mentor a student enrolled in 4998/4999 hours during these semesters

  • Any semester – email me to ask

Student Qualifications

  • I’m open to working with students from a variety of backgrounds. You should be self-motivated, have good organizational and communication skills, and be open to learning statistics/programming.

Interested? Please email me to request more information.