As a student organization leader, you have many responsibilities. This section offers resources about managing the group and shares responsibilities and expectations of all student leaders, including training and leadership development opportunities, semesterly roster validation and the Elon Experience Transcript (EET). You can also find information about the advisor’s role. There is also valuable information about transitioning leadership roles (transition checklist) and how to validate service hours in this section.


* designates a University policy found in the Student Handbook
** designates a student organization policy

Organization Leader Responsibilities**

Being a student leader at Elon comes distinct responsibilities and expectations. Organization leaders are not merely serving as the head or face of the organization, but rather a conduit of pertinent information that is vital to the success and sustainability of the organization. The responsibilities of student organization leaders include:

  • Ensuring the values of the organization and the institution are integrated through missions and standards of the organization, membership, and programming of the organization.
  • Being knowledgeable of and adhering to the Elon Student Code of Conduct, the Elon Student Handbook, local, state and federal laws, and all University policies and regulations.
  • Re-registering each academic year by renewing the organization profile page on PhoenixCONNECT in order to maintain organization recognition status with the University.
  • Submit appropriate semester reporting forms through PhoenixCONNECT, including, but not limited to, updating membership rosters, officer contact information, schedule of events, and organization bylaws/constitution.
  • Updating membership rosters each academic term on PhoenixCONNECT with all new members, active members, and leadership changes.
  • Actively participating in required programs, education sessions, and trainings sponsored by Student Involvement, the Center for Leadership, the Moseley Center, or the University department with which the organization is affiliated.
  • Fostering an atmosphere within the organization that is supportive of high academic standards and ethic of care for one another and the community.
  • Ensuring the name of the full-time Elon faculty or staff member who serves as the organization advisor is on file and approved with Student Involvement and keeping the advisor informed of meetings, events, and other activities planned by the organization.
  • Maintaining, encouraging, and fostering positive community relations. Members living in the community represent their organization.
  • Consulting with Student Involvement about all proposed changes to the organization’s bylaws/constitution.
  • Preparing and submitting funding requests to SGA.
  • In the spring, submitting the annual application for Student Organization Awards.
  • Informing and educating all members on relevant policies and documents.

Annual Re-Registration and Renewal Process**

Each spring semester, the President (or equivalent position) is required to re-register and renew the organization in PhoenixCONNECT. When prompted by Student Involvement, the President will be asked to complete a series of questions, update all leadership information, and submit an updated copy of the organization’s bylaws on the renewal form. This process is required of all organizations to maintain ‘active’ status and receive the benefits and privileges of recognized student organizations. Organizations that fail to complete the Org Renewal process will be considered ‘inactive’ and will not receive the privileges afforded recognized groups. Some of these benefits include using university facilities and spaces on campus, being listed in the Organization Directory on PhoenixCONNECT, the ability to reserve university vans, applying for and using SGA funding, and participating in the Organization Fair.

Trainings and Leadership Development**

All student organizations are required to send their President (or equivalent) and at least one additional organization leader to attend the Student Leader Training Session each semester. (We encourage you to send your Treasurer or event planner as some sessions will be directly targeted to them and their role within the organization.) These student leaders are responsible for then sharing all information with their respective organization(s). Student Involvement will share specific dates and additional details before the beginning of each semester regarding this training.

Some organization leaders may be expected to complete and attend additional trainings and workshops as required by the Student Government Association (related to applying for and/or receiving funds) or respective university departments.

For more information about additional leadership development opportunities, please visit Student Involvement. (Moseley 201) and the Center for Leadership (Moseley 230).

Elon Experiences Transcript – Membership and Service Hours Validation**

The Elon Experiences Transcript (EET) is a visual documentation of students’ participation in global engagement, internships, undergraduate research, leadership, and service experiences. The Office of the Vice President for Student Life coordinates the EET in partnership with other university departments.

Student Involvement facilitates a membership roster validation process each semester. As a leader of your organization, you are responsible for ensuring all current leaders and members are identified in your roster on PhoenixCONNECT. Your advisor will be asked to validate all members of your organization during this process.

These are important because when student organization rosters are validated on PhoenixCONNECT, students will receive credit on the EET for officer leadership positions that are held. The EET will include each student’s leadership positions and the terms of service to the student organization. For information regarding your EET or how to update rosters, please contact Student Involvement.

