
The Service Living Learning Community is for incoming first-year students interested in integrating into campus life through a community service lens. The Service LLC introduces students to Elon by providing opportunities to volunteer with campus and community organizations, while providing a foundation for social justice education through discussion of important local issues. The Service LLC provides an opportunity to become familiar with the local community outside of the Elon bubble, and offers a residential opportunity to live alongside other students who are passionate about service and want to be engaged on campus.

Since the Service LLC consists of entirely first-year students, much emphasis is placed on supporting floor members in their transition to Elon’s campus.  Students living in the Service LLC take their COR 110 Global Experience course together during their first semester in order to have a shared academic experience.  Additionally, three student leaders who previously lived on the Service LLC floor organize service projects and fun activities on and off campus, and provide mentorship and guidance throughout the school year.  Members have a Service LLC specific orientation early in the school year.

Members of the Service LLC deepen their service commitments in the spring as they delve into a long-term service experience with one local organization of their choosing.  Some floor members choose to pursue their Service Experiential Learning (ELR) requirements as result of their participation.


Explore the Service LLC Syllabus 2022-2023


  • Live in a positive social and academic environment
  • Participation in service projects with a dedication to learning and growth through reflection
  • Enrollment in a linked COR 110 course with other Service LLC members
  • Participate in social activities such as floor dinners, trips to Greensboro, and more!
  • Gain an increased awareness of social issues facing the local community
  • Develop transferable skills and connections that will serve you throughout your college experience
  • Develop a strong connection to service organizations and leadership opportunities through the Kernodle Center for Civic Life and Elon Volunteers!


Students must show an interest in and commitment to service and community engagement. Students will be expected to actively participate in service projects and social events.

What is the facility like?

Located on the 1st floor of Building C in the East Neighborhood

How do I apply?

To apply to live in this LLC, visit this page for more information. Please note: you must be an incoming first year student to apply for this LLC.


Contact the SLC Advisors:

For additional information, visit the Service LLC webpage on the Kernodle Center for Civic Life website.