The CWE offers faculty two ways to get feedback on writing assignments:

  1. Request Writing Assignment Feedback from the Writing Across the University Director, Dr. Paula Rosinski. Use this option to ask specific questions about your writing assignment or if there are parts of your assignment that you’re still working on or that you’d like to strengthen. See below for more details.
  2. Request Anonymous Assignment Feedback from two experienced Writing Center consultants. Use this option to gain insight into how students are likely to respond to your assignment. Consultants will respond to a detailed feedback form that was constructed by writing specialists. See below for more details.

Request Writing Assignment Feedback from the Writing Across the University Director
This new program invites you to submit your writing assignment materials and ask any questions you might have about them – the WAU Director, Dr. Paula Rosinski, will review your materials and questions and respond in writing. You may ask for feedback on any aspect of your writing assignment, including (but not limited to) the alignment of the student learning outcomes and the assignment; scaffolding of the assignment (how it’s broken up into sections); distanced peer-response workshop materials; different ways to give feedback to drafts online; or the evaluation criteria and rubrics. Please complete the Requesting Writing Assignment Feedback form and submit your writing assignment materials either in a Google Doc folder or via email.

You can submit your writing assignment materials in one of two ways:

(1) Save your materials in a Google Drive folder (in your own Google Drive) and make sure that you’ve made this folder “editable” for anyone who has the link, or
(2) Email your materials to with the subject line “Requesting Feedback from WAU Director”

The last questions in this above form will ask which way you’ll share your materials and to share the address of the Google Drive folder if you’re using that option.

New submissions are reviewed once a week, so expect to receive a response in about seven days.

Anonymous Writing Assignment Critique from Writing Center Consultants
Two experienced Writing Center consultants will independently and anonymously give you feedback—from their perspectives as consultants and students—on how students are likely to understand, respond to, and approach the assignment. To ensure consistent and valuable feedback on your assignments, our consultants use a detailed feedback form that was constructed by writing specialists with the Writing Excellence Initiative and modeled on those offered at peer and aspirant institutions. Reviewers will give feedback on areas related to:

  • the purpose and audience of the assignment
  • the process for successful completion
  • using outside sources
  • clarity of assessment/evaluation
  • visual design
  • assignment mechanics (such as clarity of due date, technical requirements, citation format, and submission directions)

Please see this webpage to learn more about how to use the Anonymous Assignment Critique service.