Chaplain’s Discretionary Fund

The Chaplain’s Discretionary Fund is a vital resource for Elon University students, faculty, and staff, providing emergency financial assistance during times of significant need.

This fund may be used to support:

•         Currently employed faculty and staff of Elon University

•         Currently enrolled students of Elon University

•         Currently employed staff of Elon Dining

The Chaplain’s Discretionary Fund offers one-time emergency assistance to address unforeseen financial crises. Effective November 21, 2024, the maximum allocation will be $250 per calendar year. Assistance will primarily cover essential needs, such as food and emergency winter clothing, as determined by the Chaplains in direct conversation with the applicant.

Other emergency situations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. However, the Chaplain’s Discretionary Fund does not cover expenses related to:

•         Cable or mobile phone services

•         Tuition (domestic or study abroad)

•         Greek life activities

•         Other optional or non-essential services

This fund underscores our commitment to supporting the well-being of the Elon University community during challenging times.

Student Food Insecurity

Through the Chaplain’s Discretionary Fund, students facing food insecurity can access meal vouchers generously provided by Elon Dining. These vouchers are valid at Elon Dining Halls and are distributed to students who self-identify as food insecure. The University Chaplain and their Administrative Assistant oversee the distribution of these vouchers, ensuring they reach those in need.

Donate to the Chaplain’s Fund

The Chaplain’s Fund is made possible by contributions from the Elon University community. Your support directly impacts the lives of students, faculty, and staff during times of crisis.

To make a tax-deductible contribution to the Chaplain’s Discretionary Fund:

1.     Use the button on our home page to visit the donation page.

2.     Select Religious Life as the Fund Group.

3.     Choose Chaplain’s Fund as the Designation.

Donors may choose to contribute “in honor” or “in memory” of an individual. However, contributions cannot be designated to assist a specific individual.

Your generosity helps ensure that critical support is available to members of the Elon community when they need it most. Thank you for making a difference.