Engagement.  Innovation.  Impact.

Engaged learning requires faculty who are critically and continuously engaged in building the intellectual capital necessary to positively impact teaching and managerial practice. Faculty in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business are committed to intellectual and professional engagement, and the output of their research endeavors can be found in well-known and well-respected peer-reviewed journals, as well as in scholarly monographs, textbooks and text supplements, conference proceedings publications, and case materials. The peer-reviewed journal articles listed below by department (published in the last five years) constitute a sample of the scholarly innovations developed by our faculty. They are evidence of our collective commitment to engagement, innovation and impact.


Chiang, C., Agnew, K.S., & Korol, K. (2021). Knowledge and Skills Essential for Auditors in the Age of Big Data – The Early Evidence from a Survey. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 13, (4), 110–129.

Barbero, J., Di Pietro, F. & Chiang, C. (2017, December). A rush of blood to the head: Temporal dimensions of retrenchment, environment and turnaround performance. Long Range Planning, 50, 862-879.

Barbero, J., Ramos, A., & Chiang, C. (2017). Restructuring in dynamic environments: a dynamic capabilities perspective. Industrial and Corporate Change, 26, (4), 593-615.

Valle, M., Rich, C. R., & Cox, P. (2017). Continuous improvement through engagement, innovation, and impact: Development of a scoring model to measure scholarly impact. Business Education Innovation Journal, 9, (2).

Knight, R. & Knight, L. (2021, February). Acquiring the Tax Benefits of a Corporation. Journal of Accountancy, pp. 36-41.

Knight, R. & Knight, L. (2019, October). Straddles: Risk Management Technique With Unfavorable Tax Rules. Journal of Taxation, 15-18.

Knight, R. & Knight, L. (2019, July). New Partnerships and Partners Should Know and Understand Certain Tax Provisions. Journal of Taxation, 18-22.

Knight, R. & Knight, L. (2018, May). How Do Partnerships Treat Options, Short Sales, And Unmatured Claims?  Journal of Taxation, 34-38.

Weller, P., Poulson, L. & Nienhaus, B. (2017, September) Ethical Choices at Choice House. IMA Educational Case Journal 10, (3), 1-5.

McGee, R.W., Souissi, M. & Tadros, H. (2021). Attitudes toward Tax Evasion: A Comparative Study of France and Japan. International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance, 6(3), 209-224.

Tadros, H., Magnan, M. & Boulianne, E. (2020). Is corporate disclosure of environmental performance indicators reliable or biased information? A look at the underlying drivers. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, 18, (4), 661-686.

Tadros, H., & Magnan, M. (2019, March). How does environmental performance map into environmental disclosure? A look at underlying economic incentives and legitimacy aims. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 10, (1), 62-96.

Bible, L & Tadros, H. (2017). An examination of gender differences in accounting students’ values at two points in time. Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy, 18, (4).

Udeh, I. (2020, Fall). Jore Company: A case based on the 2013 COSO internal control framework. Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research, 16, (1).

Udeh, I. (June 2020). Tangible Corporation: A receivables audit case. e-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 14(1), 90-118.

Udeh, I. (2019, December).  Observed Effectiveness of the COSO 2013 Framework. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change.

Udeh, I. (2019) Are graduate accounting programs meeting the profession’s expectations? Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research, Volume 14(2), 68-89.

Jared, K., and Udeh, I. (June 2018). Perspectives about audit review notes. Journal of Finance and Accountancy, Volume 23.

Udeh, I. (2017) Disclosure Effects of the PCAOB Part II Reports. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 13, (4), 568-580.


Bednar, S., Gicheva, D., & Link, A. (2021, April). Innovative Activity and Gender Dynamics. Small Business Economics, 56, 1591-1599.

Bednar S., & Rouse K. (2020, April). The effect of physical education on children’s body weight and human capital: New evidence from the ECLS-K:2011. Health Economics, 29, (4), 393-405.

Adhvaryu, A., Bednar, S., Nyshadham, A., Molina, T. & Nguyen, Q. (2020). When It Rains It Pours: The Long-run Economic Impacts of Salt Iodization in the United States. Review of Economics and Statistics, 102, (2), 395-407.

