5 Year Multifaith Calendar

Our diverse Elon University community members hold a wide variety of identities, and celebrate many different religious and spiritual holidays throughout the year.  It is our hope that this multifaith calendar will be helpful in planning events and programs, and providing information about the holidays that are significant and meaningful to our students, colleagues, and friends.

The holidays listed are many of those observed by members our community, but please note that this is not an exhaustive list of traditions or holidays, and individual practices of our community members may vary from the information listed.  We encourage you to reach out to our office with any questions or concerns.

For more information about which holidays qualify for excused absences, please refer to our Religious Observance Notification Policy.

Abbreviations used:

RC – Roman Catholic, P – Protestant, O – Orthodox

Fast Days are marked by *


Feast of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Christianity; RC)

Liturgical feast of Mary celebrated by the Catholic Church.

  • Wednesday, January 1, 2025
  • Thursday, January 1, 2026
  • Friday, January 1, 2027
  • Saturday, January 1, 2028
  • Sunday, January 1, 2029

Epiphany (Christianity; P, RC)

The manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi.

Some Christian students, faculty, and staff may request this day off.

  • Monday, January 6, 2025
  • Tuesday, January 6, 2026
  • Wednesday, January 6, 2027
  • Thursday, January 6, 2028
  • Friday, January 6, 2029

Feast of the Epiphany (Christian; O)

Greek Orthodox celebration commemorating the Baptism of Christ and the divine revelation of the Holy Trinity.

Many Eastern Orthodox students, faculty, and staff will probably request this day off.

  • Monday, January 6, 2025
  • Tuesday, January 6, 2026
  • Wednesday, January 6, 2027
  • Thursday, January 6, 2028
  • Friday, January 6, 2029

Feast of the Nativity (Christmas) (Christianity; O)

Celebration of the birth of Jesus (also known as the “Incarnation of Christ” in the Greek Orthodox Church.

Many Eastern Orthodox students, faculty, and staff will probably request this day off.

  • Tuesday, January 7, 2025
  • Wednesday, January 7, 2026
  • Thursday, January 7, 2027
  • Friday, January 7, 2028
  • Saturday, January 7, 2029

Chinese New Year (Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism)

The Chinese New Year remains the most important social and economic holiday in China. The holiday is a time to honor household and heavenly deities as well as ancestors and includes feasting together as a family.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, and activities on this date. Chinese students, faculty, and staff may request this day off.

  • Wednesday, January 29, 2025
  • Tuesday, February 17, 2026
  • Sunday, February 7, 2027
  • Wednesday, January 26, 2028
  • Tuesday, February 13, 2029


Imbolc (Nature Traditions)

The second of four great fire festivals, Imbolc (meaning “in milk”) recognizes a time of awakening, promise and hope for the spring. This holiday begins at sundown on February 1 and ends at sundown on February 2

  • Saturday-Sunday, February 1-2, 2025
  • Sunday-Monday, February 1-2, 2026
  • Monday-Tuesday, February 1-2, 2027
  • Tuesday-Wednesday, February 1-2, 2028
  • Thursday-Friday, February 1-2, 2029

Tu B’Shevat (Judaism)

One of four new Year’s days, Tu B’Shevat (the 15th day of the month of Shevat) is New Year’s Day of Trees, and traditionally the first of the year for tithing fruit of trees. Nowadays, it is a day for environmental awareness and action such as tree planting, and special meals.

This holiday is not subject to the restrictions on work that affect some other holidays.

  • Wednesday-Thursday, February 12-13, 2025
  • Sunday-Monday, February 1-2, 2026
  • Friday-Saturday, January 22-23, 2027
  • Friday-Saturday, February 11-12, 2028
  • Tuesday-Wednesday, January 30-31, 2029

Nirvana Day (Buddhist, Jain)

Festival commemorating Buddha’s death at 80 when he attained Nirvana – the state at which all desires and afflictions are gone, and the cycle of death and rebirth ends.

  • Saturday, February 15, 2025
  • Sunday, February 15, 2026
  • Monday, February 15, 2027
  • Tuesday, February 15, 2028
  • Thursday, February 15, 2029

Lailat al Miraj (Islam)

Observance of Muhammad’s (Peace be upon Him) night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension to heaven.

