Elon University prohibits revenue-sharing arrangements with any lender. Lenders are reviewed each year on the basis of customer service and borrower benefits as well as their ability to meet the overall needs of students. A lender list may be provided to aid students in their search for the lender that best suits their needs. Elon University may not assign lenders to borrowers or participate in any type of preferred lender arrangement.
Employees of the financial aid office at Elon University are prohibited from receiving gifts or financial benefits from a lender or loan servicer. Employees may accept standard materials or attend programs provided for the purpose of training and professional development.
All financial aid events and services will be managed and staffed by Elon employees. Elon administrators not employed in the financial aid office may serve as unpaid members on a board of directors of a lender for the purpose of improving service to borrowers. In such instances the university will cover any expenses associated with travel, meals and lodging that may be incurred while serving on such boards.
Elon strives to keep the best interest of its students at all times by adhering to all federal regulations pertaining to the administration of financial aid.