Bednar, S. & Gicheva, D. (2019). Workplace Support and Diversity in the Market for Public School Teachers. Education Finance and Policy, 14, (2).

Bednar, S. (2018). Campaigning and Election Outcomes in a Presidential Primary Election. Applied Economics Letters, 25, (10), 713-717.

Bednar, S. & Gicheva, D. (2018). Career Implications of Having a Female-Friendly Supervisor. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 71, (2), 426-457.

DiRienzo, C. & Das, J. (2020). Illicit Trade and Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions. Economics and Culture, 17, (2), 63-74.

DiRienzo, C. & Das, J. (2019). Women in Government, Environment, and Corruption. Environmental Development, 30, 103-113.

DiRienzo, C. & Das, J.  (2018, June). Income Distribution and Human Trafficking Outflows. Review of European Studies, 10, (2), 28-36.

DiRienzo, C. & Das, J. (2017). Human Trafficking and the Role of Culture. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 7 (20), 10-20.

Das, J. & DiRienzo, C. (2017). The Spillover Effects of Country Fragility in Africa. Developing Country Studies, 7, (1), 62-67.

Das, J. & DiRienzo, C. (2017). Human Trafficking and Country Borders. International Criminal Justice Review, 27, (4), 278-288.

DeLoach, S., Kurt, M., & Olitsky, N. (2019, November). Measuring Impact of Duration on Global Awareness through Study Abroad. Journal of Studies in International Education, 25, (1), 100-118.

Sansale, R., DeLoach, S., & Kurt, M. (2019, April). Unemployment duration and the personalities of young adult workers. Journal of Behavioral and Experiment Economics, 79, (1), 1-12.

DeLoach, S. & Smith-Lin, M. (2018). The Role of Savings and Credit in Coping with Idiosyncratic Household Shocks. The Journal of Development Studies, 54, (9), 1513-1533.

DeLoach, S. & Kurt, M. (2018, June). On-the-Job Search, Mismatch and Worker Heterogeneity. Journal of Labor Research, 39, (2), 219-233.

Mould, T. & DeLoach, S. (2017). Moving Beyond GPA: Alternative Measures of Success and Predictive Factors in Honors Programs. Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, 18, (1).

Wraight, S., Hoffman, J., Allpress, J. & Depro, B. (2018). Environmental Justice Concerns and the Proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline Route in North Carolina. In RTI Press Publication. (Report No. TBD). Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press.

Sullivan, P.E. and DiRienzo, C.E. (2021). A Seat at the Table or a Power Seat: The Impact of Simple Representation versus Power Representation of Women in Government on Funding for Primary Education. Advances in Social Science Research and Culture, 3(2): pp. 48 – 64.

DiRienzo, C. (2020). Human Trafficking: What the New IOM Database Reveals. Journal of Human Trafficking

DiRienzo, C. (2019) Corruption, Culture, and Women in Government. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 19, 315-332

DiRienzo, C. (June 2019).The Direct and Indirect Effects of Women in Government on Peace. Global Change, Peace & Security, 31, (2), 1-18.

DiRienzo, C. (2018, June). Compliance with anti-human trafficking policies: the mediating effect of corruption. Crime, Law and Social Change, 70, (5), 525-541.

Alfaro, L., Chari, A., Greenland, A., & Schott, P. (2020, April). Aggregate and Firm Level Stock Returns During Pandemics, in Real Time. Covid Economics, (4), 2-24.

Greenland, A., Ion, M., & Lopresti, J. (2019, August). Imports, Investment, and Policy Uncertainty. Canadian Journal of Economics.

Greenland, A., Lopresti, J., & McHenry, P. (2019, March). Import Competition and Internal Migration. Review of Economics and Statistics, 101, 44-59.

Islam, T., Newhouse, D., & Yanez-Pagns, M. (2021). International Comparisons of Poverty in South Asia. Asian Development Review, 38, (1), 142-175.