  • Sundown Sunday-Monday, January 26-27, 2025
  • Sundown Thursday-Friday, January 15-16, 2026
  • Sundown Tuesday-Wednesday, January 5-6, 2027
  • Sundown Wednesday-Thursday, December 13-14, 2028
  • Sundown Sunday-Monday, December 2-3, 2029

Ash Wednesday – Lent Begins (Christianity; RC, P)

In Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday marks the first day of the season of Lent, 40 days of preparation for Easter. Many Christians observe a period of fasting, repentance, moderation, and spiritual discipline.

Food accommodation as requested.

  • Wednesday, March 5, 2025
  • Wednesday, February 18, 2026
  • Wednesday, February 10, 2027
  • Wednesday, March 1, 2028
  • Wednesday, February 14, 2029


Clean Monday – Great Lent Begins (Christianity; O)

The time of preparation for the feast of the Resurrection of Christ (Pascha) in the Greek Orthodox Church. Name refers to leaving behind sinful attitudes and non-fasting foods.

Students and students, faculty, and staff may be fasting.

  • Monday-Saturday, March 3-April 19, 2025
  • Monday-Saturday, February 23-April 11, 2026
  • Monday-Saturday, March 15-April 24, 2027
  • Monday-Saturday, February 28-April 8, 2028
  • Monday-Saturday, February 19-March 31, 2029

‘Alá’ (Bahá’í)

The month preceding the Bahá’í new year, with a period of fasting and spiritual preparation.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, and activities on the date. Bahá’ís students, faculty, and staff may be fasting.

  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Thursday, March 1-20, 2025
  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Friday, March 1-20, 2026
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Saturday, March 1-20, 2027
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Monday, March 1-20, 2028
  • Sundown Thursday-Sundown Tuesday, March 1-20, 2029

Ta’anit Esther (Judaism)

The Fast of Esther is a Jewish fast from dawn until dusk on Purim eve. Like other minor fasts, Ta’anit Esther begins at dawn (first light) and ends at nightfall (full dark).

  • Thursday, Mar 13, 2025
  • Monday, Mar 2, 2026
  • Monday, Mar 22, 2027
  • Thursday, March 9, 2028
  • Wednesday, February 28, 2029

Purim (Judaism)

This holiday celebrates a time when Jewish people in Persia were saved from destruction. It is customary to hear the reading of the Book of Esther, eat, drink, and be joyful, give gifts of food and drink and gifts to charity, and hold carnival-like celebrations.

Purim is not subject to the restrictions on work that affect some other holidays; provide food accommodations if requested (kosher restrictions apply).

  • Sundown Thursday-Sundown Saturday, March 13-15, 2025
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Wednesday, March 2-4, 2026
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Wednesday, March 22-24, 2027
  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Monday, March 12-13, 2028
  • Sundown Thursday-Sundown Friday, March 1-2, 2029

Holi – Festival of Colors (Hinduism)

This springtime festival of colors includes music, dancing, laughter, and teasing.  It is a fun-filled, joyous celebration.

  • Friday, March 14, 2025
  • Tuesday, March 3, 2026
  • Monday, March 22, 2027
  • Saturday, March 11, 2028
  • Wednesday, February 28, 2029

Hola Mohalla (Sikhism)

A day to commemorate the valor and bravery of the Sikhs. This 3-day festival consists of mock battles, music and poetry reading.

  • Friday-Sunday, March 14-16, 2025
  • Wednesday-Friday, March 4-6, 2026
  • Tuesday-Thursday, March 23-25, 2027

Ostara (Nature Traditions)

Celebration of new life; a time of renewal and rebirth.

  • Thursday, March 20, 2025
  • Friday, March 20, 2026
  • Saturday, March 20, 2027
  • Sunday, March 19, 2028
  • Tuesday, March 20, 2029

Naw-Rúz (Bahá’í)

The New Year celebrates the love relationship between the Creator and the creation, in the material world.

