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Residential Facilities
General Amenities
Living on campus provides structure with premier residential and dining facilities and customer services in order to support students’ academic endeavors and provide for students’ basic needs of safety, comfort and ability to function within the campus community. Visit the link below to learn more about campus amenities
Apartments vs. Residence Halls: Explained
Elon has a wide variety of residence hall and apartment spaces available to students. There are some key differences between these two styles of housing and they are explained on this site.
Health & Safety Room Checks
Elon University takes students’ safety and health very seriously and has established guidelines and protocols for students living in campus residence halls and apartments. It is the responsibility of all community members to support these standards to maintain a healthy and safe living learning environment.
Damage Information
Property damage and loss in the residence halls affects all of us. Damages and losses often compromise the safety, security and comfort of community members, so we need to work together to reduce the impact that damages have on our buildings.
Mold and Mildew
Humidity can cause mold and mildew to develop in the residence halls/apartments. The combination of North Carolina’s high relative humidity and thermostats set incorrectly can cause the moisture to condense inside the residence halls and create an environment that can foster mold and mildew growth.
Vendors – Microfridge Rental, Storage, and 3D Rooms
In order to help make your transition to campus more comfortable, we offer a number of services. We encourage students to contact their roommates so you do not double-order any services.
Microfridge Rental – Learn More
Facilities Management/Work Requests
The Facilities Management Department has wide-ranging responsibilities in operating and maintaining the real property facilities and infrastructure of the University. The team members of the department are dedicated to providing high-quality facilities and grounds maintenance and service to the campus community and continually strive to enhance the appearance, operation and functional life of Elon’s facilities.
How to Control Temperature Video
Visit the link below to view floorplans for each of our neighborhoods. (Elon.edu account required to view. Floorplans are provided in PDF format.)
Parking and Permits
Parking & Permits are maintained by Campus Safety and Police. Parking permits are issued according to student’s residence and each permit has a designated parking lot assigned. Faculty and Staff need to go to the Campus Safety and Police Office to obtain a parking permit.