Islam, T. (2020, August). The impact of population agglomeration of an area on its neighbors: evidence from the USA. Annals of Regional Science, 65, (1), 1-26.

Islam, T. (2017, January). Multidimensional Human Opportunity Index. Social Indicators Research, 130, (2), 523-535.

Redington, D. & Russell, A. (2020). A Range Rule of Thumb: Estimation, History, Activity, and Validation. MathAMATYC Educator.

Rouse, K., Hunziker, B. (2020, December). Child Bodyweight and Human Capital: Test Scores, Teacher Assessments and Noncognitive Skills. Economics of Education Review, 79, 1-19.

Graves, J., McMullen, S. & Rouse, K. (2018). Teacher Turnover, Composition and Qualifications in the Year-Round School Setting. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy.

Bista, R. & Sheridan, B. (2021). Economic Growth Takeoffs and the extensive and intensive margins of trade. Review of Development Economics, 25(3): 1373-1396.

Brown, J. & Sheridan, B. (2020, July). The Impact of National Anthem Protests on National Football League Television Ratings. Journal of Sports Economics, 21 (8), 829-847.

Bista, R., Figueiredo, E., and Sheridan, B. (2019). Heterogeneous Time Zone Effects and Exports. Economics Bulletin, 39 (2), 1039-1046.

Bista, R., Figueiredo, E., and Sheridan, B. (2019). Takeoffs and Trade Margins: A Quantile Regression Approach. Empirical Economics, 1-20.

Al-Bahrani, A., & Sheridan, B. (2017). Evaluating Twitter and its impact on student learning in principles of economics courses. Journal of Economic Education

Sheridan, B., Smith, B. & Pleggenkuhle-Miles, E. (2017). Short vs. long: Cognitive load, retention, and changing class structures. Education Economics, 25 (5), 501-512.

Al-Bahrani, A., Patel, D. & Sheridan, B. (2017). Have economic educators embraced social media as a teaching tool? The Journal of Economic Education, 48 (1), 45-50.

Gupta, N., Strohush, V., and White, R. (2018, November). Investor reaction to simultaneous news releases: unemployment vs. earnings. Journal of Economics and Finance, 43, (4), 735-749.

Fedaseyeu, V. & Strohush, V. (2018). A Theory of Inefficient College Entry and Excessive Student Debt. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 18, (1).


Aiken, A., Clifford, C., Ellis, J., & Huang, Q. (2020). Funding Liquidity Risk and the Dynamics of Hedge Fund Lockups. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

Aiken, A. & Lee, C. (2020). Let’s Talk Sooner Rather Than Later: The Strategic Communication Decisions of Activist Blockholders, Journal of Corporate Finance.

Aiken, A., Ellis, J. & Kang, M. (2020, January). Do Politicians Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is? Ideology and Portfolio Choice. Management Science.

Bardos, K., Gupta, N., & Hughen, L. (2020, December). Stock Price Reaction to Being Named an International Sustainability Leader. The International Journal of Sustainability in Economic, Social, and Cultural Context, 16, (2), 15-28.

Gupta, N., Strohush, V., and White, R. (2018, November). Investor reaction to simultaneous news releases: unemployment vs. earnings. Journal of Economics and Finance, 43, (4), 735-749.

Gupta, N., Upton, K., & Synn, W. (2019, Summer). Updating the 100-Year Old DuPont Analysis: Using ROME vs. ROE. Advances in Financial Education, 1-14

Gupta, N., Golec, J., & Giaccotto, C. (2018). Does the Stock Market React Differently to Intangible Asset Investments than to Tangible Asset Investments? The Journal of Business Inquiry, 18, (1), 53-67.

Hartsema, S., Harris, C., Li, Z., & Morillon, T. (2021, April). Intangible Assets and Trade Credit Policy. Managerial Finance, 47, (9), 1286-1299.

Harris, C. & Roark, S. (2019, June). Cash Flow Risk and Capital Structure Decisions. Finance Research Letters, 29, (C), 393-397.