This holiday marks the end of the annual 19-Day Fast and is one of the nine holy days of the year when work is suspended, and children are exempted from attending school.

  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Thursday, March 19-20, 2025
  • Sundown Saturday-Sundown Sunday, March 21-22, 2026
  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Monday, March 21-22, 2027
  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Monday, March 19-20, 2028
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Tuesday, March 19-20, 2029

Ramadan Begins (Islam) *

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and lasts for thirty days. It is the Islamic month of fasting from sex, drinking, eating, and smoking during daylight hours. The purpose of Ramadan is to rededicate oneself to God through patience, faith, and submission.

Avoid scheduling major academic deadlines during this time. Be sensitive to the fact that students and students, faculty, and staff celebrating Ramadan will be fasting during the day (continuously for 30 days) and will likely have less stamina as a result. If planning an evening event, provide food accommodations if requested (Islamic dietary restrictions apply).

  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Sunday, February 17-March 30, 2025
  • Sundown Tuesday-Sundown Wednesday, February 17-March 18, 2026
  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Monday, February 7-March 8, 2027

Maundy (Holy) Thursday (Christianity; RC, P, O)

Maundy Thursday is a day that commemorates Jesus Christ’s Last Supper with his disciples and reminds us of the importance of humility, selflessness, and service to others. The day holds a crucial place in Holy Week, which starts with Palm Sunday and culminates with Easter Sunday.

  • Thursday, April 17, 2025
  • Thursday, April 2, 2026
  • Thursday, March 25, 2027
  • Thursday, April 13, 2028
  • Thursday, March 29, 2029

Palm Sunday (Christianity; RC, P, O)

A celebration that recalls the event in Christian scripture of Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey and being greeted by people waving palm branches.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities. Orthodox Christian students, faculty, and staff that work on Sundays may ask for this day off.

  • Sunday, April 13, 2025
  • Sunday, March 29, 2026
  • Sunday, March 21, 2027
  • Sunday, April 9, 2028
  • Sunday, March 25, 2029


Passover – Pesach (Judaism)

Pesach (or Passover) commemorates the Exodus from Egypt and the Holy One passing over the Jewish homes when the first-born Egyptians were slain.

First two and last two days are full holidays with restrictions. Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities on the first two and last two days of the holiday. Food accommodation as requested throughout the holiday (kosher restrictions apply—the use of leavening is prohibited so, for example, matzah is eaten in place of bread.)

  • Sundown Saturday- Sundown Sunday, April 12-20, 2025
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Thursday, April 1-9, 2026
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Thursday, April 21-29, 2027
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Tuesday, April 10-18, 2028
  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Saturday, March 30-April 7, 2029

Good Friday (Christianity; RC, P)*

On this solemn day, Christians commemorate the passion, or suffering, and death on the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many Christians spend this day in fasting, prayer, repentance, and meditation on the agony and suffering of Christ on the cross.

Provide food accommodation as requested. Meat (fish not considered meat) is prohibited during meals for many.

  • Friday, April 18, 2025
  • Friday, April 3, 2026
  • Friday, March 26, 2027
  • Friday, April 14, 2028
  • Friday, March 30, 2029

Easter (Christianity; RC, P)

Easter is the central feast in the Christian liturgical year and includes a joyous celebration of Mass or a Service of Christ’s Resurrection.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities. Christian students, faculty, and staff that work on Sundays may ask for this day off.

  • Sunday, April 20, 2025
  • Sunday, April 5, 2026
  • Sunday, March 28, 2027
  • Sunday, April 16, 2028
  • Sunday, April 1, 2029

Mahavira-Jayanti (Jainism)

Festival honoring Lord Mahavira on the founder’s birthday. Shrines are visited and teachings are reviewed and reflected upon.

Jain students, faculty and staff might request time off.

  • Thursday, April 10, 2025
  • Tuesday, March 31, 2026
  • Monday, April 19, 2027
  • Friday, April 7, 2028
  • Thursday, April 26, 2029

Holy Friday (Christianity; O)*

A strict day of fasting and liturgy with a reading of 12 sections from the gospels celebrating the Passion of Christ.

