Elon 1010 Instructors/Advisors

Elon 1010 is taught by a talented cadre of full-time teaching faculty and staff who have a special interest in advising and teaching first-year students. To serve in this role, Elon 1010 Instructors/Advisors must meet the following criteria:

Have a Master’s degree or higher in a related field from an accredited institution.

Be full-time teaching faculty or a full-time staff member employed by the University.

Have a special interest in first-year advising and transition.

Serve as an academic advisor to students enrolled in Elon 1010 AND continue advising until a major is declared.

Receive approval of supervisor or department chair.

Attend all trainings to include Faculty Development Sessions during the spring semester (if applicable), Elon 1010 New Advisor/Instructor Orientation Sessions held in June/July, and Elon 1010 Planning Week Session in August.

Elon 1010 New Instructor/Advisor Recruitment

The Elon 1010 Program is recruiting new instructors/advisors for Fall 2024!

To submit your interest, please complete the Elon 1010 New Instructor/Advisor Interest Form by Thursday, March 21st, 2024. Invitations to teach will be sent in April 2024, however, submission of this form does NOT guarantee selection.

To learn more about teaching Elon 1010 and advising first-year students, you are strongly encouraged to attend an Elon 1010 New Instructor/Advisor Information Session. During this session an overview of Elon 1010 will be provided to include minimum criteria required to teach/advise, roles/responsibilities of the position, required trainings and university events, and timeline for selection.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Brandy S. Propst, Director of Elon 1010, via email at bpropst@elon.edu or by phone at (336)278-6500.