Student organizations are also strongly encouraged to validate all hours of service with the community. At Elon, service is defined as work accomplished through direct service, indirect service or advocacy with domestic and international communities. Service can be with non-profit organizations, non-governmental agencies, governmental programs, schools, church programs that serve a community need, and organizations that serve high-need populations. Validated student service can occur whenever a student is enrolled at Elon, which includes times when school is not in session. These hours can be completed individually by students, part of an academic course, with a student organization, or with a campus department. While service is not about counting or quantity, service hours are included on the EET as a validated record of students’ service during college.  Specific information on what counts as service and how to validate hours can be found on the Kernodle Center for Civic Life’s Phoenix Serve website.

Leadership Transitions & Checklist

One of the most important tasks you will complete as a student leader within your organization is the transition and mentorship of your successor. Not only does a successful transition assist in the continuity of organization’s mission and goals, but it also helps the organization continue to grow and thrive on campus. The following is a list of transitional information and tasks that you should complete at the end of your term of service to the organization.  (It is helpful if many of these begin as soon as your successor is identified even if they do not assume office right away.) This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but rather provide basic transition information. We recognize that more specific needs and information may be required of your organization.


  • Your organization’s history.
  • University policies and procedures as outlined in the Student Organization Handbook.
  • Organization goals for the upcoming semester/year.
  • Organization bylaws/constitution as founding and guiding document and procedures for the entire organization.


  • Responsibilities related to PhoenixCONNECT including navigating the organization’s profile page, having all contact information for all organization leaders, updating membership roster, and advisor contacts.
  • Leadership/officer position descriptions.
  • Organization’s agendas and minutes from past meetings.
  • Organization’s financial records and funding processes, including treasurer’s accounts, fundraising information and copies of completed requisitions. If applicable, review of SGA funding requests.
  • The re-registration and renewal process with Student Involvement.
  • Development of organization calendar that includes meetings, events, retreats, and special programs.
  • Past goals, evaluation of progress on those goals, and goal-setting for the future.


  • Meet for a final closing discussion with your organization’s advisor.
  • Schedule and hold a transition meeting with the old officers, new officers, and organization advisor.

Student Organization Advisors

Student organizations are student-initiated and student-run. The success of the organization is the responsibility of the students, not the advisor.  The role of the advisor is to be a mentor and resource to students, providing feedback and advice in order for students to develop leadership skills and reflect on what they are learning through their activities. Depending on the needs of an individual organization, advisors service in a multitude of roles including mentor, facilitator, educator, and supervisor. Additionally, advisors may assist with student development, budgeting, event planning, organization and other areas that support the mission of the student group.

Student Organization Advising Statement for faculty (approved by the Student Life Committee)

General Responsibilities of Organization Advisors

  • Meet on a regular basis with organization officers.
  • Attend organization meetings when possible.  Many organizations require an advisor be present when officers are elected/selected.
  • Serve as the official Elon liaison with the organization.
  • Approve and sign-off of all University procedures through PhoenixCONNECT including verifying membership and leadership rosters each semester.
  • Be informed of all University policies and procedures and advise the student organization and leaders to follow all safety, risk, and liability measures.
  • Report behaviors that impact the organization and the community.
  • Stay informed of all organization advisor information shared by Student Involvement and attend the Student Organization Advisor training sessions when able.

Depending on the mission, function, and needs of a student organization, the advisor’s role can vary. Here are some best practices Student Involvement and the Center for Leadership have identified in helping all advisors be successful:

  • Have an understanding of the organization’s mission, purpose, and goals for the year (a copy of the organization’s bylaws can be accessed through the PhoenixCONNECT page).
  • Get to know the student leaders, be supportive, and help them make meaning of their experiences.  This is a wonderful opportunity for mentorship!
  • Be aware of important dates such as mandatory training sessions, budget timelines, available workshops, recognition events, and the annual renewal process.
  • Serve as a resource to the leaders with regard to understanding all University policies and procedures and know how to find the answers.  (Connecting with Student Involvement is always an option for finding answers!)
  • Be accessible and visible to the organization leaders.
  • Understand the group’s dynamics and development – help good organizations become better.
  • Assist in the leadership transition process and help in sharing consistent information with new officers.  The advisor is often a consistent presence for the organization, serving as the preservationist and helping maintain a “healthy” organization.

Student Involvement and the Center For Leadership offer many resources and support for advisors, including the Advisor Role Checklist, an event debrief template, one-on-one consulting, and training opportunities. Please visit their website to learn more about the resources available to recognized student organization advisors.