This is a strict day of fasting for many Greek Orthodox Christians in the United States. It is suggested to avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, and activities.

  • Friday, April 18, 2025
  • Friday, April 10, 2026
  • Friday, April 30, 2027
  • Friday, April 14, 2028
  • Friday, March 30, 2029

Easter/Pascha (Christianity; O)

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated with this feast in the Orthodox Christian church. It recognizes Christ’s power over death and the gift to Christians of restoration, transformation, and life everlasting.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, and activities. Orthodox Christian students, faculty, and staff that work on Suns may ask for this day off.

  • Sunday, April 20, 2025
  • Sunday, April 12, 2026
  • Sunday, May 2, 2027
  • Sunday, April 16, 2028
  • Sunday, April 8, 2029

Vaisakhi (Sikhism)

This Anniversary of the birth of the Khalsa – on this day in 1699, guru Gobind Singh Ji, the tenth Guru, removed the clerical system from Sikhism. This reaffirmed the direct connection between Sikhs and the Divine.

Sikh students, faculty and staff might request time off.

  • Monday, April 14, 2025
  • Tuesday April 14, 2026
  • Wednesday, April 14, 2027

Yom HaSho’ah (Judaism)

Yom HaShoah, or “Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust and Heroism,” commemorates the victims of the Holocaust, the racial purity measures in German-controlled Europe during World War II.

  • Sundown Thursday-Sundown Friday, April 23-24, 2025
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Tuesday, April 13-14, 2026
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Tuesday, May 3-4, 2027
  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Monday, April 23-24, 2028
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Thursday, April 11-12, 2029

Ridván (1st day) of Most Great Festival (Baha’i)

Commemorates the declaration of Baha’u’llah to his followers in 1863. Work is suspended for the 1st, 9th, and 12th day.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities on the 1st day, 9th day, and 12th day of Ridván as work is suspended for Baha’is.

  • Monday-Friday, April 21-May 2, 2025
  • Tuesday-Saturday, April 21-May 2, 2026
  • Wednesday-Sunday, April 21-May 2, 2027
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Monday, April 20-May 1, 2028
  • Sundown Thursday-Sundown Tuesday, April 20-May 1, 2029

Eid al-Fitr (Islam)

Eid al Fitr is a festival of thanksgiving for enjoying the month of Ramadan. It involves wearing the finest clothing, saying prayers, and fostering understanding with other religions.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. Students, faculty, and staff will likely ask to take a vacation day on this day, and that request should be granted if at all possible. If planning an evening event, provide food accommodations if requested (Islamic dietary restrictions apply).

  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Monday, March 30-31, 2025
  • Sundown Thursday-Sundown Friday, March 19-20, 2026
  • Sundown Tuesday-Sundown Wednesday, March 9-10, 2027
  • Sundown Saturday-Sundown Sunday, February 26-27, 2028
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Thursday, February 14-15, 2029

Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Judaism)

Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel Independence Day, celebrates the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Coming on the heels of Yom HaZikaron, Yom Ha’atzmaut is celebrated in Israel and around the world with dancing, fireworks, and parties.

  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Saturday, May 2-3, 2025
  • Sundown Tuesday-Sundown Wednesday, April 21-22, 2026
  • Sundown Tuesday-Sundown Wednesday, May 11-12, 2027
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Tuesday, May 1-2, 2028
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Thursday, April 18-19, 2029


Beltane (Nature Traditions)

Beltane celebrates the fertility and abundance of the earth.

  • Thursday, May 1, 2025
  • Friday, May 1, 2026
  • Saturday, May 1, 2027
  • Monday, May 1, 2028
  • Tuesday May 1, 2029

Declaration of the Báb (Baha’i)

This day recognizes the declaration in 1844 by Ali Muhammed that he was the anticipated “Coming One” of all religions. Work is suspended on this day.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, and activities. Work is suspended for Baha’is.

