Researchers from the Imagining the Internet Center conducted a video survey of Global IGF 2011 participants in Nairobi, Kenya, recording interviews in which they asked several questions of stakeholders from all sectors of society about the evolution of the Internet. Use the video viewer to see their responses. Click on the first video to begin a player that will cycle through all visible on this page or click on those you wish to view. To see additional videos, click on the numbers at the end of the video column to display additional videos – there are dozens more than you see here. The question in this video set was:
“Creator and intermediary ethics: What responsibilities do technology innovators and designers and the organizations that produce our tools and our Internet access have to ethically serving the global public, and are they living up to them?”
Links to all 2011 questions:
>Q1: Billions more with access
>Q2: Humans changing?
>Q3: Web vs. apps/social?
>Q4: Creator responsibility
>Q5: Will the IGF survive?
>Q6: Greatest hope – Internet
>Q7: Greatest fear – Internet
>Q8: Future in 10 seconds
>2011 IGF Survey Home Page
To get an accurate representation of all responses in full, watch all of the videos. Each clip is brief, lasting anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. Some respondents gave extended answers; some may be edited for brevity if necessary but the majority should include the full response.
Interviews from more than 70 of the IGF 2011 video survey participants are included in the collections available on these pages.
Among those interviewed are: current and former top leaders at the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers; top leaders of the Internet Society; vice presidents from Google, Microsoft and Cisco; leaders of the Global Internet Governance Forum, including members of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group for the Internet Governance Forum, the Working Group for Improvements to the Internet Governance Forum, and the Internet Governance Caucus; directors of major non-profit organizations with global reach and expertise on information and communication technologies; members of parliament for several governments; Internet entrepreneurs; researchers in academia and government; representatives of the ministries of foreign affairs for several governments; and youth representatives from Kenya and global Internet organizations.
The number of people answering each survey question varies. Some participants only had time to answer a few of the questions. Some interviews were lost or damaged due to technical difficulties. If you participated and your voice is not included here, our thanks to you and our apologies; we hope to get to talk to you again in the future to add your voice to Imagining the Internet.
Alphabetical list of people in interviews:
Michael Ager, citizen;
Qusai Al-Shatti, deputy chairman, Kuwait Information Technology Society;
Howard Baggott, events manager, Internet Society;
Fouad Riaz Bajwa, IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group and Internet Governance Caucus;
Anton Battesti, Internet governance adviser, French Foreign Office;
Rod Beckstrom, CEO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN);
Dawit Bekele, regional director for Africa, Internet Society;
Scott Bradner, Internet Society Board of Trustees;
Chris Buckridge, external relations officer, RIPE, Europe’s Regional Internet Registry;
Marilyn Cade, catalyst for IGF-USA;
Rebecca Cawthorne, Childnet International Digital Citizenship Project;
Vint Cerf, co-inventor of the Internet protocol and vice president and chief Internet evangelist for Google;
Anne Collier, co-founder and director,;
Alex Comninos, independent researcher, Justus Liebig University Giessen;
Steve Crocker, chairman of the ICANN Board of Directors;
Melanie Dominski, coordinator, Freedom of Expression Campaign, Freedom House;
Michaka Evans, citizen;
Alex Everett, Childnet International Digital Citizenship Project;
Emani Fakaotimanava-Lui, director of development, Internet Niue;
Rafid Fatani, Internet Society of the United Kingdom;
Lewis Fry, Commonwealth Internet governance correspondent;
Alex Gakuru, chair, ICT Consumers Association of Kenya;
Will Gardner, CEO, Childnet International;
Anne Wanjiru Gatende, consultant, Swiss E-Learning Institute, Kenya;
John Gathegi, professor, University of South Florida;
Raquel Gatto, Center for Information & Communication Studies, Brazil;
Ali Hamed, president and co-founder of Memsparx Inc.;
Hasanul Haq Inu, Member of Parliament, Bangladesh, and chair of committee on telecommunications;
Ventakesh Hariharan, head of public policy, Google India;
Jeffrey Hensley, director of grant and foundation funding, Internet Society;
Lee Hibbard, media and information society, Council of Europe;
Marco Hogewoning, network engineer and leader of XS4ALL;
Matthew Jackman, Childnet International Digital Citizenship Project;
Robert Kahn, co-inventor of the Internet protocol and president and CEO of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives;
Abubakar Karsan, executive director, Union of Tanzania Press Clubs;
Hiroshi Kawamura, president, Daisy Consortium, Japan;
Matthias Kettemann, international relations expert, University of Graz, Austria;
Obadiah Kipkemoi, citizen;
Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Internet governance expert and member of the Working Group for Improvement of IGF;
Markus Kummer, vice president for public policy, Internet Society, and previously founding executive director of the UN Secretariat for IGF;
Andrew Lewela, project manager for BPO and ITES, Kenya ICT Board;
Andrew Mack, principal, AMGlobal;
Wilfred Madigo, citizen; Joonas Makinen, international affairs, Pirate Youth of Finland;
Garland McCoy, founder, Technology Policy Institute;
Tim McGinnis, technology consultant and teacher located in Africa;
Aklan Majaliwa, citizen;
Jeremiah Lenya Meringoh, Kenya Institute of Management;
Alun Michael, Member of Parliament, United Kingdom;
Paul Mitchell, senior director of technology policy, Microsoft;
Juuso Moisander, secretary of Information Society and ICT, Foreign Ministry of Finland;
Chris Mulola, vice president, Internet Society of Rwanda;
Kivindu Mumbua, Xzalendo Company Ltd.;
Douglas Mutia, People’s Agenda;
Jackie Mwai, Sea Submarine Communications, Kenya;
Bitange Ndemo, leader of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies, Kenya;
Romulo Neves, head of the Division for the Information Society of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil;
Jimson Olufuye, president, Information Technology Association of Nigeria;
Timothy Ong’ol, Better Community, Kenya;
Antti Ilmari Peltomaki, deputy director-general for Information Society, European Commission;
Robert Pepper, vice president for global technology policy, Cisco;
Kristin Peterson, co-founder and CEO, Inveneo;
Alejandro Pisanty, Internet governance leader, National Autonomous University of Mexico;
Kathryn Reynolds, policy counsel, Canadian Internet Registration Authority;
Njeri Rionge, ICT consultant with Ignite, co-founder of Wananchi Online ISP, Kenya;
Jaime Rodriguez, communication division, Council of Europe;
Jimmy Schultz, Member of Parliament, Germany;
Kenneth Simbaya, director, Youth Education Through Sport, Tanzania;
Klaus Stoll, acting director, Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation;
James Sunshine, development manager, T&S Logistics Group, Kenya;
Tapani Tarvainen, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Finland;
Katim S. Touray, development consultant, Gambia, and ICANN leader;
Matthias Traimer, media policy, Austria;
Bala Usman, Nigerian Communications Commission;
Philip Verveer, United States Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy;
Cynthia Waddell, director, Center for Disability Resources on the Internet;
Ton Wagemans, managing partner, Considerati, The Netherlands;
Ben Wagner, researcher, European University Institute;
Ian Bradley Wanjau, online marketer, Pamoja Media, Kenya;
Wilfred Warioba, Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance, Tanzania.
– Interviews were conducted by Samantha Baranowski, Kellye Coleman, Nicole Chadwick, Taylor Foshee and Lee Hopcraft, researchers from Elon University’s School of Communications, under the supervision of Rich Landesberg, associate professor, and Janna Anderson, associate professor and director of the Imagining the Internet Center at Elon. Additional video editing by Elizabeth Kantlehner, Jeff Ackermann and Joe Bruno.