Get to Know Your Global Neighbors


Neighborhood Leadership Team

Mariann King is the Community Director (CD) of Global Neighborhood. She lives in Global E with her dog, Luna. Her office is on the first floor of Global Commons.

  • The CD attends to the daily operations and running of the neighborhood. Primary responsibilities include: supervising PA/GA/RA staff, adjudicating conduct cases, serving as a case manager for residential students, mediating roommate conflicts, and partnering with the FD and FIR to facilitate neighborhood programming.


Dr. Sandy Marshall is the Faculty Director (FD) of Global. Professor Marshall lives in Global C with his wife and two kids. His campus office is in Linder Hall, but you can find him often in Global Neighborhood office on the first floor of Global Commons.

  • The FD is responsible for establishing academic linkages with the neighborhood and fostering learning and engagement opportunities, including facilitating weekly signature events, monthly traditions, and special activities.


Lucy Sneader is the Graduate Apprentice (GA) for Global Neighborhood, beginning in August 2024. Her office is located on the first floor of Global Commons.

  • The GA works in the neighborhood for 20 hours per week to fulfill an experiential learning component of their master’s program. The GA directly supervises a portion of the RA staff and completes tasks like those of the CD.


Mary Harding serves as the Program Assistant (PA) for Global Neighborhood has an office located on the first floor of Global Commons.

  • The PA serves as the main face of the neighborhood office, attending to administrative tasks such as: managing budgets, answering incoming phone calls, and neighborhood communication. This person is also a critical partner in the planning process for neighborhood events.


Dr. Jessica Gisclair serves as a Faculty-in-Residence (FIR) in Global Neighborhood. She lives in Global A and advises the International Living Learning Community.

  • The FIR advises the International LLC, assists with learning engagement opportunities and signature events, and serves as an advisor to students in the building.


Together, Dr. Marshall, Mariann, Mary, Dr. Gisclair, and Lucy oversee the development of the social and intellectual life of the Global Neighborhood. Dr. Marshall and Mariann are the Co-Chairs for the Global Neighborhood Association, which consists of students who reside in the neighborhood as well as faculty and staff who are engaged in various events and programs with the neighborhood. The Neighborhood Association works to serve the interests of the residents in the Global community while planning and implementing programming that fulfills the objectives and goals of the Global Neighborhood Plan. The Neighborhood Association meets four to six times per year and offers leadership opportunities for students and an easy way for faculty and staff to become more engaged in the life of our neighborhood. Please connect with Dr. Marshall or Mariann for more information about connecting to the neighborhood.



Global Neighborhood Associations

To promote community development, generate ideas, and implement neighborhood plans, the Global Neighborhood fosters two associations: a Neighborhood Association (NA) and a Student Neighborhood Association (SNA).

The Global Neighborhood Association consists of faculty and staff representatives from our key campus partners: Global Education Center (GEC), Core Curriculum (COR 1100 Linked Faculty), Belk Library, Dining Engagement, the CREDE, Kernodle Center, Elon Sustainability, and the Truitt Center. This association gathers during Planning Week to strategize the implementation of the neighborhood plan and again February to to assess the status of the current plan and to begin brainstorming for the upcoming year. Relevant members of the association meet monthly as needed to discuss monthly events they are planning, involved in, or supporting.


The Student Neighborhood Association is comprised of Global Neighborhood residential students and is co-chaired by the Faculty Director and Graduate Apprentice. In the first two weeks of the Fall semester, each building selects a spokesperson to serve as a Representative of their building/LLC. The Building Reps are responsible for encouraging student attendance at neighborhood events and advocating for the needs/wants of the students in their building. The SNA will meet monthly to discuss updates, event promotion, and event planning. One SNA member will serve as the RHA representative and attend those monthly meetings as well, serving as a liaison between Global Neighborhood and Residence Life.


Global Neighborhood Association Members


  • Faculty Director: Dr. Sandy Marshall
  • Community Director: Mariann King

Faculty and Staff Representatives

  • Graduate Assistant: Lucy Sneader
  • Faculty-in-Residence: Jessica Gisclair
  • Representative(s) from the LLC Advisors: TBA
  • Faculty Representatives: TBA
  • Staff Representatives: TBA

Student Representatives

  • Living Learning Assistant: TBA
  • Senior Resident Advisor: TBA
  • IRC Liaison: TBA

Residential Learning Community Faculty and Staff Advisors

African Diaspora – Exploring Blackness Across the Globe – Global C, 4th Floor, Advisor: Simone Royal

ASHES (Alcohol and Substance-free Housing for Elon Students) – Global C, 1st Floor, Advisor: Callie Kelly

Creative Arts – Global E, 2nd Floor, Advisors: Alison Van Norman & Ally Wente

International – Global Building A, 2nd Floor, Advisor: Jessica Gisclair

Performing Arts – Global B, 2nd Floor, Advisors: Brian Kremer & Alexandra Warren

Polyglot Floor (World Languages) – All languages are welcome! Global Building D, 1st Floor, Advisors: Ricardo Mendoza & Kristin Lange