Students take up to 16 credits hours during the fall semester. All courses are taught on Elon’s campus by Elon faculty. Coursework may include English, writing, and social science as well as one course in executive functioning designed to support student learning for the first semester and beyond. Highly skilled faculty work with each student to ensure they receive the academic support needed to be successful in their first semester and throughout their college experience. Because Elon Bridge courses are designed to prepare students for college, not all coursework will transfer toward Elon degree requirements. Students cannot drop any courses.
Participants who achieve Elon’s transfer requirement of a 2.7 cumulative GPA in all Elon Bridge courses will be admitted to the university as degree-seeking students for the spring semester. All candidates for both Elon Bridge and Elon University must be free of any conduct violations during their time in high school as well as the first semester on campus.
Students will take 16 credit hours, including the following courses:
- ENG 1000 English Writing Workshop (4 credits)
- ENG 1100 Writing and Argument (4 credits)
- ELN 1710 Executive Functioning and Learning (2 credits)
- Students can choose one from the following 4-credit courses:
- HST 1330 Race, Gender and Sports in the US
- CLA 1100 Classical Mythology
- SCI 1210 Science Without Borders
- POL 1110 American Government
- PSY 1000 Introduction to Psychology
- SOC 1110 Introduction to Sociology
- COM 1000 Communications in a Global Age