  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Saturday, May 23-24, 2025
  • Sundown Saturday-Sundown Sunday, May 23-24, 2026
  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Monday, May 23-24, 2027
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Tuesday, May 23-24, 2028
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Thursday, May 23-24, 2029

Shavuot (Judaism)

Festival of Weeks; celebrates harvest of first fruits and commemorates the giving of the Torah and Commandments at Mt’ Sinai.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events and activities on the first two and last two days of the holiday. Provide food accommodation as requested. (Kosher restrictions apply—although it is customary to eat dairy).

  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Tuesday, June 1-3, 2025
  • Sundown Thursday-Sundown Saturday, May 21-23, 2026
  • Sundown Thursday-Sundown Saturday, June 10-12, 2027
  • Sundown Tuesday-Sundown Thursday, May 30-Jun 1, 2028
  • Sundown Saturday-Sundown Monday, May 19-21, 2029

Ascension of Baha’u’lláh (Baha’i)

A commemoration of the death of Baha’u’llah

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, and activities. Work is suspended for Baha’is.

  • Wednesday-Thursday, May 28-29, 2025
  • Thursday-Friday, May 28-29, 2026
  • Friday-Saturday, May 28-29, 2027
  • Sunday-Monday, May 28-29, 2028
  • Monday-Tuesday, May 28-29, 2029


Pentecost (Christianity; RC, P, O)

Pentecost is a celebration of the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ disciples, and the birth of the church, following His resurrection. Pentecost always occurs seven weeks after Easter Sunday and is typically celebrated with baptism liturgies and joyous services.

  • Sunday, June 8, 2025
  • Sunday, May 24, 2026
  • Sunday, May 16, 2027
  • Sunday, June 4, 2028
  • Sunday, May 20, 2029

Orthodox Dates:

  • Monday, June 9, 2025
  • Monday, June 1, 2026
  • Monday, June 21, 2027
  • Monday, June 5, 2028
  • Monday, May 28, 2029

Eid al-Adha (Islam)

Eid al Adha, also called the Feast of Sacrifice, celebrates the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his son to God. It also commemorates the end of the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, and activities on the first day. If planning an evening event, provide food accommodations if requested (Islamic dietary restrictions apply). Date details: Lunar calendars vary based on region and practice.

  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Saturday, June 6-7, 2025
  • Sundown Tuesday-Sundown Wednesday, May 26-27, 2026
  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Monday, May 16-17, 2027
  • Sundown Thursday-Sundown Friday, May 4-5, 2028
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Tuesday, April 23-24, 2029


Tisha B’ Av (Judaism)*

A day of mourning and repentance in remembrance of the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. Jewish students and students, faculty, and staff may be fasting all day.

  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Tuesday, August 12-13, 2024
  • Sundown Saturday-Sundown Sunday, August 2-3, 2025
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Thursday, July 22-23, 2026
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Thursday, August 11-12, 2027
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Tuesday, July 31-August 1, 2028

August / September

Sri Krishna Jayanti (Hinduism)

Celebrates the birthday of Krishna, especially in South India.

Avoid scheduling major academic deadlines on this day, since it is likely that Hindu students will be operating on very little sleep. Some may fast during the first day.

  • Monday-Tuesday, August 26-27, 2024
  • Friday-Saturday, August 15-16, 2025
  • Thursday-Friday, September 3-4, 2026
  • Wednesday-Thursday, August 25-26, 2027
  • Saturday-Sunday, August 12-13, 2028

Paryushan Mahaparva (Jainism)

The monarch of Jain festivals celebrating the opportunity to seek forgiveness for one’s mistakes.

Jain students and students, faculty, and staff may be fasting. 8 day festival.

  • Sunday-Sunday, August 31-September 7, 2024
  • Wednesday-Wednesday, August 20-27, 2025
  • Tuesday-Tuesday, September 8-15, 2026
  • Saturday-Saturday, August 28-September 4, 2027
  • Thursday-Friday, August 17-25, 2028

Rosh Hashanah – First 2 days (Judaism)

Rosh Hashanah marks the beginning of the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah is the first of the High Holy days or Days of Awe; it is a time of prayer, reflection, and services.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. If planning an event, provide food accommodation as requested (kosher restrictions apply).