Harris, C., Roark, S., & Zhe, L. (2019, April). Cash Flow Volatility and Trade Credit in Asia. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 15, (2), 257-271.

Harris, C. (2017). Exploring the Decline in Trade Credit Investment. Managerial Finance, 43, (12), 1375-1391.

Harris, C. & Dudney, D. (2018). Securitization, Trade Credit and the Nature of Goods. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 18, (2), 47-71.

Danso, C., Kaprielyan, M., & Hossain, M. M. (2021). CEO social capital and asset sell-offs. Managerial Finance.

Agapova, A., & Kaprielyan, M. (2020, November). Stock volatility and trading. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 54, 101242.

Kaprielyan, M., Hossain, M. M., & Danso, C. A. (2019). Mutual Fund Trading around Mergers and Fund Performance. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 16, (1), 1-20.

Kaprielyan, M., & Brady, K. (2018, December). The Role of Dividend Policy in Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 47, 14-30.

Morillon, T. (2021). Serial Acquirers & Decreasing Returns: Do Bidders’ Acquisition Patterns Matter? The Financial Review, Vol. 56 No. 3, pp. 407-432

Howe, J. & Morillon, T. (2020, July). Do Mergers and Acquisitions Affect Information Asymmetry in the Banking Sector? Managerial Finance.

Attachot, W., Guragai, B., & Peabody, D. (2020, June). Financial Statement Presentation of Discontinued Operations: Determinants and Consequences. Advances in Accounting, 49, 100472.

Nishi, H. & Peabody, D. (2019, September). The Information Content of Stock Prices after Bankruptcy: Does Volatility Affect the Probability of Successful Emergence? Managerial Finance 45 (9), 1166-1182.

Upton, K. (2018, June). Does it Pay to Use Investor Relations? An Examination of the Impact of Investor Relations Firms on M&A. Quarterly Journal of Finance, 8, (2), 87-115.

Sherrill, E. & Upton, K. (2018). Actively managed ETFs versus actively managed mutual funds. Managerial Finance, 44, (3), 303-325

Brooks, R. & Upton, K. (2017). Bond Holding Period Return Decomposition. Journal of Investing, 26, (2), 78-90.

Li, X., Qiao, P., & Zhao, L. (2019, September). CEO media exposure, political connection and Chinese firms’ stock price synchronicity. International Review of Economics & Finance, 63, (C), 61-75.

Fung, H.G., Wang, Z., & Zhao, L. (2018). Does more trading lead to better market linkage? Evidence from the Commodity futures market. China Finance and Economic Review, 7, (1), 50-72.

Management & Entrepreneurship

AbuJarour, S., Ajjan, H., Fedorowicz, J., and Owen, D. (2021) How Working from Home During COVID-19 Affects Academic Productivity. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 48, (1), 8.

AbuJarour, S., Ajjan, H., Fedorowicz, J., and Köster, A. (2021). ICT Support for Refugees and undocumented immigrants. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 48, (1), 40.

Crittenden, V. L., Crittenden, W. F., & Ajjan, H. (2020, Sept/Oct). Women in sales in developing countries: The value of technology for social impact. Business Horizons, 63, (5), 619-626.

Ajjan, H., Crittenden, W. F., & Goneos-Malka, A. (2019) Technology and Self-efficacy: Empowering South Africa. Go-to-Market Strategies for Women Entrepreneurs, Emerald Publishing Limited, 125-136.

Harrison, D. E., & Ajjan, H. (2019). Customer Relationship Management Technology: Bridging the Gap between Marketing Education and Practice. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 7, (4), 205-219.

Crittenden, V., Crittenden, W., & Ajjan, H. (2019). Empowering women micro-entrepreneurs in emerging economies: The role of information communications technology. Journal of Business Research, 98, 191-203.

Khouja, M., Ajjan, H., & Liu, X. (2019). The effect of return and price adjustment policies on a retailer’s performance. European Journal of Operational Research, 276, (2), 466-482.

Ajjan, H., Cao, Y., Hartshorne, R. (2019). How Compulsive Social Media Use Influences College Students’ Performance: A Structural Equation Analysis with Gender Comparison. International Journal of Learning Technology, 14, (1), 18-41.

