Event Video Announcements
Law school video screen event posting procedures
Students at Elon Law are encouraged to make use of wall-mounted video screens in Cemala Foundation Commons on the second floor of the H. Michael Weaver Building, inside the Lincoln Financial building, and in the law school’s front lobby. These screens will display notices of upcoming events.
If you would like to submit an event to be posted on these screens, please observe the following guidelines and procedures:
We seek to use these video screens to promote events that are open to all law students and/or to the broader Elon community or to the public. Therefore, we do not plan to post notices of recurring student organization meetings, but we will be happy to post information about student organization interest meetings and student-led events designed for broader audiences.
Event announcements must be submitted as a PowerPoint slide. The PowerPoint slides available through the links that follow are offered for use as templates, but other designs will be considered:
- Video Screen Template One
- Video Screen Template Two
- Video Screen Template Three
- Video Screen Template Four
Slides must be in a 20 inch width by 11.25 inch height format to conform to video screen specifications. The law school reserves the right to modify designs and to edit content.
We recommend the following information be included in event postings:
- Event Title
- Speaker and Speaker Affiliation
- Date
- Time
- Location
- RSVP details if RSVP is required
- Sponsoring Organization(s)
- You may also choose to provide a contact name and email address for those who may desire additional information.
Please contact the Director of Communications at Elon Law with any questions about the use of law school video screens for event notices.