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Experiences in Journalism

Building relationships
Journalism majors can build their acumen and their professional network through several on-campus organizations.
Radio Television Digital News Association of the Carolinas
For more than a decade the School of Communications has served as the academic home of the Radio Television Digital News Association of the Carolinas, more widely known as RTDNAC. The nonprofit, volunteer-run organization is dedicated to supporting broadcast and digital news professionals and students in North and South Carolina. The association hosts an annual awards luncheon and convention each fall, bringing together media professionals and journalism students to celebrate the best in broadcast journalism. Elon students and alumni often have a large presence at the awards luncheon. Additionally, RTDNAC sponsors professional development opportunities, as well as a spring workshop where students can network with news managers and employers in preparation for post-graduation employment. Associate Professor Alex Luchsinger serves as RTDNAC’s executive administrator and treasurer. For more information, visit www.rtdnac.org.
RTDNA student chapter
The Elon student chapter of the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) has been active at Elon since 1999. The group meets for special activities and sponsors student trips to the annual RTDNA convention. It is open to all full-time students preparing for a radio or television journalism career. The cost is $50, and it includes access to a job bank, resume site and other web-based resources in addition to a one-year subscription to Communicator, the RTDNA magazine. For more information, contact Luchsinger at 336-278-4599 or aluchsinger@elon.edu.
Society of Professional Journalists
The Elon SPJ group sponsors six special events a year, hosts guest speakers and offers journalism workshops open to the Elon University community. The national organization was first known as Sigma Delta Chi when it was started in 1909. Its members are dedicated to the idea that a free press is the cornerstone of our nation and our liberty. Members pay a $35 fee. In return they receive 10 issues of Quill, the SPJ magazine about journalists and journalism, and access to useful job banks and internship information offered through the SPJ website. To read more information about the national organization, visit www.spj.org. For information about the SPJ chapter, contact the group’s adviser, Kelly Furnas, at 336-278-5737 or kfurnas@elon.edu.
National Press Photographers Association
The National Press Photographers Association is dedicated to the advancement of visual journalism, its creation, practice, training, editing and distribution in all news media and works to promote its role as a vital public service. Elon University’s student chapter of the NPPA meets regularly to discuss subjects ranging from technical skills to career opportunities. For more information, contact its adviser, Randy Piland, at 336-278-5232 or rpiland@elon.edu.