Cao, Y., Ajjan, H., Hong, P. and, Le. T. (2018). Using Social Media for Competitive Business Outcomes: A Empirical Study of Companies in China. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 15, (2), 211-235.

Cao, Y., Ajjan, H., and Hong, P. (2018). Post Purchase Shipping and Customer Service Experiences in Online Shopping and Their Impact on Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study with Comparison. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 30, (2) 400-416.

Lewellyn, K.B., & Bao, S. (2020, December). R&D Investment Around the World: Effects of Ownership and Performance-Based Cultural Contexts. Thunderbird International Business Review, 63, 1.

Li, S., Park, S., & Bao. S. (2018, December). The Transition from Relation-Based to Rule-Based Governance in East Asia: Theories, Evidence, and Challenges. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 14, 1.

Lewellyn, K.B. & Bao, S. (2017). The role of national culture and corruption on managing earnings around the world. Journal of World Business.

Bao, S., & Lewellyn, K.B. (2017). Ownership Structure and Earnings Management in Emerging Markets – An Institutionalized Agency Perspective. International Business Review, 26, (5), 828-838.

Bao, S., & Lewellyn, K.B. (2017) Corruption in China – A Review. Journal of Modern China Studies, (2).

Benson, C., Palin, G., Farrell, K., & Cooney, T. (2019). Agents of Change: Using Transformative Learning Theory to Enhance Business Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Social Entrepreneurship Education. Journal of Legal Studies in Business, 22.

Jiang, D.S. & Hayward, S.D. (2021). Socioemotional power play: how family firm successors use upward influence to gain control. Organizational Dynamics.

Lewis, M., Hayward, S.D., & Hornyak, R., (2017, November). Design thinking: breaking fixation for new relationships between organizations. Journal of Business Strategy, 38, 6, 20-30.

Jiang, D.S., Hayward, S.D., & Morris, M.L., (2017, January). Raising entrepreneurs: can parenting style amplify entrepreneurial intentions and behaviors? International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 16, 1/2, 13-33.

Lewis, M.O., Hayward, S.D., Baxter, R. & Coffey, B. (2017), Stakeholder enrolment and business network formation: a process perspective on technology innovation. International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship, 3, 3, 203-227.

Hayward, S.D. & Walker, T.A. (2017), All Things Must Pass: The Rise and Fall of Tower Records. Management Teaching Review, 1:4.

Simarasl, N., Jiang, D.S., Kellermanns, F.W., & Debicki, B. (2020) Unmasking the social ghost in the machine: How the need to belong and family business potency affect family firm performance. Family Business Review, 33(4), 351-371.

Jiang, D.S., Kellermanns, F.W., Munyon, T.P. & Morris, M.L. (2018) More than meets the eye: A review and future directions for the social psychology of socioemotional wealth. Family Business Review, 31(1), 125-157.

Dowin Kennedy, E. (2021). Creating community: The process of entrepreneurial community building for civic wealth creation. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 33 (9-10), 816-836.

Beaton, E. & Dowin Kennedy, E. (2021). Responding to Failure: The Promise of Social Enterprises as Market Menders. Public Management Review, 23, (5), 641-664.

Dowin Kennedy, E., McMahon, S.R., Reis, D. (2020, September). Independence in the making: Using makerspace experiences to build foundational entrepreneurial competencies. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 4, (3), 549-563.

Ghosh-Moulick, A., Alexiou, K., Dowin Kennedy, E., & Parris, D. (2020, July). A total eclipse of the heart: compensation strategy in entrepreneurial nonprofits. Journal of Business Venturing. 35(4): 1-18.

Dowin Kennedy, E. & Haigh, N. (2019). Forging Ahead or Grasping at Straws? The Affects and Outcomes of Social Enterprise Legal Structure Change. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 10, (1), 30-54.

Parris, D., Alexiou, K., Dowin Kennedy, E., & Linnane. M. (2018, June). Start with what you have: When a hurricane’s ill winds shape a serial entrepreneur’s path to changing. Organizational Dynamics, 47, (4), 219-228.