  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Friday, October 2-4, 2024
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Wednesday, September 22-24, 2025
  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Sunday, September 11-13, 2026
  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Sunday, October 1-3, 2027
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Friday, September 20-22, 2028

Mabon – Autumn Equinox (Nature Traditions, Pagan)

Mabon, falling in September in the Northern Hemisphere, is a celebration of the second harvest during the autumn equinox. When day and night are equal, it marks a balance between light and dark.

Students, faculty, and staff might request time off.

  • Sunday, September 22, 2024
  • Monday, September 22, 2025
  • Tuesday, September 22, 2026
  • Thursday, September 23, 2027
  • Friday, September 22, 2028

Yom Kippur (Judaism)*

Yom Kippur is a complete Sabbath, meaning no work can be performed on this day.  It includes a complete fast and solemn services. “Yom Kippur” means “Day of Atonement.”

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. Jewish students and students, faculty, and staff may be fasting all day.

  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Saturday, October 11-12, 2024
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Thursday, October 1-2, 2025
  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Monday, September 20-21, 2026
  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Monday, October 10-11, 2027
  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Saturday, September 29-30, 2028

Mawlid al-Nabi (Islam)*

Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him), c. 570 C.E.

Muslim students and students, faculty, and staff may be fasting, and might request time off.

  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Monday, September 15-16, 2024
  • Sundown Thursday-Sundown Friday, September 4-5, 2025
  • Sundown Tuesday-Sundown Wednesday, August 25-26, 2026
  • Sundown Saturday-Sundown Sunday, August 14-15, 2027
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Thursday, August 2-4, 2028

Sukkot (Judaism)

This festival begins on the fifth day after Yom Kippur and is one of the most joyous holidays. Sukkot helps commemorate the period in which the children of Israel were wandering in the desert. People live and eat in temporary dwellings during the festival.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on the first two days.  Is it traditional to eat all meals in an outdoor sukkah, rather than indoors. If planning an event, provide food accommodation as requested (kosher restrictions apply).

  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Wednesday, October 16-23, 2024
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Monday, October 6-13, 2025
  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Friday, September 25-October 2, 2026
  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Friday, October 15-22, 2027
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Wednesday, October 4-11, 2028


Shemini Atzeret – Simchat Torah (Judaism)

Eighth and last day of Sukkot. Joyous festival in which the reading of the Torah is completed, and its first book begun again. Symbolized by singing, dancing, and marching around the synagogue with Torah scrolls.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. If planning an event, provide food accommodation as requested (kosher restrictions apply).

  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Friday, October 24-26, 2024
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Wednesday, October 13-15, 2025
  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Sunday, October 2-4, 2026
  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Sunday, October 22-24, 2027
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Friday, October 11-13, 2028

Navaratri (Hinduism)*

This 9-night celebration is a Festival of the divine mother which honors Durga, wife of Shiva, seeking her blessings. Also observed as a celebration recalling the days of Lord Krishna.

Some Hindus will pray and fast, and students, faculty and staff might request time off.

  • Thursday-Sunday, October 3-12, 2024
  • Monday-Thursday, September 22-October 2, 2025
  • Thursday-Saturday, October 15-24, 2026
  • Thursday-Friday, September 30-October 8, 2027
  • Tuesday-Wednesday, September 19-27, 2028

Birth of the Báb (Baha’i)

Anniversary of the birth of one of the twin prophet founders of the Baha’i faith.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. Baha’i students, faculty, and staff suspend work on this day and will likely request to have this day off.

  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Saturday, November 1-2, 2024
  • Sundown Saturday-Sundown Sunday, November 1-2, 2025
  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Monday, November 1-2, 2026
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Tuesday, November 1-2, 2027
  • Sundown Tuesday-Sundown Wednesday, November 1-2, 2028

Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (Baha’i)

Baha’u’llah is the Messenger of God. His teachings create the foundation of the Baha’i practice which is the unity of people of all races and backgrounds. The day includes prayers, a feast, and music.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. Baha’i students, faculty, and staff suspend work on this day and will likely request to have this day off.

