Writing Across the University Mission Statement

Located on the first floor of Belk Library, Elon University’s Writing Across the University Program supports the teaching and learning of writing across campus by offering a range of resources and activities.

Continuing the work of Elon’s Writing Excellence Initiative, WAU helps faculty across the disciplines integrate robust writing pedagogies into their classes through faculty development workshops, summer writing institutes, writing pedagogy grants, disciplinary writing consultants, and individual consultations.

The WAU also supports the professional writing of faculty and staff by organizing writing groups and offering in-person and online writing boot camps. To encourage faculty to conduct research into writing in their disciplines, we also provide support designing writing research projects, writing IRB applications, and by offering summer writing scholarship grants in support of this work.

The WAU has its own active ongoing research agenda as well, with multiple professional presentations and publications emerging out of our efforts to support the teaching and learning of writing across campus.

Please visit our Writing Excellence Initiative page to learn more about our efforts to prepare every Elon student to be an excellent writer. Here you can find the writing outcomes developed by every major, the Core curriculum, and Student Life; review a snapshot of the culture of writing and infrastructure we’ve created to support student writing; and read about some of the ways faculty provide students excellent writing instruction across the disciplines.

Dr. Paula Rosinski is the director of the Writing Across the University Program.