Bowling, N.A., Lyons, B.D., & Burns, G.N. (2020). Staying quiet or speaking out: Does the likelihood of peer reporting depend on the type of counterproductive work behavior witnessed? Journal of Personnel Psychology, 19, (1), 14-23.

Bayer, J.E., & Lyons, B.D. (2020, March). Reexamining the demand for HR certifications in the United States. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 28, (1), 85-97.

Lyons, B.D., Moorman, R.H., & Mercado, B.K. (2019). Normalizing mistreatment? Investigating Dark Triad, LMX, and abuse. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 40, 369-380.

Lyons, B. & Bowling, N. (2017). On the effectiveness of peer reporting policies. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 32, (8), 547-56.

Gentry, W.A., Hoffman, B.J., Lyons, B.D. (2017). Box scores and bottom lines: Sports data can inform research and practice in organizations. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32, 509-512.

Stevenson, R., McMahon, S.R., Ciuchta, M., & Letwin, C. (2021). Entrepreneur fund-seeking: Toward a theory of funding fit in the era of equity crowdfunding. Small Business Economics, 1-26.

McMahon, S. (2019). Lean data: How small insights drive big data innovation. Organizational Dynamics, 48, (1), 56-62.

McMahon, S.R., & Orr, Laura A. (2017) Pop psychology? Searching for evidence, real or perceived, in bestselling business books. Organizational Dynamics, 46, (4), 195-201.

Ciuchta, M., Stevenson, R., Letwin, C., McMahon, S.R., Huvaj, M. N. (2017) Betting on the coachable entrepreneur: Signaling and social exchange in entrepreneurial pitches. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 42, (6).

Wiernik, B.M., Ones, D.S., Marlin, B.M., Giordano, C., Dilchert, S., Mercado, B.K., Stanek, K., Birkland, A., Wang, Y., Ellis, B., Yazar, Y., Kostal., J.W., Kumar, S., Hnat, T., Ertin, E., Sano, A., Srivastava, M., Ganesan, D.K., Choudhoury, T., al’Absi, M., & Buder, E.H. (2020, November). Using Mobile Sensors to Study Personality Dynamics. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 36, (6).

Mercado, B.K., & Dilchert, S. (2017). Family interference with work and its relationship with organizational citizenship and counterproductive work behaviors. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 54(4), 406-415.

Mercado, B.K., Giordano, C., & Dilchert, S. (2017). A meta-analytic examination of cyberloafing. Career Development International, 22, (5), 546-564.

Moorman, R.H., Blakely, G.L., & Darnold, T.C. (2018).  Understanding how Perceived Leader Integrity Affects Follower Trust:  Lessons from the Use of Multidimensional Measures of Integrity and Trust.  Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.

Weller, P., Poulson, L. & Nienhaus, B. (2017, September) Ethical Choices at Choice House. IMA Educational Case Journal 10, (3), 1-5.

Moura, D.P., & Miller, H.T. (2019). On Legitimacy: Is Public Administration Stigmatized? Administration & Society, 51, (5), 770–794.

Selvarajan, T.T., Singh, B., Stringer, D., & Chapa, O. (2020, July). Work-Family Conflict and Well-Being: Moderating Role of Spirituality. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 17, (5), 419-438.

Selvarajan, T. T., Singh, B., & Stringer, D. Y. (2020). Job-spouse demands and work–family conflict: Role of religiosity and spirituality. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 12, (2), 157–166.

Selvarajan, T.T., Singh, B. & Tripathi, R. (2019, Fall). Psychological Empowerment and Employee Outcomes in Mexico: The Role of Individual Power Distance Orientation and Perceived Organizational Support. Advanced Management Journal, 84, (4), 4- 21.

Singh, B., Selvarajan, T.T., & Solansky, S. (2019, November). Coworker influence on employee performance: A conservation of resources perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 34, (8), 587-600.