  • Sundown Saturday-Sundown Sunday, November 2-3, 2024
  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Monday, November 2-3, 2025
  • Sundown Monday-Sundown Tuesday, November 2-3, 2026
  • Sundown Tuesday-Sundown Wednesday, November 2-3, 2027
  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Thursday, November 2-3, 2028

Samhain (Earth Traditions)

Samhain marks the beginning of the Pagan year; a time to search for wisdom and guidance.

Some students, faculty and staff might request tine off.

  • Thursday-Friday, October31-November 1, 2024
  • Friday-Saturday, October 31-November 1, 2025
  • Saturday-Sunday, October 31-November 1, 2026
  • Sunday-Monday, October 31-November 1, 2027
  • Tuesday-Wednesday, October 31-November 1, 2028


All Saints Day (Christianity; P, RC)

On this day, the Catholic and Protestant churches celebrate all believers, known and unknown, alive and dead.

  • Friday, November 1, 2024
  • Saturday, November 1, 2025
  • Sunday, November 1, 2026
  • Monday, November 1, 2027
  • Wednesday, November 1, 2028

All Souls Day (Christianity; RC)

A day of remembrance for deceased family members and loved ones.

  • Saturday, November 2, 2024
  • Sunday, November 2, 2025
  • Monday, November 2, 2026
  • Tuesday, November 2, 2027
  • Thursday, November 8, 2028

Diwali – Deepavali (Jainism, Sikhism, Hinduism)

The Festival of Lights commemorates the triumph of the Good over the Evil and Light over Darkness.

Hindu students, faculty, and staff will likely request the day off on this date.

  • Friday, November 1, 2024
  • Monday, October 20, 2025
  • Sunday, November 8, 2026
  • Friday, October 29, 2027
  • Tuesday, October 17, 2028

December- January

Bodhi Day – Rohatsu (Buddhist)

Also known as Awakening, Rohatsu is the celebration of the enlightenment of the Buddha. A candle is lit every evening for thirty days, symbolic of enlightenment.

  • Wednesday, January 7, 2025
  • Tuesday, January 26, 2026
  • Saturday, January 15, 2027
  • Saturday, January 8, 2028
  • Saturday, December 8, 2029

Hanukkah – Chanukah (Judaism)

Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days and nights of candle lighting. In Hebrew, the word “Hanukkah” means “dedication,” and it commemorates the re-dedication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem in 165 B.C.E.

Academics and work permitted. Provide food accommodation as requested (kosher restrictions apply—potato pancakes, doughnuts or other fried food is customary).

  • Sundown Wednesday-Sundown Thursday, December 25-January 2, 2024
  • Sundown Sunday-Sundown Monday, December 14-22, 2025
  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Saturday, December 4-12, 2026
  • Sundown Friday-Sundown Saturday, December 24-January 1, 2027
  • Sundown Tuesday-Wednesday, December 12-20, 2028

Yule – Winter Solstice (Earth Traditions)

Yule is the time of greatest darkness and the longest night of the year. This time is celebrated as the “return of the Sun God” where He is reborn of the Goddess.

  • Saturday, December 21, 2024
  • Sunday, December 21, 2025
  • Monday, December 21, 2026
  • Tuesday, December 21, 2027
  • Thursday, December 21, 2028

Christmas (Christianity; RC, P, O)

Christmas is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. Christmas is preceded by 40 days of spiritual preparation called Advent. Christians celebrate Christmas Day as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on this date. Christian students, faculty, and staff will likely request to have this day off.

  • Wednesday, December 25, 2024
  • Thursday, December 25, 2025
  • Friday, December 25, 2026
  • Saturday, December 25, 2027
  • Monday, December 25, 2028

Kwanzaa (African American)

Seven-day spiritual celebration of African American values and traditions and their continued vitality. “Kwanzaa” is Swahili and means “first fruits of the harvest”.

Students, faculty, and staff might request time off. Avoid scheduling important academic deadlines, events, or activities on these dates.

  • Thursday-Wednesday, December 26-January 1, 2024
  • Friday-Thursday, December 26-January 1, 2025
  • Saturday-Friday, December 26-January 1, 2026
  • Sunday-Saturday, December 26-January 1, 2027
  • Tuesday-Monday, December 26-January 1, 2028