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- Lease Turnover Process
Lease Turnover Process
Lease Turnover Form:
- Lease Turnover / Lease Turnover Acceptance Forms are available, according to the open/close dates on the Important Dates calendar, on Self-Service
Lease Turnover Process
- Lease Turnovers are for campus apartments, including, Station, Park Place, Oaks, Danieley Apartments, and Crest Apartments.
- What is a lease turnover?
- This process is only applicable DURING a lease year (June-May) and does NOT apply during the transition from spring to summer when we do Housing Selection processes to assign apartments for the upcoming lease year. More information about academic year to academic year lease processes can be found on our Housing Selection website.
- If a student remains enrolled at the university and wishes to move out of their on-campus apartment space, and give up their on-campus housing/lease, they must complete a Lease Turnover. This means, you will turn over occupancy and rights to the apartment to another student. Students CANNOT move from one apartment to another apartment between terms.
- Who is eligible to accept a lease turnover? Students who do NOT currently have campus housing assigned (i.e. are living off-campus, returning from abroad/leave, etc.) are eligible to accept a lease turnover ONLY during specified application windows. Please see the Important Dates Calendar.
- Students who are leaving their apartment to study away, engage in internships, or move off campus during fall or spring must find a replacement and complete a lease turnover form. Students who are leaving the university due to transferring, withdrawing, study abroad or graduating are not required to do a lease turnover.
- A lease turnover form is not a sublease process. When a lease turnover form is completed and approved by the University the student turning over the lease is relinquishing full control and any rights related to being a resident of that space as well as the ability to re-sign the lease for that space in the future through the housing selection process.
- When can lease turnovers occur?
- Students can turn their lease over to a new student during the following time periods:
- Summer and Fall: Early June through late December. (Students cannot turn a lease over for fall only).
- Winter and Spring: December through May
- Spring: January through May
- NOTE: Specific dates for lease turnover/acceptance applications and apartment move in and move out dates found on our Important Dates list. Again, students CANNOT move from one on-campus apartment to another on-campus apartment between terms.
- Students can turn their lease over to a new student during the following time periods:
- How do I turnover a lease?
- The forms needed for this process can be found on your Self-Service page.
- The student who is leaving the University will complete the Housing Cancellation form. Within the form their will be a Lease Turnover Question on who they want to turn the lease over too. Please note: a lease cannot be turned over to someone currently living within University Housing. The accepting student must be qualified to live in that building (i.e. Juniors/Seniors only in Park Place and Station).
- Students who are currently not living within University Housing and wish to take over a lease will complete the Housing Application. Within the application will be a set of questions for students who want to takeover a lease from a student moving off campus.
- Finding someone to accept your lease turnover:
- We suggest looking at Today@Elon Want Ads for students who are seeking a room. And, if you can’t find someone, we encourage you to post what kind of lease turnover space you have available.
- Be sure to include the following information in your post:
- Listing Title – be sure to include the words “Lease Turnover”, the location (i.e. Danieley, Oaks, etc.), and room type
- What timeframe the lease turnover is for (see section above regarding when lease turnovers can occur)
- Any gender preferences
- How many available spaces/rooms
- What room type/cost
- Any other roommate matching information to help with your decision (i.e. any allergies, any ESAs, any roommate considerations regarding noise or how the room will be used, etc.)
- Tag your post in the category “Housing”
- After you find someone, please be sure to remove your post promptly!
- What if I want to keep paying for the space while I’m abroad or on leave?
- This is called “Apartment Buyout”. Students are welcome to not turn over a lease to a friend and continue paying for the space while they’re abroad or on leave.
- During this time, students may keep items in the space, but the key must be returned to the neighborhood office and no other student may occupy the space while the student is gone from campus.
If you have questions, please contact Residence Life at residencelife@elon.edu or 336-278-7300.