Singh, B., Selvarajan, T.T., & Chapa, O. (2019, November). High-quality relationships as antecedents of OCB: Roles of identity freedom and gender. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal, 38, (8) 793-813.

Selvarajan, T.T., Singh, B., Cloninger., P. A. (2019). Work-Family Conflict and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: Moderating Role of Regulatory Focus and Mediating Role of Affect. Organization Management Journal, 16, (1), 42-54

Selvarajan, T.T., Singh, B., & Solansky, S. (2018). Performance appraisal fairness, leader member exchange and motivation to improve performance: A study of US and Mexican employees. Journal of Business Research, 85, 142-154.

Singh, B., Shaffer, M.A., & Selvarajan, T.T. (2018). Antecedents of organizational and community embeddedness: The roles of support, psychological safety, and need to belong. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, (3), 339-354.

Valle, M., Carlson, D., Carlson, J., Zivnuska, S., Harris, K, & Harris, R. (2021). Technology-enacted abusive supervision and its effect on work and family. The Journal of Social Psychology, 161, (3), 272-286.

Valle, M., Andrews, M.A., & Kacmar, K.M. (2020). Situational antecedents to organizational identification and the role of supervisor support. Organization Management Journal, 17, (3), 153-166.

Wan, M., Zivnuska, S., Valle, M. (2020). Examining Mindfulness and its Relationship to Unethical Behaviors. Management Research Review, 43, (12).

Kacmar, K., Andrews, M., Valle, M., Tillman, C.  & Clifton C. (2020, March): The interactive effects of role overload and resilience on family-work enrichment and associated outcomes. The Journal of Social Psychology, 160, (5), 688-701.

Zivnuska,S., Carlson, D., Carlson, J., Harris, K., Harris, R., & Valle, M. (2020, February). Information and communication technology incivility aggression in the workplace: Implications for work and family. Information Processing & Management, 57.

Valle, M., Kacmar, K., & Zivnuska, S. (2019, April). Understanding the Effects of Political Environments on Unethical Behavior in Organizations. Journal of Business Ethics, 156, 173-188.

Valle, M. & Levy, D. (2019, February). Promoting Polyarchy and Professionalism in Officer Character and Leadership Development. Journal of Character and Leadership Development, 125-134.

Valle, M., Kacmar, K. M., Andrews, M. (2018). Ethical Leadership, Frustration, and Humor:  A Moderated-Mediation Model. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 39, (5), 665-678.

Valle, M., Kacmar, K. M., Zivnuska, S., & Harting, T. (2018, May). Abusive Supervision, Leader-Member Exchange and Moral Disengagement: A Moderated-Mediation Model of Organizational Deviance. The Journal of Social Psychology.

Valle, M., Rich, C. R., & Cox, P. (2017). Continuous improvement through engagement, innovation, and impact: Development of a scoring model to measure scholarly impact. Business Education Innovation Journal, 9, (2).

Gallagher, V.C., Maher, L.P., Gallagher, K.P., & Valle, M. (2017). Development and Validation of a Comprehensive Work-related Needs Measure. Psychological Reports, 120, (5), 914-942.

Zivnuska, S., Kacmar, K., & Valle, M. (2017). The mechanisms of regulatory focus: Mindfulness, leader-member exchange, and motivational outcomes. Career Development International, 22, (1), 37-49.

Marketing & International Business

Garber, L.L. Jr., Kim, K., & Dotson, M. (2020). A Method for the Selection of Appropriate B2B Integrated Marketing Communications Mixes. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.

Das, N., Garber, L.L. Jr., Hyatt, E., & Nafees, L. (2020). A Cross-Cultural Exploration of the Organic Product Perceptions of Indian and American Consumers. International Journal of Management Practice.

Garber, L.L. Jr., Boya, U. & Hyatt, E. (2018). Hypotheses of Equivalence and Their Testing. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 26, (3), 280-288.

Garber, L.L. Jr., Hyatt, E.M. & Boya. U.O. (2018). Constituting, testing, and validating the gender learner profiles of serious game participants. The International Journal of Management Education, 16, 205-223.

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