Research/Creative Interests

Topics I find interesting include race, politics, religion, gender, crime and punishment, sustainability, inequality, and culture.

Research/Creative Needs

I’m open to mentioning intellectually curious students across a broad range of social science topics. I’ve mentored both qualitative and quantitative projects. I have some expertise in surveys but also use interviews, experiments, ethnography, and other methods.

Currently looking for a student to apply and work in these programs

  • Any program/opportunity

I can mentor a student enrolled in 4998/4999 hours during these semesters

  • Any semester

Student Qualifications

  • I typically work with social science students.
  • I am particularly interested in mentoring students from historically marginalized populations.

My own research has mainly addressed racial inequality and discrimination, commemoration of past racial violence, and social movements/politics. You do not need to share these interests to work with me.

Interested? Please email me to request more information.