Diversity and Inclusion Grants
The Diversity and Inclusion Grant program first began in spring 2011 as a partnership between CATL and what was then Elon’s Multicultural Center (now the CREDE), under the name the Diversity Infusion Program (DIP). Renamed the Diversity and Inclusion Grant Program (DIG) in 2018, the DIG program supports faculty teams as they develop and implement strategies to infuse the curriculum and pedagogies of the University with the best practices related to human diversity, broadly defined.
Purpose of the DIG Program
The Diversity and Inclusion Grant (DIG) program supports pairs or small teams of up to 5 members to develop projects focused on inclusive content, pedagogies, assignments, or strategies to foster learning about human diversity, broadly defined. DIG projects can be used to meet a range of DEI-focused curricular or pedagogical goals, such as to:
- Collect and analyze student learning, representation, or success at the departmental or program level and develop responsive strategies or interventions,
- Develop content for multi-section courses, or creating repositories of materials for departments or programs,
- Design and pilot new assignments for individual courses, and/or
- Build instructor or student awareness, skills, and strategies to incorporate inclusive pedagogies.
Each team develops their project in two phases — Phase I: Research (April-August) and Phase II: Infusion (August-May), when teams pilot and assess their action plans. Each team receives $500 to use for project expenses, and each faculty team member receives a $1000 stipend (paid in equal parts at the completion of Phase I and Phase II; student or staff member funding will be negotiated).
Types of Diversity & Inclusion Grants Available:
- Stage One grants fund new DEI teaching and learning projects.
- Stage Two grants allow teams to build on previously funded projects and expand or extend ideas in a new way.
Applying for a Diversity & Inclusion Grant:
Eligibility: We welcome applications from teams of 2 to 5 full-time, ongoing teaching faculty. CATL faculty are available to consult with grant applicants developing proposals and with grantees on their projects.
Application: Diversity & Inclusion Grant Application
Deadlines: Applications for Stage One and Stage Two DIG projects are due by 5:00 pm Friday, March 7, 2025. Note: Applications for Stage Two DIG projects are invited in odd numbered years, including the 2023 application cycle
Program Guidelines: This guidelines document offers an outline of the program, expectations, and implementation timelines for awarded applications.
Reimbursement Form: Complete the DIG Reimbursement Form and submit the form and applicable receipts to the CATL Program Coordinator (catl@elon.edu) for reimbursement. If you have questions about additional ways to access funding, please contact the CATL Program Coordinator at x5106 or catl@elon.edu.