Residence Hall
University Apartments
Neighborhoods |
Global (including Trollinger House), East, Historic, Colonnades (including EcoVillage) and Danieley Flats. |
Crest, Station at Mill Point, the Oaks, Park Place and Danieley Apartments. |
Who lives there? |
All first year students are required to live in a residence hall unless they are approved to live off campus. Soph-Seniors are also eligible. |
Sophomores-Seniors can live in Oaks, Danieley Apartments and Crest. Station at Mill Point and Park Place are for Juniors and Seniors only. |
Bathroom Style |
Residence halls are either in-suite bathroom or hall style bathrooms. In-suite is when the bathroom is connected to the room/shared within a pod and hall is when the bathroom is in the hall and accessible to multiple rooms. |
All bathrooms are in apartments and shared only within the apartment. |
Pricing |
Double, single or triple prices are flat (or the same price) no matter which neighborhood that space is in. For example, a Global double costs the same as an East Double. |
Each apartment has their own price point and can be found on the Bursar’s office website, www.elon.edu/u/fa/bursar/tuition-and-fees |
Closings |
Residence halls close during Thanksgiving, winter, spring break, and summer. Residents cannot stay through those breaks without a break housing or summer housing application. |
Apartment leases are June 1 or 15 until May 31 each year and do not close during that time, unless a student is turning over the lease/leaving the university. |
Kitchens |
All students have access to a kitchen in a common area but it is shared with either other buildings or the floor. |
Students have kitchens within their apartments. |
Lease |
There is no lease and residents are eligible for room changes without finding someone to replace them in that space. |
In Apartments students sign a lease that is binding for the academic year and they cannot change rooms during the duration of the lease. If a resident would like to move out (to move off campus or not be at the University for the term) then they are required to turn the lease over to another Elon student. Lease renewal from one year to the next is offered to Park Place and Station residents. Apartments where at least one student is renewing will not have common areas cleaned between leases, only rooms where students are fully moving out will be cleaned. |